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A Study of the Problems of Learning and Translating Idioms
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Idioms are a very important part of the English language: you are told that if you want to go far (succeed) you should pull your socks up (make a serious effort to improve your behaviour, the quality of your work, etc.) and use your grey matter (brain).1 Learning and translating idioms have always been very difficult for foreign language learners. The present paper explores some of the reasons why English idiomatic expressions are difficult to learn and translate. It is not the aim of this paper to attempt a comprehensive survey of the vast amount of material that has appeared on idioms in Adams and Kuder (1984), Alexander (1984), Dixon (1983), Kirkpatrick (2001), Langlotz (2006), McCarthy and O'Dell (2002), and Wray (2002), among others. The paper concentrates on idioms as a learning-translation problem; it makes no claim to be comprehensive or academically rigorous. Leech (1989) defines an idiom as follows: “An idiom is a group of two or more words which we have to treat as a unit in learning a language. We cannot arrive at the meaning of the idiom just by adding together the meanings of the words inside it. E.g.John and Mary usedto be hardup (='They had very little money'.)”(P.186) To be more exact, an idiom is a sequence of words which is semantically and syntactically restricted, so that they function as a single unit. From a semantic point of view, the meanings of the individual words cannot be summed to produce the meanings of the idiomatic expression as a whole. Thus, fly off the handle, which means lose one's temper, cannot be understood in terms of the meanings of fly, off, or handle. The idiom phrase hot air, which means empty or boastful talk, is neither hot nor air; with hot air we are dealing with a set phrase where the meaning cannot be suggested on the basis of the two constituent words. The idiomatic meaning of spill the beans in So who spilt the beans (=told the secret) about her affair with David? has nothing to do with beans or with spilling in its literal sense. The foreign-language learner is left trying to figure out where and how the beans were spilt. From a syntactic viewpoint, the constituent parts of an idiom often do not permit the usual variability they display in other contexts. The point to be emphasized here is this: most idioms do not lend themselves easily to manipulation by speakers and writers; they are invariable and must be learned as wholes, but concord ofnumber, person and gender in the idiom phrase is still necessary, i.e. the verbs must be put into the correct form, and pronouns must agree with their antecedents: I don't give a hoot for her opinion! 2 • She doesn't give a hoot for my opinion! etc.)║He won, but only by the skin of his teeth2• She won, but only by the skin of her teeth• Iwon, but only by the skin ofmy teeth,I had to run for the train, and caught it by the skin of myteeth, etc.║He kept pullingmy arm, throwing me off my balance 2 • She kept pulling his arm, throwing him off his balance • We kept pullingher arm, throwingher offher balance, etc.2 The present paper is divided into five parts, as follows: Part I: An Overview; PART II: Learner’s Difficulties with Idioms; PART III: Some Pedagogical recommendations and Suggestions about Idioms; Part IV: Activities to Practice Idiomatic Expressions; Part V: Summary and Conclusion.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Eastern-european Journal Of Enterprise Technologies
Investigation of evaluated temperature oxidation for IN-738 LC superalloy turbine blade thermally coated by AL2O3 using slurry coating process
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The study aims to investigate the effect of Al2O3 and Al additions to Nickel-base superalloys as a coating layer on oxidation resistance, and structural behavior of nickel superalloys such as IN 738 LC. Nickel-base superalloys are popular as base materials for hot components in industrial gas turbines such as blades due to their superior mechanical performance and high-temperature oxidation resistance, but the combustion gases' existence generates hot oxidation at high temperatures for long durations of time, resulting in corrosion of turbine blades which lead to massive economic losses. Turbine blades used in Iraqi electrical gas power stations require costly maintenance using traditional processes regularly. These blades are made

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Peristaltic Transport of Power-Law Fluid in an Elastic Tapered Tube with Variable Cross-Section Induced by Dilating Peristaltic Wave
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The peristaltic transport of power-law fluid in an elastic tapered tube with variable cross-section induced by dilating peristaltic wave is studied. The exact solution of the expression for axial velocity, radial velocity, stream function, local shear stress, volume of flow rate and pressure gradient are obtained under the assumption of long wavelength and low Reynolds number. The effects of all parameters that appear in the problem are analyzed through graphs. The results showed that the flux is sinusoidal in nature and it is an increasing function with the increase of  whereas it is a decreasing function with the increase of . An opposite behavior for shear strain is noticed compared to pressure gradient.  Finally, trapping p

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Scopus (6)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Structured Educational Program on Nurses’ Practices Concerning Therapeutic Communication at Cardiac Care Units in Holy Karbala Governorate Hospitals
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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program on nurses' practices concerning therapeutic communication.
Methodology: A quasi experimental design was carried out at Karbala Center for Cardiac Diseases and Surgery, Imam Hussein Medical City and Al-Handia General Hospital for period 10th June 2017 to the 15th of August 2018.
The program and instruments were constructed and developed by the researcher to measure the purpose of the study. Purposive sample comprised of (57) nurses were divided into two groups, study and control groups. The questionnaire consisted from two parts, first part is related to nurses' demographic characteristics and second part which include practices checkl

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Multiple Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays Reaction 32 70 70 33 ( , ) Ge p n As γ Using a2-ratio Method.
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 The δ-mixing of γ-transitions in 70As populated in the 32 70 70 33 ( , ) Ge p n As γ
 reaction is
calculated in the present work by using the a2-ratio methods.    In one work we applied this method for two cases,   the first one is for pure transition and the sacend one is for non pure transition, We take into account the experimental a2-coefficient for previous works and δ -values for one transition only.The results obtained are, in general, in a good agreement within associated errors, with those reported previously , the discrepancies that occur are due to inaccuracies existing in the experimental data of the previous works.   

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Removal of Malachite Green from Aqueous Solution using Ficus Benjamina Activated Carbon-Nonmetal Oxide synthesized by pyro Carbonic Acid Microwave
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Activated carbon derived from Ficus Binjamina agro-waste synthesized by pyro carbonic acid microwave method and treated with silicon oxide (SiO2) was used to enhance the adsorption capability of the malachite green (MG) dye. Three factors of concentration of dye, time of mixing, and the amount of activated carbon with four levels were used to investigate their effect on the MG removal efficiency. The results show that 0.4 g/L dosage, 80 mg/L dye concentration, and 40 min adsorption duration were found as an optimum conditions for 99.13% removal efficiency. The results also reveal that Freundlich isotherm and the pseudo-second-order kinetic models were the best models to describe the equilibrium adsorption data.


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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 06 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Self-Regulation Fluid Program on Patients with Hemodialysis Self-Efficacy for Fluid Adherence in Al-Diwaniyah Teaching Hospital
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Objectives: to evaluate patient knowledge with hemodialysis and to determine the effectiveness of Self-regulation Fluid Program on Patients with hemodialysis self-efficacy for fluid adherence in Al-Diwaniyah Teaching Hospital.

Methodology: A quasi-experimental design (two group design: pre-test and post-test) was used. This study was conducted in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital for the period from (15th of October 2018 to 20th of May 2019) on a non-probability (purposive) sample consisting of (60 patients) treatment in hemodialysis units. A questionnaire was built as a data collection tool and consisted of four parts:

First part: Demographic characteristics of the pati

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
1-D Simulation of Ultrafast-Pulsed Laser into Nano-Sized Multilayered Structure (Ni81Fe19/Cu/YIG/GGG) for Memory Device Applications
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     Spintronic offers a solution by exploiting spin instead of electron charge since spin current propagation can occur in principle without dissipation. One of the applications involve within this project for storage media is heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). The objective of this study is to simulate the behavior of thermal gradient to generate a pure spin current using an ultrafast femtosecond (fs) laser in a nano-sized  multilayered structure of (Al2O3/Ni81Fe19 (Py)/Cu/Y3Fe5O12 (YIG)/Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG)) at room temperature. A ferromagnetic/spacer/magnetic insulator nano-sized multilayered is the proposed structure f

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Nov 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Socio-economic Status on Age at Menarche among Secondary School Students at AL-Dora Region in Baghdad Governorate
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Objective: To assess the Impact of Socio-economic status on age at menarche among secondary school students at
AL-Dora city in Baghdad, Iraq.
Methodology: This is a cross sectional study with multi-stage sampling was carried out during the period from the
th of December2013 to 12th of March 2014. The Sample comprised of 1760 girls, 1510 girls from urban area and
250 from rural area was included in the study. In first stage, selection of schools was done, and one class was
selected randomly from each level of Education, The data collection through a special questionnaire which Contain
the age of girl by year, class level, birth order, number of household, number of rooms, residency (urban/rural),
education level

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Ultrasonic Technique to Measure Some Petrophysical Properties of Yamama Formation at Ratawi-7 Oil Well Core Samples, Southern Iraq
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Twenty nine core samples were taken from Ratawi 7 Oil well according to the presence of oil in formation and availability of core samples. This well is located in the province of Basra/southern Iraq. The samples were collected from Yamama Formation. The core samples are taken from the well at different depths, ranging between (3663m-3676m). The range of Vp for these core samples is (668-4017 m/sec) and its average is (1779 m/sec), While the range of Vs is (291-1854 m/sec) and its average is (796 m/sec). In the current study the ultrasonic method is conducted to measure Vp, Vs as well as some petrophysical properties for core samples and some elastic moduli such as (Young's modulus, Bulk modulus, Shear modulus, Poisson's ratio and Lame's

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Nursing Performance Concerning Nasogastric Tube in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at al-Batool Teaching Hospital in Baqubah City
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Objectives: The study aim to evaluate nursing performance during nasogastric tube feeding in neonatal intensive care unit. Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at al–Batool Teaching Hospital, for the purpose of evaluate of quality of nursing performance for premature baby during nasogastric tube feeding in neonatal intensive care unit. The study consumed the period from 4th of December 2017 to the 24nd of April 2018, Non-probability purposive sample of (25) nurses working in the neonatal intensive care unit. The data were collected through the use of Observational instrument which consist of socio-demographic characteristics, quality of nursing care. Results: The study shows that the majority

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