Preferred Language
A Study of the Problems of Learning and Translating Idioms
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Idioms are a very important part of the English language: you are told that if you want to go far (succeed) you should pull your socks up (make a serious effort to improve your behaviour, the quality of your work, etc.) and use your grey matter (brain).1 Learning and translating idioms have always been very difficult for foreign language learners. The present paper explores some of the reasons why English idiomatic expressions are difficult to learn and translate. It is not the aim of this paper to attempt a comprehensive survey of the vast amount of material that has appeared on idioms in Adams and Kuder (1984), Alexander (1984), Dixon (1983), Kirkpatrick (2001), Langlotz (2006), McCarthy and O'Dell (2002), and Wray (2002), among others. The paper concentrates on idioms as a learning-translation problem; it makes no claim to be comprehensive or academically rigorous. Leech (1989) defines an idiom as follows: “An idiom is a group of two or more words which we have to treat as a unit in learning a language. We cannot arrive at the meaning of the idiom just by adding together the meanings of the words inside it. E.g.John and Mary usedto be hardup (='They had very little money'.)”(P.186) To be more exact, an idiom is a sequence of words which is semantically and syntactically restricted, so that they function as a single unit. From a semantic point of view, the meanings of the individual words cannot be summed to produce the meanings of the idiomatic expression as a whole. Thus, fly off the handle, which means lose one's temper, cannot be understood in terms of the meanings of fly, off, or handle. The idiom phrase hot air, which means empty or boastful talk, is neither hot nor air; with hot air we are dealing with a set phrase where the meaning cannot be suggested on the basis of the two constituent words. The idiomatic meaning of spill the beans in So who spilt the beans (=told the secret) about her affair with David? has nothing to do with beans or with spilling in its literal sense. The foreign-language learner is left trying to figure out where and how the beans were spilt. From a syntactic viewpoint, the constituent parts of an idiom often do not permit the usual variability they display in other contexts. The point to be emphasized here is this: most idioms do not lend themselves easily to manipulation by speakers and writers; they are invariable and must be learned as wholes, but concord ofnumber, person and gender in the idiom phrase is still necessary, i.e. the verbs must be put into the correct form, and pronouns must agree with their antecedents: I don't give a hoot for her opinion! 2 • She doesn't give a hoot for my opinion! etc.)║He won, but only by the skin of his teeth2• She won, but only by the skin of her teeth• Iwon, but only by the skin ofmy teeth,I had to run for the train, and caught it by the skin of myteeth, etc.║He kept pullingmy arm, throwing me off my balance 2 • She kept pulling his arm, throwing him off his balance • We kept pullingher arm, throwingher offher balance, etc.2 The present paper is divided into five parts, as follows: Part I: An Overview; PART II: Learner’s Difficulties with Idioms; PART III: Some Pedagogical recommendations and Suggestions about Idioms; Part IV: Activities to Practice Idiomatic Expressions; Part V: Summary and Conclusion.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Autophagy or Apoptosis: Anticancer Molecular Mechanism of Epigallocatechin Gallate with Natural Polyphenol Effect on HepG2 Cells Viability
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Background: The anticancer impact of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) the highly active polyphenol of green tea was abundantly studied.  Though, the exact mechanism of its cytotoxicity is still under investigation. Objectives: Hence, the current study designed to investigate the molecular target of EGCG in HepG2 cells on thirteen autophagy- and/or apoptosis- related genes. Methods: The apoptosis detection analyses such as flow cytometry and dual apoptosis assay were used. The genes expression profile was explored by the real-time quantitative-PCR. Results: EGCG increases G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and the real-time apoptosis markers proteins leading to stimulate apoptos

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Multiple Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays Erγ)nEr(n, From 168 168 Reaction  Using a2 – Ratio Method
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The -mixing of  - transition in Er 168 populated in Er)n,n(Er 168168  reaction is calculated in the present work by using a2- ratio method. This method has used in previou studies [4, 5, 6, 7] in case that the second transition is pure or for that transition which can be considered as pure only, but in one work we applied this method for two cases, in the first one for pure transition and in the 2nd one for non pure transitions. We take into accunt the experimental a2- coefficient for p revious works and -values for one transition only [1]. The results obtained are, in general, in agood agreement within associated errors, with those reported previously [1], the discrepancies that occur are due to inaccuracies existing

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Molecular Investigation of Curli Fimbriae Genes in Enterobacter cloacae Isolated from Various Clinical Sources in Baghdad, Iraq
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Thirteen isolates were collected from various clinical sources during the periodfrom 22/10/2017 to 22/12/2017. All the isolates were diagnosed based on the microscopic and biochemical propertiesby Vitek-2 Compact system. All isolates formed biofilm 100%, with 30% of isolatesbiofilm produced strongly and 70% on medium. The results of the present study have shown the presence of Curli fimbriae genes in E. cloacae bacteria from cases of urinary tract infections, infected patient with blood bacteremia and inflammation of wounds. Curli fimbriae is considered to be an important factor in the virulence of E.cloacae bacteria, which plays an important role in adhering and combining cells on solid surfaces to form the biofilmand helps in the adhesion

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Chemical Data Collections
Removal of diclofenac from aqueous solution on apricot seeds activated carbon synthesized by pyro carbonic acid microwave
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Pharmaceuticals have been widely remaining contaminants in wastewater, and diclofenac is the most common pharmaceutical pollutant. Therefore, the removal of diclofenac from aqueous solutions using activated carbon produced by pyrocarbonic acid and microwaves was investigated in this research. Apricot seed powder and pyrophosphoric acid (45 wt%) were selected as raw material and activator respectively, and microwave irradiation technique was used to prepare the activated carbon. The raw material was impregnated in pyrophosphoric acid at 80◦C with an impregnation ratio of 1: 3 (apricot seeds to phosphoric acid), the impregnation time was 4 h, whereas the power of the microwave was 700 watts with a radiation time of 20 min. A series o

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Crossref (10)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An induction of Undecylprodigiosin Production from Streptomyces coelicolor by Elicitation with Microbial Cells Using Solid State Fermentation
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Red pigmented undecylprodigiosin produced by Streptomyces coelicolor (A3)2 is a
promising drug owing to its characteristics of antibacterial, antifungal,
immunosuppressive and anticancer activities. The culture of S. coelicolor in liquid
medium produces mainly the blue pigmented actinorhodin and only low quantities of
undecylprodigiosin. From an industrial point of view, it is necessary to find a strategy to
improve undecylprodigiosin production. The present study provides evidence that
cultivation of S. coelicolor on solid substrate resulted in a reversal in this pattern of
antibiotic production as the production of undecylprodigiosin was significantly increased
and actinorhodin was completely suppressed. Four di

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Nutritional Value of White Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Which is Most Widely Consumed in Kurdistan Region-Iraq
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This study was conducted in 2018, at Technical College of Applied Sciences, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq. The aim of the study was to determinate nutritional compositions and some elemental contents in marketable white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) that is collected in local markets of Kurdistan Region-Iraq. Five different samples (A: Penjwen product fresh, B: Sulaimani product fresh, C: American caned, D: Valencia Netherlandcaned and E: Erbil product fresh) were collected to be observed. The elements were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry methods, and their chemical compassions were determined, too. The collected data were analyzed by One Way ANOVA. The highest fat, protein, fiber and d

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Nurses' Practices in Intensive Care Units Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Patients in Baghdad City
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Objective: To evaluate nurses' practices toward coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) patients in the
intensive care units (ICU) and to find out the relationship with some vanables.
Methodology: A purposive sample of (50) staff nurses was selected out of three hospitals for cardiac surgery.
The study instmment consisted of two major sections was constructed. It is based on the review of literature.
First it is concerned with demographic data for nurses; and the second section is observationaL tool (checklist) is
composed of six parts in which there mere (78) items. Reliability and validity of the observational checklist were
determined through the analysis of a pilot study.
Data were collected through the use of the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 16 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Diatom Indices to Evaluate Water quality In Abu-Zirig Marsh Thi-Qar Province /south of Iraq
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The study attempts to assess water quality in Abu-Zirig Marsh which used epiphytic Diatom community for assessing water quality. Many of Diatom indices {Trophic diatom index (TDI), Diatom index (DI), Generic diatom index (GDI) have been used to give qualitative information about the status of the freshwater ecosystem(good, moderate, high pollution). In this study, the epiphytic diatoms on both host aquatic plants Phragmites australis and Typha domengensis were collected from Abu-Zirig Marsh within Thi-Qar Province at three sites in Autumn, 2018 and winter, 2019. Epiphytic diatoms were Identified by the preparation of permanent slides method, some species of epiphytic diatom showed dominance such as Cyclotella menegh

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Prediction of Process Parameters That Affecting on Surface Roughness in Multi-Point Forming Process Using ANOVA Algorithm
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Multipoint forming process is an engineering concept which means that the working surface of the punch and die is produced as hemispherical ends of individual active elements (called pins), where each pin can be independently, vertically displaced using a geometrically reconfigurable die. Several different products can be made without changing tools saved precious production time. Also, the manufacturing of very expensive rigid dies is reduced, and a lot of expenses are saved. But the most important aspects of using such types of equipment are the flexibility of the tooling. This paper presents an experimental investigation of the effect of three main parameters which are blank holder, rubber thickness and forming speed th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The ciliate species isolated from midgut and hindgut of Rough-tailed gecko Cyrtopodion scabrum (Heyden, 1827), identified as Nyctotherus hardwickii was collected from many regions of Baghdad, Iraq. The current study deals with a description and comparison of the morphology and morphometric characters of this species for the first time in Iraq.

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