The Negro minority in the United States is associated with social injustice,
political deprivation, and economic oppresion. Its members felt that they are
second-class citizens, and that the acceptance of such status will lead to the
continual oppresion of the Whites upon them. As a result, the educated community
adopted a process to put a framework to their opposition to the former's injustice.
This organised framework is exemplified in the "Niagara Movement," which is
regarded as the first national organisation for Negros. The topic of this study is
chosen due to its historical and political significance.
The study consists of an introduction and five sections. The first section
addresses the preliminaries and the factors of the Movement establishment. It also
deals with the conditions of the Blacks, and the emergence of some of the leaders
among them, whether those who made negotiations with the Whites, or those who
rejected the bad conditions of the Blacks and sought to change them through
establishing the Movement. The second section studies the Movement
establishment conference, and the objectives to be achieved. While the third section
examines the Movement numerous activities and the most important factors of its
vulnerability. The fourth section includes the subjective and objective factors that
led to the the Movement collapse . The final section contains an assessment to the
Movement that shows its pros and cons according to the analytical historical
method of research.
Many reasons combined behind the Standing of U.S. against Britain in its aggression against Egypt in 1956; the consensus of world opinion on the need to stop the aggression and the fear of the Soviet military intervention which mean a new world war.
United States desired to weaken British influences in the region in general to get new oil gains in the Arabian Gulf and Egypt at the expense of Britain. The exiting of Britain from the area served U.S. strategic interests in the Middle East in general and Egypt in particular to keep the flow of oil for U.S advantage.
The United States wanted to keep its image in the region to apply its future political projects including Eisenhower Project, which intended to take the position of Britis
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