Robot manipulator is a multi-input multi-output system with high complex nonlinear dynamics, requiring an advanced controller in order to track a specific trajectory. In this work, forward and inverse kinematics are presented based on Denavit Hartenberg notation to convert the end effector planned path from cartesian space to joint space and vice versa where a cubic spline interpolation is used for trajectory segments to ensure the continuity in velocity and acceleration. Also, the derived mathematical dynamic model is based on Eular Lagrange energy method to contain the effect of friction and disturbance torques beside the inertia and Coriolis effect. Two types of controller are applied ; the nonlinear computed torque control (CTC) and the simpler form of its Proportional Derivative plus Gravity (PD+G) where they are designed to reduce the tracking trajectory errors which tend to zero where the used Kp and Kv gains are 900,60. Also, the RMS errors for tracking a step input of CTC were equal to [2.5E-14, 4.4E-14, 5.0E-14, -4.7E-14, -3.9E-14, -4.6E-14] (deg) and of PD+G were equal to [-1.77E-5, -1.22E-6, -4.28E-6, -8.97E-6, -1.32E-5, 1.05E-5] (deg) for joints one to six, respectively. The results show that CTC is more accurate but requires additional acceleration input and is more computationally extensive and PD+G controller is performed with acceptable tracking errors in manipulator position control applications.
This paper presents the motion programming and control of omni-directional mobile robot through the process of building and programming a small robotic platform with secondary design criteria of modularity and simplified control. This is accomplished by combining the positive aspects of several different robotics platform ideas. The platform is shaped like an equilateral triangle with a servo motor, sensors, and omni-wheel, controlled by a PIC microcontroller.
In this work the kinematics, inverse kinematics and dynamic module for the platform is derived. Two search algorithms (the wall-following search and the “most-open-area” search) is designed, tested, and analyzed experimentally.
Ziegler and Nichols proposed the well-known Ziegler-Nichols method to tune the coefficients of PID controller. This tuning method is simple and gives fixed values for the coefficients which make PID controller have weak adaptabilities for the model parameters variation and changing in operating conditions. In order to achieve adaptive controller, the Neural Network (NN) self-tuning PID control is proposed in this paper which combines conventional PID controller and Neural Network learning capabilities. The proportional, integral and derivative (KP, KI, KD) gains are self tuned on-line by the NN output which is obtained due to the error value on the desired output of the system under control. The conventio
... Show MoreThis paper presents a control system to make the robotic hand mimic human hand motion in real time and offline mode. The human hand tracking system is a wearable sensing arm (potentiometers) used to determine the position in space and to sense the grasping task of human hand. The maskable sensing arm was designed with same geometrical arrangement of robotic hand that needs to be controlled. The control software of a robot was implemented using Visual Basic and supported with graphical user interface (GUI). The control algorithm depends on joint to joint mapping method to match between the motions at each joint of portable sensing arm with corresponding joint of a robot in order to make the robot mimic the motion.
This paper represents an experimental study on the application of smart control represented by the use of the fuzzy logic controller. Two-link flexible manipulators that are used in airspace and military applications are made of flexible materials characterized by low frequency and damping ratio. To solve this problem, this paper proposes the use of smart materials (piezoelectric transducers), where each link is bonded with a pair of piezoelectric transducers that act as a sensor and another as an actuator. As the arm vibrates because of the movement generated by the motor, this voltage is controlled by a regulator inside the LABVIEW® 2020 software and sends the output control voltage to the piezoelectric actuator. Experimental results
... Show MoreAbstract
Robotics manipulators with structural flexibility provide an attractive alternative to rigid robotics manipulators for many of the new and evolving applications in robotics. In certain applications their use is unavoidable. The increased complexity in modeling and control of such manipulators is offset by desirable performance enhancements in some respects. In this paperthe single- link flexible robotics manipulator was designed and implemented from Perspex and designed with 0.5 m length , 0.02 m width and with 0.004 m thickness with mass located at the tip. There are four subsystems; motion, control, accelerometer and gyro and a host computer subsystem. The work principle of single-link robotics manipul
... Show MoreAutonomous motion planning is important area of robotics research. This type of planning relieves human operator from tedious job of motion planning. This reduces the possibility of human error and increase efficiency of whole process.
This research presents a new algorithm to plan path for autonomous mobile robot based on image processing techniques by using wireless camera that provides the desired image for the unknown environment . The proposed algorithm is applied on this image to obtain a optimal path for the robot. It is based on the observation and analysis of the obstacles that lying in the straight path between the start and the goal point by detecting these obstacles, analyzing and studying their shapes, positions and
... Show MoreThe problem of independent motion control of mobile robot (МR) in conditions when unforeseen changes of conditions of interaction of wheels with a surface are considered. An example of such changes can be sudden entrance МR a slippery surface. The deployment of an autonomous unmanned ground vehicle for field applications provides the means by which the risk to personnel can be minimized and operational capabilities improved. In rough terrain, it is critical for mobile robots to maintain good wheel traction. Wheel slip could cause the rover to lose control and become trapped. This paper describes the application of fuzzy control to a feedback system within slippery environment. The study is conducted on an example of М
... Show MoreThe ultimate goal of any sale contract is to maximize the combined returns of the parties, knowing that these returns are not realized (in long-term contracts) except in the final stages of the contract. Therefore, this requires the parties to the contract to leave some elements open, including the price, because the adoption of a fixed price and inflexible will not be appropriate to meet their desires when contracting, especially with ignorance of matters beyond their will and may affect the market conditions, and the possibility of modifying the fixed price through The elimination is very limited, especially when the parties to the contract are equally in terms of economic strength. Hence, in order to respond to market uncertainties, the
... Show MoreThe control charts are one of the scientific technical statistics tools that will be used to control of production and always contained from three lines central line and upper, lower lines to control quality of production and represents set of numbers so finally the operating productivity under control or nor than depending on the actual observations. Some times to calculating the control charts are not accurate and not confirming, therefore the Fuzzy Control Charts are using instead of Process Control Charts so this method is more sensitive, accurate and economically for assisting decision maker to control the operation system as early time. In this project will be used set data fr
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