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"حركة نیاغارا" في الولایات المتحدة الامریكیة: مقدماتھا ، نشأتھا، ١٩١٠- وعوامل انھیارھا ١٨٩
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The Negro minority in the United States is associated with social injustice,
political deprivation, and economic oppresion. Its members felt that they are
second-class citizens, and that the acceptance of such status will lead to the
continual oppresion of the Whites upon them. As a result, the educated community
adopted a process to put a framework to their opposition to the former's injustice.
This organised framework is exemplified in the "Niagara Movement," which is
regarded as the first national organisation for Negros. The topic of this study is
chosen due to its historical and political significance.
The study consists of an introduction and five sections. The first section
addresses the preliminaries and the factors of the Movement establishment. It also
deals with the conditions of the Blacks, and the emergence of some of the leaders
among them, whether those who made negotiations with the Whites, or those who
rejected the bad conditions of the Blacks and sought to change them through
establishing the Movement. The second section studies the Movement
establishment conference, and the objectives to be achieved. While the third section
examines the Movement numerous activities and the most important factors of its
vulnerability. The fourth section includes the subjective and objective factors that
led to the the Movement collapse . The final section contains an assessment to the
Movement that shows its pros and cons according to the analytical historical
method of research.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Theory of Vital Space - Theoretical Study of Geopolitical Dimensions, Targets and Means (USA) Case Study
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The concept of forming the living space in the American strategic thought has an
important position it is regarded as an strategic movement that it supports the American
United States with the huge capabilities in its own concern that enables it to approach of
American administration , we find that of different historical periods it works to establish that
the geopolitical dimension which is accompanied with the ability of American response for
the evens that in its own turn enables the American united states to seize the growing chances
in the global strategic environment This study includes five chapters :
- Chapter one: The idea of living space.
- Chapter two: Geopolitical dimension of living space theory.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
حركة حركة الترجمة في الأندلس وتأثيرها في أوربا
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Muslims in Andalusia showed Metzada interested in building their civilization, including the interest in the translation of books in Arabic and Molvat to Latin America and the Castilian language, as well as that of Andalusia is one of the most important scientific centers to transport heritage of Arab and Islamic civilization to Europe, therefore Andalus rulers have tended to translate the Arab Science under the supervision of specialized scientists they know the language and heritage,

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
ترجمه هاى تكرارى وعوامل ظهور آن Repeated Translations and the factors that Affect their Appearance
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     My research dealt with the phenomenon of  repeated translation.

First Section deals with identifying repeated translation from both linguistic and terminological sides . Section two display the reasons and factors that stand behind this phenomenon while section three sheds light on the positive and negative sides of the phenomenon understudy and in  the last section , the researcher sets several recommendations which lead to prevent the widespread of repeated translation phenomenon .



    این بحث که با عنوان (ترجمه های تکرار

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
U.S.A. Contemporary Foreign Policy Options & Challenges
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It is out of question that USA foreign policy has a great superiority and
influence all over the world.
This study deals with all dimensions; aims; and challenges of the American
foreign policy. It aims to answer the following question: within the current changes in
the world, how can the aims of the American foreign policy be realized?

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Unipolarity and Its Influences in American Foreign Policy and the Future International Relations: Unipolarity and Its Influences in American Foreign Policy and the Future International Relations
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The concept of unipolar has allowed the united states of America to
control the rest of the internations community units through the rxclusively of
control in international affairs without enabling other countries who have the
ability to compete with it to appear this comes as a result of it's position to all
kinds of powers like military, economic and technical powers that enable it to
continue dominating other countries, this superior control enabled it to be the
(hyper power) on the international political scene so that it allowed it to
exercise and implement the policy of domination against all this appeared
after its empire superiority became clear, in a unique way that have never
been known in

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A New Vision in the Locality and the Factors of Forming Meander
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The research addressed an analytical field investigation of the locality of meander, the factors responsible of the locality of the meander at certain points of the stream other than others, and the role sequence of these factors in the formation process.
The research revealed that the location of forming the meander was associated closely with the scale structural composition of the bank materials from which the first stage of forming the curved stream, for the inhomogeneous or non-identical opposite banks in their scale structural composition saw an activity of differential corrosion, while the homogeneous and identical opposite banks in their scale structural composition saw an identical corrosion activity in its intensity at both

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Imam Al-Qushayri was one of the most
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Eminent figures in Quranic studies in the fourth century of the Hegira, in his
copacity as the founder of the essentials of the indicative approach in interpretation
which is based on the consideration of research principles in interpretation science.
Al-Qushayri participated in clarifying the promotions of this approach in his
works which represent this approach. The mast distinguished of these works is
Tafseer Lataef Al-Isharat. The researcher examined the characteristics of this
approach and its effect on the interpretative movement in Al-Qushayri age an come to
employ them as a practical example for the indicative approach in studying the
interpretation mebods in Islamic sciences.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Transportation movement with containers in Iraqi harbors
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The use of containers in transportation leads to the reduction in time and effort of the process of loading and unloading of goods as well as protecting the goods from damage and breakage and to reduce the financial costs.
. This development has led also to make changes in the sizes and capacity of ships, therefore changes in the ports must be taken place where they must be provided with an appropriate depth for such vessels, that means the increase in the depth of ports and the establishment of wide storage yards and to provide appropriate mechanisms for handling process.
In this study, the researcher has dealt with this type of transport business in Iraqi ports, namely:
1- Khur Al-Zubair port.
2- Um Qaser port.
In order

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Impact of Agile Methodologies and Cost Management Success Factors: An Empirical Study
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Software cost management is a significant feature of project management. As such, it needs to be employed in a project or line of work. Software cost management is integral to software development failures, which, in turn, cause software failure. Thus, it is imperative that software development professionals develop their cost management skills to deliver successful software projects. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of cost management success factors with project management factors and three agile methodologies – Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum and Kanban methodologies which are used in the Pakistani software industry. To determine the results, the researchers applied quantitative approach through an extensive survey on

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Quest for an Ideal Beauty in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye
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In The Bluest Eye (1970), the American-African writer, Toni Morrison explores how
Western standards of ideal beauty are created and propagated with and among the black
community. The novel not only portrays the lives of those whose dark skinned and Negroid
features blight their lives; it also shows how the standard of white beauty, when imposed on
black youth, can drastically damage one’s self-love and esteem which usually occurs when
beauty goes unrecognized. Morrison in this novel focuses on the damage that the black
women characters suffer through the construction of femininity in a racialised society where
whiteness is used as a standard of beauty.

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