Preferred Language
الظواھر اللغویة في شعر ھارون بن موسى الرَّمادي

The Andoluosian literatures has been captured my mind, and had a very
pure and great place in my spirit, which is remembering me the roots of
genuine Arabic civilization spread during eight century in endoluos region.
also the Arabic creation which is moved from east to far way land in that
ages. And very clearly appearance tremendous men interested in science and
all kind of literature and arts especially in poetry, no one who has taste and
minimum knowledge can denied the effect of indoluosan prosperity among
readers. So for that reason I work very hard to choose a very famous poet his
nick name (Al-Ramadee) he is Youseif Bin Haroon born in the first decade
of the 4TH hijri (Islamic Calendar), died in (403H). He was one student of
very popular linguistic called abee Ali Al-qalee.
They called him Almotanabee of his place also they said "poem started
from Kenda and sealed in Kenda" they intended Emraa Al-Kayas,Al-
Motanabee and Al-Ramadee.and for all of that I preferred to search about
the language phenomena and the expansion in his poetry as well as some
glance which focus to reveal about his huge linguistics and literatures
heritage capacity.
I divided this study to three levels:-
 grammatical level: dialed with odd linguistic words and converse.
 structural level: dialed with preferment, retardation, cancellation, the
linguistic methods and the aims.
 laterally level: dialed with laterally acceptance, verbalism synonymy
and analytic.
Finally, conclusion, results that I have got in this study.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Complaint's Terms and Methods in Statement of Holy Quran

This research deals with a unique and innovative topic, that is the study of complaint in the Quranic text. Despite its importance, it has never been studied before, because most of the complaint 's meanings in the Quranic text is: the in explicit complaint. The mentioned complaint's expressions in different contexts overlap with other purposes, in particular call method and its peripherals like mourn , ask for help , exclamation and others.
Moreover, expressions that reveal complaint are related to the complainant's emotional and psychological status, and the complaint's context.
This research deals with the topic into two sections: The first deals with the important expression of complaint such as: iff, ouah, mooing, crying. The

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
Visual looting on the covers of international magazines

The strategy of designing the covers of international magazines emerges as one of the expressive means that reflect the emotional and expressive aspects and employ them according to the spatial transformations and the struggles of globalization to usurp the intellectual, cultural, value and civilizational essence of man, which makes him vulnerable to psychological and spiritual alienation and becomes the abstract meaning of identity and culture, and the empowerment of cultural invasion and the control of consumer thought The contemporary globalist on the largest area and the globalization of the peoples of the world, and the study came in the first chapter: the general framework that includes the problem of the research to raise in our m

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
مصفوفة CAMELS في تقويـم اداء المصـارف

نتيجة لتزايد القلق إزاء استقرار القطاع المالي عموماً والقطاع المصرفي على وجه الخصوص ، سعت منظمات دولية متخصصة عديدة إلى توافر قواعد ارشادية (مرجعية) Benchmark  يمكن الاهتداء بها في تقييم فعالية أنظمة المراقبة المصرفية بعد الإدراك على نطاق واسع أن نقاط الضعف في الأنظمة المصرفية كانت إحدى المسببات الرئيسة للازمات المالية في بلدان عدة خلال العقد الأخير . ونتيجة للعولمة فالأزمات المصرفية التي تحدث في وقتنا هذا ت

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The novel of the innovator and its impact on the differences of jurists

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master and beloved Muhammad, the wise guide and great teacher, the guide to a straight path, the one sent as a mercy to the worlds, and upon his good and chosen family, his chosen companions, the working scholars, and those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment.

And after:

One of the important controversial topics shared between the sciences of the Noble Hadith and the Fundamentals of God is the issue of the innovator in terms of accepting and rejecting his narration and testimony, and the difference in it leads to disagreement in many branches of jurisprudence that were based on texts narrated by innovated narrators or those accu

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Ethics and Restrictions of the Islamic Economy in Ownership

The search for wealth and money is a matter of ethics in the Islamic economy
God Almighty said: "We have honored the sons of Adam (and ridiculed the universe and what he said) mocked you
He said, "He who created you from the earth."
And he commanded you, and he said to him, "He who made you."
Land, and the amount of Rezko and
He said: "You love the money with great love."
And then guide him by exaggerating the ethics of Islam and its legislation in Tamkak and not exceeding it.
 In order to darken the doors of inflation with wealth Vakar
And the hereafter and achieve satisfaction and fairness in all actions
To ensure that society has a right not to harm others and to abuse the interests of the economy

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الحركةُ الإعرابيَّة في فهم النَصّ القرآنيّ

The research came to a statement in explaining the impact of movement in general in the Arabic language, as a word and sentence, in the Holy Qur’an in particular, and the Arabic syntactic movement in understanding the Qur’anic text.

  The research contained two sections. Each section has two demands, an introduction, and a preface. The most prominent titles of the research are the aspect of parsing, which is one of the characteristics of the Ḍād; the definition of parsing in language and terminology; the impact of movement on understanding the Arabic text in general; and in understanding the Qur’anic text in particular

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Publication Date
Sun May 09 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التنجيز و التعذير في الدرس الصولي

The study of Terracotta in Mesopotamia is one of the important
technical topics that gave us valuable information ،whether from a
technical or cultural point of view

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Importance of Utilizing Euphemism in Translation and Simultaneous Interpreting

Euphemism is an important linguistic phenomenon that tends to soften written or oral expressions. Thus, when translators or interpreters face expressions including euphemism, they need to know how to deal with them. The problem of the current paper lies in the effect of rendering euphemistic expressions inaccurately, as such expressions represent the cultural and terminological sense of the original language. Thus, rendering them improperly will affect the sense of the interpreted speech. For this, it is essential for translators in general and simultaneous interpreters in particular to know the importance of utilizing euphemism in the simultaneous interpreting field, which is the main aim of this paper. To this end, a systematic review

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
Forecasting in international logos' design styles

Forecasting has become common process and reality. Since man has found multiple forms of simple predictive predictions, fruitful predictive results have emerged, such as weather forecasting or trading on stock exchange. The research was organized by defining the problem, which was manifested by the question:
(What is the prediction in global logo design methods?)
The aim of the research: (revealing design prediction in the methods of global logos). The theoretical framework was: (the concept of prediction in the design of global logos), (methods of global logos), (types of prediction) and then were attached to indicators, results and conclusions, including:
- The color value of international logos came with human needs: a

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Actor's skills in pantomime theater performances

The art of pantomime mime is one of the arts that has taken a wide space in theater performances, and because it is one of the spectacle shows that relies on an acting performance that is unique from the traditional acting performance, because of the peculiarity of pantomime art in that it is a silent performance that assumes the clarity of meaning, and for the purpose of clarifying the actor’s work in such kind of performances, the art of pantomime must be We have to know the skills that the actor can possess in order to produce a silent show that has the elements of a successful presentation, so there was a need to study the skills of the actor in this type of acting performance. The researchers divided this study into an introductio

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