This research aims to reveal the impact of applying a teaching course in
gaining and preserving information by female students comparing with the
traditional method, through testing the two following hypotheses:
1. There is no difference with statistical significance at the level of
significance (0.05) between the average grades achieved by the
experimental group of female students taught using a teaching course,
and the control group of female students taught using the traditional
2. There is no difference with statistical significance at the level of
significance (0.05) between the average grades achieved by the
experimental group of female students taught using a teaching course,
and the control group of female students taught using the traditional
method, when repeating the test after a specific period of time.
For this purpose, we applied a field experiment on two female students
groups (experimental group and control group) after preparing all its
requirements and tools. Through the experiment, the two abovementioned
hypotheses were investigated and revealed that the teaching course help
understand and comprehend the scientific concepts which lead to an increase
in female student's grades and improve the student's scientific investigation as
well . Because this course helped organize the contents and clarify the
meaning and relations which simplify the student's comprehension. Moreover,
to contact the new knowledge and whatever preserved information they have.
According to the abovementioned conclusions, the researcher provided
some fruitful suggestions.
The main aim of this paper is to study how the different estimators of the two unknown parameters (shape and scale parameter) of a generalized exponential distribution behave for different sample sizes and for different parameter values. In particular,
. Maximum Likelihood, Percentile and Ordinary Least Square estimators had been implemented for different sample sizes (small, medium, and large) and assumed several contrasts initial values for the two parameters. Two indicators of performance Mean Square Error and Mean Percentile Error were used and the comparisons were carried out between different methods of estimation by using monte carlo simulation technique .. It was obse
... Show Moreبناء على ما تقدم يتضح ان القطاع العام والقطاع الخاص ليسا موقفا ايدولوجيا انتقائيا، وانما هو انبثاق من العمود الفقري للصيرورة الرأسمالية القائمة على تقديس الملكية الخاصة، وان الادوار التي يمكن ان يلعباها ليسا منعزلين عن الحركة العامة للاقتصاد في كليته، وليس هما ابنا السياسات الاقتصادية، والبناء الفوقي بقدر ماهما نتاج الحركة الموضوعية وصيرورة التطور الاجتماعي معبرا عنها في تطور علاقات الانتاج وقوى الانتا
... Show MoreThe main aim of this paper is to study how the different estimators of the two unknown parameters (shape and scale parameter) of a generalized exponential distribution behave for different sample sizes and for different parameter values. In particular,
. Maximum Likelihood, Percentile and Ordinary Least Square estimators had been implemented for different sample sizes (small, medium, and large) and assumed several contrasts initial values for the two parameters. Two indicators of performance Mean Square Error and Mean Percentile Error were used and the comparisons were carried out between different methods of estimation by using monte carlo simulation techniq
... Show MoreThe current research aims to know on influence strategy (thinking – pairing – sharing) in learning subject of Islamic civilization of Arab and keep it for students 4th class / literary in order to aim of research , the researcher takes measures of experimental method which included selection of experimental designing with partial adjustment in two groups (experimental and controlling) . Experimental group studies according to strategy (thinking – pairing – sharing) , while controlling group studies according to normal way , the researcher choose Zari secondary school for boys in Baghdad intently to run experiment within it. Sample of studying consist of from (64) students , by (32) student in experimental group and (32) students
... Show MoreInvestigating the strength and the relationship between the Self-organized learning strategies and self-competence among talented students was the aim of this study. To do this, the researcher employed the correlation descriptive approach, whereby a sample of (120) male and female student were selected from various Iraqi cities for the academic year 2015-2016. the researcher setup two scales based on the previous studies: one to measure the Self-organized learning strategies which consist of (47) item and the other to measure the self-competence that composed of (50) item. Both of these scales were applied on the targeted sample to collect the required data
أولاً: مشكلة البحث:
للتربية دوراً أساسياً في تكوين الإنسان ليصبح قادراً على الإسهام الحضاري، ودفع عجلة التنمية إلى الأمام. وينظر للتربية حالياً بأنها عملية توثيق الصلة بين الناشئ والبيئة في ظروف معينة تعينه على النمو في الاتجاه المرغوب فيه. ويأتي الجانب المعرفي في مقدمة جوانب النمو، فهو المسؤول عن بناء شخصية الفرد وأسلوب تفكيره (سعيد، 1989، ص28). فضلاً عن كونه الخاصية الراقية عند الإنسان التي
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يعد العقد من اهم مصادر الالتزام كونه الوسيلة الفاعلة التي يمكن من خلالها المتعاقد التحقق من مصالحه واهدافه مادامت لا تتعارض مع النظام العام ، ومتى مانشأ صحيحاً وفقاً للاركان والشروط التي يتطلبها القانون اصبح ملزماً لكلا طرفيه ، بحيث يخضعان بموجبه لقوة العقد ، وقد لا ينعقد وفقاً للسياق السابق بسبب عدم استكماله لشروط صحته فينعدم اثره بين المتعاقدين او الغير ، وتلك هي فكرة البحث .