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Relationship phonetics and musicology at the Ikhwan Al- Safa and at al – Farabi
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Phonetics has close relevance with Musicology; in this study I decided explaining the interlinkages and harmony between Phonetics and Musicology. Linguists preceded philosophers in an attempt to link Phonetics with Musicology; the 1st serious attempt to link Phonetics with Musicology was done by Ibn Jeny (Dead 392 IC), but the real attempt is found with Farabi through his book under title Al Musiqa Al Kabeer, he defined music and link it with tune and relation between melody and tone, This is the same as pointed out by Ikhwan Al Safa who followed the doctrine of al-Farabi, their attention was with music and link it with phoneme, as they made music independent science, and they created special mathematics rules for it. Melody in music cannot be studied in separately from toning; therefore we can find correlation between melody and toning in Phonetics, so it is impossible talking about the melody in the framework of the single tone, it is seen as part of a group ringtones, while toning can be talking about in the framework of the single word, therefore melody and toning can be in the something bigger, al-Farabi and Ikhwan Al Safa who pointed out to this point, but the rhythm is linked with phenomena above syllabic like accent, tuning, dedication, moreover explaining resonant phoneme in melody as its properties of phonetics, The phonic lesson of al-Farabi and Ikhwan Al Safa was musician lesson purely ٚ mixed with the phoneme and music elements together.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Phytoplankton community within Al-Auda marsh in maysan province southern Iraq
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Abstract<p>Phytoplankton assemblage in relation to physical and chemical characteristics of water in Al-Auda marsh of Maysan province southern Iraq was assessed from November 2012 to July 2013. Six sampling sites were chosen to examine all phytoplankton species in the study area. A total of 246 species and seventy-five genera have been recognized belonging to twelve phytoplankton classes as follows: Bacillariophyceae (106 taxa), Chlorophyceae (34 taxa), Euglenophyceae (29 taxa), Cyanophyceae (29 taxa), Conjugatophyceae (19 taxa), Mediophyceae (10 taxa), Cryptophyceas (5 taxa), Coscinodiscophyceae (4 taxa), Chrysophyceae (4 taxa), Dinophyceae (3 taxa), Trebouxiophyceae (2 taxa) whereas Compsopogonophyceae record</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Environmental Study on Phytoplankton (Diatoms) in Al-Yusifiya River, Iraq
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An environmental study conducted on diatoms in Al Yusifiya river beyond its branching from Euphrates river. Four sites were selected along the river for the period from march 2013 to September 2013. The present study involved the measurement of physicochemical parameters, also the qualitative and quantities of diatoms. The studied parameters values ranged as follows: 19-44Cº and 16-30 Cº for air and water temperature respectively, 6.9-8.7, 595-1248 µS/cm, 6.4-8.0 mg/l for pH, electric conductivity and dissolved oxygen respectively. A total of 74 taxa were recorded for diatoms, where the pinnate diatom was the predominant and recorded 64 taxa while 10 taxa for centric diatoms. The total number of diatoms was 1197.55*104 cell /l. The tota

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biotreatment of AL-KARAMA Teaching Hospital Wastewater Using Aerobic Packed Bed
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This study is aimed to use the aerobic packed bed in biotreatment of the wastewater which is discharge from AL-KARAMA teaching hospital in Baghdad. The performance of packed-bed treatment method was examined for elimination of the organic compounds from wastewater under aerobic conditions. In this research different parameters were studied. They were: inoculums concentration, circulation rate of wastewater through the bed, packing type and the temperature. Results showed that the system efficiently removed about 82% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and 80% of the Biological oxygen demand (BOD). Percent reduction in turbidity was about 92% and reduction in nitrate concentration was about 87%. It was found that best performance of the pack

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 02 2024
Journal Name
Al-iraqia Journal Of Scientific Engineering Research
Prioritise Five Tafseer Translators Using Clustering Technique for Surah Al-Baqarah
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Mada alfay fi taqrir lays kamithlih shay Sheikh Abrahim al kurde
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The message of the Kurdish tag tagged with(Mada alfay fi taqrir lays  kamithlih shay) one of his most prominent scientific messages in the door of faith, especially in the matter of the unification of the divine self and its distancing from all analogies and representations  and the importance of this message historically, due to its documentation of a stage in the development of Islamic speech thought, where the logical method was taken over the minds of the intellectuals of Islam, including the kurani, whether it is in understanding the quranic and modern meaning or as a way of convincing me towards the opponent.

The Kurd was able to use logical concepts to marginalize the difference between grammarians and interprete

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment Efficiency Evaluation of Al-Diwaniya Sewage Treatment Plant in Iraq
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This study aims to evaluate the performance of the sewage treatment plant in Al-Diwaniya, one of cities in the southern part in Iraq. This evaluation could be used to facilitate effluent quality assessment or optimal process control of the plant. The influent reaching the plant is considered a medium to strong in strength with BOD5/COD ratio in the range 0.23 and 0.69 which can be considered an easily degradable sewage by the biological processes performed by the activated sludge unit. The quality of the effluent was found to be higher than the Iraqi standards for disposal to water bodies. The BOD5/COD ratios of the treated sewage varied over a wide range as low of 0.13 to 1.48 indicating operational problems in the plant. Regression ana

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Stabilization of Al-Rustamiya Waste Water Treatment Plant Sludge Using Lime
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A study was performed to evaluate heavy metals removal from sewage sludge using lime. The processes of stabilization using alkaline chemicals operating on a simple principle of raising pH to 12 or higher, with sufficient mixing and suitable contact time to ensure that immobilization can reduce heavy metals. A 0.157 m3 tank was designed to treat Al-Rustemeyia wastewater treatment plant sludge. Characteristics of raw sludge were examined through two parameters: pH and heavy metal analysis. Different lime doses of (0- 25) g CaO/100 g sludge were mixed manually with raw sludge in a rotating drum. The samples were analyzed two hours after mixing. pH and heavy metals results were compared with EPA and National Iraqi Stand

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Sexual Dysfunctions among Male Schizophrenic Patients Attending Al- Rashad Sex Clinic
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Background: Sexual dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia was reported as one of the most distressing antipsychotics drug adverse effects and it is directly related to treatment compliance, but the subject seldom touched in the field of psychiatry in Iraq previously.Objectives: To assess and find out the impact of schizophrenia on Sexuality of the patient, and illustrate effect of anti-schizophrenic on sexual activityMethods: using DSM4-TR and ASEX scale questionnaires for 104 male participants from out 155schizophrenic patient were studied in sex clinic in Al-Rashad teaching hospital for psychiatric disease in Baghdad. The study extended for 22 months from 1st of July 2010 to the 1st of April 2012, t test and chi square test were us

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Effect of Halabjah Earthquake on Al-Wand Earth Dam: Numerical Analysis
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The Halabja earthquake occurred on 12/11/2017 in Iraq, with a magnitude of 7.3 Mw, which happened in the Iraqi-Iranian borders. This earthquake killed and injured many people in the Kurdish region in the north of the country. There is no natural disaster more dangerous than earthquake, especially it occurs without warning, great attention must be paid to the impact of earthquakes on the soil and preparing for a wave of earthquakes. Numerical modeling using specific elements is considered a powerful tool to investigate the required behavior of structures in Geotechnical engineering, and the main objective of this is to assess the response of the Al-Wand dam to the Halabja earthquake, as this dam is located in an area that has been su

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Analytical Study of Cartoon picture AL-Mada Newspaper is a model
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The researcher studies and explains the content of some pictures that are published in al-Mada newspaper. The research is important as it deals with a topic that has a relation with visual culture and its role to transfer the press letter to the audience. The researcher finds that cartoonist exposed the security services through important people who have a major role in state policy and reveals the level of corruption and the weak treatments for this phenomenon and its reflection on the whole society and individuals. In addition to that, cartoonists try to encourage the public for going on the peaceful demonstrations since it is a good tool to make pressure on the government to punish the corrupts.

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