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Relationship phonetics and musicology at the Ikhwan Al- Safa and at al – Farabi
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Phonetics has close relevance with Musicology; in this study I decided explaining the interlinkages and harmony between Phonetics and Musicology. Linguists preceded philosophers in an attempt to link Phonetics with Musicology; the 1st serious attempt to link Phonetics with Musicology was done by Ibn Jeny (Dead 392 IC), but the real attempt is found with Farabi through his book under title Al Musiqa Al Kabeer, he defined music and link it with tune and relation between melody and tone, This is the same as pointed out by Ikhwan Al Safa who followed the doctrine of al-Farabi, their attention was with music and link it with phoneme, as they made music independent science, and they created special mathematics rules for it. Melody in music cannot be studied in separately from toning; therefore we can find correlation between melody and toning in Phonetics, so it is impossible talking about the melody in the framework of the single tone, it is seen as part of a group ringtones, while toning can be talking about in the framework of the single word, therefore melody and toning can be in the something bigger, al-Farabi and Ikhwan Al Safa who pointed out to this point, but the rhythm is linked with phenomena above syllabic like accent, tuning, dedication, moreover explaining resonant phoneme in melody as its properties of phonetics, The phonic lesson of al-Farabi and Ikhwan Al Safa was musician lesson purely ٚ mixed with the phoneme and music elements together.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurements of radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations using twin cup dosimeter for indoor Al-Madaan city – Baghdad – Iraq
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In this study, the activity concentrations of indoor radon, thoron
and their progeny have been measured in air for 61 different
locations of Al-Maddan city using twin cup dosimeter. Furthermore,
some useful parameters concerning the health hazards have been
estimated; working level month (WLM), annual effective dose (Eff),
and excess lung cancer per million person per year (ELC).The results
show that the values of radon gas levels in the investigated districts
varied from 56.28 to 194.43Bq/m3with an overall average value
132.96Bq/m3, while 0.313 to 1.085 for WLM with an overall average
0.740, respectively. The value of Eff and ELC have been found to
vary from 1.420 to 4.918 mSv/y with an overall average valu

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Specific activities and radiation hazard parameters calculations of natural radionuclides in AL-Mustansiriyah university soils using NaI(Tl) detector
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The specific activities of the natural radionuclides U-238 and Th-
232 and K-40 in 14 soil samples collected from different sites from
AL-Mustansiriyah university at two depths (topsoil "surface" and
20cm depth) were be investigated using gamma ray spectrometer
3"x3" NaI(Tl) scintillation detector.
The analysis of the energy spectra of the soil samples show that
these samples have specific activities ranging with (16.08-51.11)
Bq/kg for U-238, (14.79-52.29) Bq/kg for Th-232 and (191.08-
377.64) Bq/kg for K-40, with an average values of 29.37, 34.14 and
289.62 Bq/kg for U-238, Th-232, k-40 respectively. The radiation
hazard parameters of the natural radionuclides; radium equivalent
activity (Raeq), gamma a

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Knowledge, attitude and practice of Iraqi mothers towards Vitamin D supplementation to their infants in Baghdad Al -Rusafa 2016
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Background: Routine supplementation of vitamin D to infants is justifiable since vitamin D deficiency, and its consequences are highly prevalent not only in developing countries but worldwide. Maintaining a normal level of vitamin D is crucial in order to have a normal skeletal, as well as, extra-skeletal health. Knowledge of mothers regarding importance of vitamin D supplementation affect the health of their babies in a positive manner if accompanied by appropriate practice.

Objective: To determine the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of Iraqi mothers of under or equal 12 months old infants in Baghdad, AL-Rusafa, regarding vitamin D supplementation for their infants.


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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Dimensions of Virtuous Leadership and its Effect on organizational conflict: Applied Research on State Property Departmentin Al-Najaf Governorate
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This research aims to know the impact of leadership integrity as explanatory variable including its dimensions (courage, asceticism, justice, rationality, and humanity) on organizational conflict as responding variable. This research depended on the descriptive-constructive approach through the responses of a sample of (79) employees from (Real Estate Office of The State) in Al-Najaf province. The analyzing of the study done by using (Smart PLS) program to calculate (R2, t, p). Many results have been concluded and one of them, there is significant impact correlation of the leadership integrity on organizational conflict. There are many suggestions have been reached depending on the results reached and one of them is the necess

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Publication Date
Mon May 14 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Antibiotic Resistance to Pseudomonas aeruginosa that Iisolate from Burns and Ggeneral Surgery from Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital
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     Pseudomonas aeruginosa is common gram negative rod – shaped bacterium, a species of considerable medical importance, P. aeruginosa is prototypical "multi drug resistant (MDR) Pathogen" that is recognised for its ubiquity, its intrinsically advanced antibiotic resistance mechanisms, and its associatation with serious illnesses – especially nosocomial infection such as ventilator – associated pneumonia and various sepsis syndromes. This study was conducted from March 2014 to July 2014, the patients were males and females. Total samples of 613 patients, selected from burns wards and general surgery wards, the samples were sending to teaching laboratories from the same hospital. The present study

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Derivative Zero - Crossing Spectrophotometry Of Binary Mixtures Of Acetyl Acetonates Of Micro – Amounts Of Mn (Ii) And Al (Iii).
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New derivative molecular absorption spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of Al (III) , Mn (II) , individually and binary mixtures . The aim of this model of study is to obtain analytical results characterized by adequate standard of analytical figures of merits through application of derivative Spectrophotometry (dnA/d?n). The two metals acetyl acetonates are chemically stable and are widely used as catalysts . Where Interferences are probable due to very close or nearby peaks or Summits, the Zero – Crossing derivative measurement technique is used to avoid interfering effects between two metals pairs.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Vapor-Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (VLLE) Data for the Systems Ethyl acetate + Water, Toluene + Water and Toluene + Ethyl acetate + Water at 101.3 kPa. Using Modified Equilibrium Still
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Isobaric Vapor-Liquid-Liquid equilibrium data for the binary systems ethyl acetate + water, toluene + water and the ternary system toluene + ethyl acetate + water were determined by a modified equilibrium still, the still consisted of a boiling and a condensation sections supplied with mixers that helped to correct the composition of the recycled condensed liquid and the boiling temperature readings in the condensation and boiling sections respectively. The VLLE data where predicted and correlated using the Peng-Robinson Equation of State in the vapor phase and one of the activity coefficient models Wilson, NRTL, UNIQUAC and the UNIFAC in the liquid phase and also were correlated using the Peng-Robinson Equation of State in both the vapo

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Perceptual Speed and Its Relation to the Emotional Patterns of University Students: Perceptual Speed and Its Relation to the Emotional Patterns of University Students
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The current research aims to identify the perceptual speed of the university students as well as to identify the differences in the level of perceptual speed for the university students according to the variables of (male, female) specialization (scientific, human) university (Baghdad, Mustansiriya). Additionally, the research aims to identify the prevalence of emotional pattern and to identify the relationship between perceptual speed and the emotional patterns among university students. The researcher designed a questionnaire to measure the Emotional Patterns based on Jerome Freedman perspective. As for perceptual speed, the researcher adopted French, Extrom and Price scale (1963), which was tran

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Favism Clinical Experience in Al-Elwia Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment Efficiency Evaluation of Al-Diwaniya Sewage Treatment Plant in Iraq
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This study aims to evaluate the performance of the sewage treatment plant in Al- Diwaniya, one of cities in the southern part in Iraq. This evaluation could be used to facilitate effluent quality assessment or optimal process control of the plant. The influent reaching the plant is considered a medium to strong in strength with BOD5/COD ratio in the range 0.23 and 0.69 which can be considered an easily degradable sewage by the biological processes performed by the activated sludge unit. The quality of the effluent was found to be higher than the Iraqi standards for disposal to water bodies. The BOD5/COD ratios of the treated sewage varied over a wide range as low of 0.13 to 1.48 indicating operational problems in the plant. Regressio

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