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Some Thoughts on Greetings in English and Arabic
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The present study examines the main points of differences in the subject of greetings between the English language and the Arabic language. From the review of the related literature on greetings in both languages, it is found that Arabic greeting formulas are more elaborate than the English greetings, because of the differences in the social customs and the Arabic traditions and the Arabic culture. It is also found that Arabic greetings carry a religious meaning basing on the Islamic principle of “the same or more so”, which might lead to untranslatable loopholes when rendered in English.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 10 2014
Journal Name
Advances In Language And Literary Studies
The Functions of Onomatopoeia in Modern English and Arabic Poetry: A Study in Selected Poems by Lawrence and al-Sayyab
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Onomatopoeia has always been a functional poetic device which enjoys a high sound significance in the poetry of many languages. In modern English and Arabic poetry alike, it proves to be vital and useful at different levels: musical, thematic and at the level of meaning. Still, the cultural difference looms large over the ways it is employed by the poets of each. The present paper investigates the employment of onomatopoeia in the poetry of D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) and Badr Shakir al-Sayyab (1926-1964) who are chosen due to the importance they enjoy in modern English and Arabic poetry and the richness of their poems in onomatopoeias. The conclusions reached at are in a sense related to cultural differences which govern the use of onomato

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Impact of Mind and Informational Strategy on the ‎Achievement of the Second Intermediate Students in the Grammar ‎of Arabic Language
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The aim of the current research is to recognizing the impact of mind and informational strategy on the achievement with the second intermediate students in the grammar of arabic language, the researcher used a partial-set experimental design and intentionally selected a sample out of the second intermediate class from (AL- Markazya Intermediate school) in the district of Hilla, affiliated which belongs to General Directorate of Babylon Education in the year (2020-2021) for applying the experiment. The sample was composed of (50) students, (25) ones for each group, the experimental group and normal one. The researcher balanced between the two groups in various changes including: (the chronological age counted by months, the academic achie

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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While providing important news information, News tickers ( also called sliders or crawlers ) have become one of the methods used daily by satellite channels, because it’s almost a continuous news coverage and as it seems, it has become today an addition to the news world. Hence, satellite channels need to look for a mechanism to build news tickers in order to develop them even though they are still today not recognisable and in need of being classified in a radio or television art, and that is not easy. This research sheds light on the construction of the slider of a news satellite channel, which is important according to our modest convictions, as it can be the beginning of a long scientific research in a new field of study. The probl

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Hybrid Method of Linguistic and Statistical Features for Arabic Sentiment Analysis
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          Sentiment analysis refers to the task of identifying polarity of positive and negative for particular text that yield an opinion. Arabic language has been expanded dramatically in the last decade especially with the emergence of social websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Several studies addressed sentiment analysis for Arabic language using various techniques. The most efficient techniques according to the literature were the machine learning due to their capabilities to build a training model. Yet, there is still issues facing the Arabic sentiment analysis using machine learning techniques. Such issues are related to employing robust features that have the ability to discrimina

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Trends of Arabic Language Teachers in the Secondary Stage towards Homework
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The problem of the research is indicated by answering the following questions: 1) what are the attitudes of the Arabic language teachers towards homework?

2) Do the Arabic language teachers differ in their attitudes towards homework according to their specialization? 3) Do the Arabic language teachers differ in their attitudes towards homework according to their gender (male and female)? According to the three questions asked above, we may state the following hypotheses. There is no statistically significant difference between the average of the marks of Arabic language teachers in the real practice of the scale of the attitudes towards their homework and their average in the hypothetical practice of the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Translating Emotions in Dracula's Horror Fiction into Arabic: A Cognitive Appraisal
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This paper aims to add to the growing body of cognitive translation studies that deal with the translation of emotions and the factors of evaluating the translation process-oriented. Cognitive appraisal is one of the tokens that includes three paradigms of assessing the performance of translation, it can be addressed from the perspective of emotions, intuitions, and individual styles of the SL and the method of transfer into TL. The study hypothesized that translators create a similar emotional charge due to their mental capability to build the same emotional effect in the TL audience. The study also proposed that the applicability of cognitive appraisal is a valuable method of evaluating the translation process, as pertinent to TPR. The

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The attitude of Arabic - Islamic caliphate toward the A raab in the prophet and rightly guided caliphate
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Data-Driven Approach for Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language: Eygpt
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Corpus linguistics is a methodology in studying language through corpus-based research. It differs from a traditional approach in studying a language (prescriptive approach) in its insistence on the systematic study of authentic examples of language in use (descriptive approach).A “corpus” is a large body of machine-readable structurally collected naturally occurring linguistic data, either written texts or a transcription of recorded speech, which can be used as a starting-point of linguistic description or as a means of verifying hypotheses about a language.  In the past decade, interest has grown tremendously in the use of language corpora for language education. The ways in which corpora have been employed in language pedago

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Word-Formation System And Its Influence On The Translation Of New Vocabulary In Russian And Arabic: Словообразовательная Система И Ее Влияние На Перевод Новой Лексики В Русском И Арабском Языках
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Derivational word formation process is one of the most substantial linguistic procedures that solves many problems in the translation of the language new vocabulary and helps to comprehend the smallest language component that not simply semantically and structurally explain the elements  of both Russian and Arabic but also enables translators to comprehend the derivational method procedures of both languages. It also reveals the structural aspects of translation equivalences, cognitive and semantic foundations of translation. The rapid development of languages and the appearance of a new vocabulary like ṭabaʿa "print → ṭābiʿat "printer", kataba "to write" → kātib → kātibat, rafaʿa "to raise" → rāfiʿat "a crane" d

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Verbal Antonyms: A research in the relationship in meaning Between the words in Arabic language
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Verbal Antonyms: A research in the relationship in meaning Between the words in Arabic language

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