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Translating the Genre of Quran: the Challenge of translating the inimitable: Translating the Genre of Quran: the Challenge of translating the inimitable
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The main question raised in this paper is: Is it possible to translate the ‘genre’
of Quran? And if this ‘genre’ is Quran specific, a ‘genre’ of its own, i.e. a unique one,
how can the Quranic text be translated from Arabic into English or any other
language? This question has been raising a lot of controversy among translation
theorists, linguists, philosophers and scholars of Islam and specialists in the sciences
of Arabic language let alone Quran exegetes. Scholars of the Arabic language and
scholars of Islam have argued that because of the genre of Quran is the genre of (ijaz),
translatability can never be possible. Equivalence, thus, cannot be achieved especially
if we know that so far there has been no unanimous definition of the term.
Therefore, what translators of the Quranic text are involved with is transferring
meaning of the Quranic text. But meaning (content) is encapsulated in the Form
which is distinctly and uniquely rhetorical in Quran. In other words, such an
inextricable content-form relationship should make the process of transferring
meaning not an easy one at all, especially as we know that the Quranic text is sacred
and sensitive.
Thus, the periphrastic way which has already been put forward by Raof
(2001: 6) can be seen as a convenient solution to achieve a degree of approximation
between the source text and the target text.
Having supported the notion of approximation, I opted to choose certain
verses with certain syntactic and lexical aspects from the Quran. The point is to
compare three versions of translations of each verse to see which version is most
approximate to the Quranic text of the verse. The three versions are by Abdullah
Yusuf Ali (non Arab Moslem), Marmaduke Pickthall ( a British national who
converted to Islam) and Ahl-lul-Bait institution ( a Moslem Assembly with Arabic as
mother tongue).
To support my argument, I relied on Al-Mezan Fi-Tafseer Al-Quran (Al-
Mezan Exegesis) by the Moslem scholar Mohammed Hussein Tabatabae (2006) and
the authentic monolingual Arabic Dictionary Lisan Al-Arab (Ibn Manzur: 2005 ed.4).
One main conclusion made in this paper is that the task of translating the meaning of
Quran cannot be rightfully carried out by translators on individual basis. Rather, it
must be institutionalized. There is a need for setting up a special institution entrusted
with such a meticulous job.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Semantic Relation among the Expressions Of the Phonetic in the Holy Qura: The Semantic Relation among the Expressions Of the Phonetic in the Holy Qura
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The phonetic replacement is the process of putting a sound or a linguistic
syllable instead of another in one word that results in changing its meaning . It is one
way of vocabulary varionsness and discrimination because replacement among the
sounds of one expression and changing its image lead to change its meaning , and
accordingly , each replaced sound has its own linguistic value that distinguishes it . In
other words , the phonetic replacement is based on system of phonemic change
which is a general phenomenon in all languages . The linguistic system doesn’t stand
straight for word unless it is based on different standards that work on variousness ,
assortment and relating the phonetic change wi

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Difficulties of Rendering Both “Imra’a” امرأة and “Zawj” زوج in the Glorious Qur’an into English
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Women are considered important characters and subjects of discussion in the Glorious  Qur’an. Some are portrayed in a positive light while others are condemned . Most women in the Glorious Qur’an are represented as either the mothers or wives of certain leaders and prophets. But the lexical items “Imra’a” امراة and “zawj” زوج occur in the Glorious Qur’an with different meanings depending on the context where they occur.

     Translation of the Glorious Qur'an has always been a problematic and difficult issue. Since the Glorious Qur'an is regarded as miraculous and inimitable (i'jaz al-Qur'an), Muslims argue that the Qur'anic text should not be separated from its

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The problems of teaching the subject of reciting the Holy Quran and memorizing it through the teachers of the subject and the female students' perspectives and finding the required solutions
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The problem of the current paper is embodied in the weakness of the female students
of the department of the Quran sciences in the college of Education for Women in the
University of Baghdad in the subject of reciting and memorizing the Holy Quran. This is what
the professors and the scientific and educational supervisors stress equally through their visits
to the students applicants during the period of their practical application of teaching in the
schools; especially that the subject is thought for four years during their study in the college.
That weakness is so explicit with a quite large number of the students-applicants, who are
supposed to be the future teachers in the subject of the Holy Quran and Islamic Ed

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Similarity in the Holy Quran
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The method of Similarity of important topics in Arabic Rhetoric has ample evidence in the Qur'an and the Hadith and the words of the Arabs and this study is limited to only the Koran.
There have been Similarity in the Holy Quran on both types : investigative and discretion , but the verses are more Similarity investigative and in verse 49 Similarity investigative and in verse 25.
The rush of Albulageyen and many other examples of Quranic Vmtheloa on Similarity , with a linguistic analysis and return to the origins of the meanings are not properly counted Similarity , Kolvaz cunning , deception , and maliciousness , the bad and ridicule.
This study seeks as much as possible to the statement of this phenomenon and stand on these t

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The human sense organs and it's significance In the great Qur'an: The human sense organs and it's significance In the great Qur'an
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Thanks for people's God who brought the great book, prays and peace for
his prophet "Mohammad" the master of missioners to all people.
Allah created human being in it's best way and give him a soul thus ,
he will be a human with faith that has movement and life and the centre of his
soul is the sense which differentiate human from other animals. This
sensation generated from different senses that made the soul.
God had given him a protected heart, talkative tounge and clear seeing
to understand with consideration, so he will prevent himself of falling in wrong
by thinking and situation that he will pass by.
The significance and probability of sensation had talken our attention in
Qur'an . Hence

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-farahidi's Arts
Linguistic Analysis of Translating The Iraqi novel "The Corpse Washer" from Arabic to English
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This research aims to conduct a linguistic analysis of the translation of the novel "The Corpse Washer" by the Iraqi author Sinan Antoon. The main objective is to explore the challenges and strategies involved in translating this literary work, particularly the difficulties in translating the Baghdadi dialect and the obstacles it poses for non-native speakers. Employing a descriptive research methodology, the study examines the linguistic aspects of the translation, specifically selected conversational texts in the novel. It identifies the difficulties faced by translators in preserving the essence of the original novel and presents instances where errors occurred in translating vocabulary, conversational expressions, proverbs, and idi

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The semantics of words in the Holy Quran
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The lexical connotation is one of the types of connotation that linguists have dealt with, and stipulated in their studies, meaning access to the real meanings of the words, that the lexicon can address after tracing the real meaning of the metaphorical meanings, if any, and this is known to the semantics additional significance, and the rhetorical meaning Figuratively.
The miraculous Qur'an in its systems often refers to the metaphorical uses of the words as well as the real use. The significance of the words in the Holy Qur'an came in a variety of contexts, making each word a special significance that belongs to it exclusively. This is the miracle of the Holy Qur'an. The coming of the slow walk, with its eight words (came, came, cam

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Secrets of mountains in the Holy Quran
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Praise be to God, who made the pegs of the earth and entrusted them with the task of keeping the earth from tilting, and prayers and peace be upon the one to whom the Qur’an was revealed, Muhammad, and upon his family and all his companions.

The topic of mountains is one of the important topics in human life, as God has associated great miracles with them that indicate the perfection of the power of God Almighty. God Almighty says: (And to the mountains, my palms have turned. This is worthy of every rational person to contemplate His signs, the Almighty, in this solid part and safety belt of the earth, in order to reveal the secrets of the mountains and uncover their treasures. The more the researcher studies the mountains and

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics of Senses in the Holy Quran
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This study is based on the basic idea: that human communication does not stop at the limits of words spoken, but extends to include the movements of the body and its members, such as the face, hand, eye, hearing, touch, taste, sensation and the public body.
The human movements represented by polarization, frowns, tattoos, and movements are all auxiliary tools that reach meanings and affect others greatly.
 Perhaps their importance is also in their ability to translate what is going on in the soul, and to show it to the outside body members, without the control of the human in many cases, it is thus an important factor in the process of human communication.
The purpose of this study is to show the senses of the senses in the

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Awej For Translation And Literary Studies
Phonological Problems of Translating English Advertisements into Arabic
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An advertisement is a form of communication intended to promote the sale of a product or service, influence public opinion, gain political support, or to elicit some other response. It consists of various type, including style, target audience, geographic scope, medium, or purpose. An advertisement should catch a person's attention and quickly create a memorable impression. The main aim of the present paper is to investigate the phonological problems of translating English international TV advertisements into Arabic. It deals with the most common and popular TV advertisements. The importance of such advertisements lies not in its information content rather than in the achievement of the desired impact on the receivers. When translating such

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