تدور الدراسة في علم الاقتصاد المنزلي حول احتیاجات الانسان الضروریة لاستمرار الحیاة ومواقف في محیط
الاسرة وتفاعل مع ظروف البیئة المحیطة بھ .والتي تكون دائمة التغییر لذلك یمكن تعریف علوم وفنون الاقتصاد
المنزلي وفنونھ انھا عبارة عن مجموعة منظمة من المعارف والعلوم تتركز في محور الاسرة والمنزل حیث ینمو
ویتطور الانسان بالعلاقات الانسانیة والنواحي الاقتصادیة والاجتماعیة من جھة والنواحي العلمیة والفنیة الخاصة
بالغذاء من جھة اخرى فضلا عن النواحي العلمیة والفنیھ الخاصة بالمنسوجات والملابس التي تحتاجھا افراد الاسرة
لاتصالھا الوثیق بحیاتھم الیومیة . بحیث یعتقد البعض انھ لایوجد حقل من حقول المعرفة یعنى بحاجات الاسرة
المعاصرة وادارتھا اكثر مما یستطیع تخصص الاقتصاد المنزلي تقدیمھ . ذلك انھ یتنافس مع حقول المعرفة
المتنوعة بجانبیھا النظري والعملي من خلال تطوره المستمر ذو العلاقة بتطور مفردات حیاة الانسان.
إن تطور غایات الاقتصاد المنزلي لھ اھمیة في جعل الفرد یعیش في المجتمع عضواً نافعاً ویساعد غیره من
الافراد . كذلك یساعد على تنمیة المفاھیم والمھارات التي یحتاجھا الفرد في حاضره ومستقبلھ . ومن ھذا المنطلق
جاءت اھمیة تخصص الاقتصاد المنزلي عالمیاً حیث اصبح لھ اقسام وكلیات متكاملة في مختلف البلدان شرقاً وغرباً
. وفي الوطن العربي ھناك كلیات متخصصة في الاقتصاد المنزلي ویدرس بجدیة في مدارس البنات ضمن المواد
الدراسیة في مناھجھا ولھ ثُقلھ الخاص لاھمیتھ للفتیات في حیاتھن ، كما ان ھناك جمعیات عالمیة للاقتصاد المنزلي
في دول مختلفة ومشھورة عالمیاً بالدوریات التي تصدرھا وبمؤتمراتھا الفعالة .
ومع التطور الاجتماعي والتقدم العلمي والتكنولوجي تغیر نمط الحیاة وزادت اھمیة الجانب العلمي لمختلف
انشطة الحیاة . ولذلك تغیر مفھوم الاقتصاد المنزلي ومضمونھ للایفاء بالاحتیاجات الجدیدة للاسرة والمجتمع واصبح
تركیزه حالیاً على الجانب العلمي وجعل الاسرة محوراً للدراسة فضلاً عن المرونة وسھولة التكیف للتغییرات التي
تمس حیاة الاسرة والمجتمع .
The purpose of the current research is to identify the reality and applicability of the entrepreneurial approach in its dimensions (creative, proactive, independent, risk tolerant, offensive) and its impact on the success factors of the project (organizational commitment, communication, project team, project monitoring) Access to information, treatment, storage), which is a significant and important link in the success and development of industrial projects with the possibility of studying and analyzing the provision of the appropriate environment for this.
the research started from a problem expressed by a number of intellectual and practical questions aimed at answering them as well as To answer a
... Show MoreThe aim of the research is to identify the percentage of success and failure of some compound offensive skills in joiner basketball. It was evident that development only occurred though the mastery of the basic single offence skills as well as the ability to perform compound skills accurately and consistently. Not paying enough attention to compound skills leads evidentially to weakness in the athlete's level that in turn leads to mistakes in performance. Six joiner games of the best four teams in Baghdad were filmed and analyzed. The results of analyzing the compound offence skills were as follows: There was some weakness in the athletes' ability in using compound offence skills specially receiving, dribbling and following through that
... Show MoreIn our previous research , we study the method of women by ( al – sakhaawi " died 902
ah/1496a.c"book witch called ( al- dhau, al-lami) .
So in this paper , we will discuss the social life of women in the mamluk period through the
same book ,especially when the sakhaawi devoted a full part for women in the same book
called it (mhagam ,al –nessa)wich it translations a large number of women like wives
,daughters ,sisters ,and maids of mamluk sultans ,so that make my able to know a lot about
the social life of woman which we study it like a social aspects of women, here wealth,
business, professions ,and in the last we study the habits of them marriage .
This research aim to recognize
satisfy of life in the university's student and balance in satisfy of life
according to two type aveirable sex specific and find type and
relationship's director between satisfy of life and character big factors.
and known hom much that Factors in satisfy of life, the research sample
consist of (401) student male and female and from both specified in
Baghdad's University, researcher bult scale of Costa &McCrae Fore the
fire big Factors to Personality, research result That the university's
student low level of satisfy of life and there are no different statically if
they are scientific or human in their study. And there is positive and there
is positive and indicate relation
The organization uses many techniques and methods to ensure that they will succeed and adapted with velocity change in the internal and external environment by decision taking, especially strategic decisions.
Strategic decisions are very important for organization success because it can predict the future and deal with uncertainty, in this circumstances they need accurate and comprehensive information to make effective strategic decision.
To achieve that purpose it must owned successful Strategic Information System ( SIS ) and determined the critical success factors for this system ,which can assisted the worker to focus on the important activities to develop it.
... Show More
The idea of this research is the basis of the role exercised by the dimensions of performance management (Performance Planning- performance evaluation- improve the performance and development- feedback - Review and Performance Monitor) In order to achieve the success Organizational Is through the (strategic vision- the operational activity- development of the company- selection of personnel- the company's culture- Leadership and Management- Personal Development - Assessment and Review).And The research aims to identify the extent of the responsibility of performance management in achieving success Organizational through main hypotheses branched out by the sub-hypotheses to knowing out the&nbs
... Show MoreBackground: Ureteral stone can cause obstructive uropathy and subsequent deterioration of renal function. There are four treatment options for ureteral calculi: lithotripsy, ureteroscopy, laparoscopic ureterolithotomy, and open stone surgery. Holmium YAG laser is an excellent intracorporial lithotripter for all kinds of stones. Accordingly, there is steady increase in number of ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy operations in the managmant of Ureteral stone.
Objectives: this study was designed to demonstrate the effect of ureteric stone location on the success rate of ureteroscopic Holmium laser lithotripsy in the management of ureteric stones.
Patients and Methods: Ninety m
... Show Moreمستخلص البحث كان الهدف من البحث هو معرفة نسب نجاح وفشل بعض المهارات الهجومية المركبة من ثلاث مهارات بكرة السلة للشباب.، إذ لوحظ بأنه لا تكتمل عملية التقدم من خلال إتقان المهارات الأساسية الهجومية المفردة فقط وإنما في القدرة على الدقة والثبات في أداء الربط فيما بينها (التركيب)، وعكس ما تقدم يعد واحد من الأسباب التي تسبب ضعفاً في المستوى ومما يزيد من الأخطاء في الأداء تبعاً لذلك. وفي ضوء ما تقدم تم تصوير ست مباري
... Show MoreAbstract  
... Show MoreThe research aims to identify the role determined by the dimensions of marketing in the relationship represented by (trust in the relationship, commitment to the relationship, communication during the relationship) in how to contribute to the success of the industrial project management in Iraq as a case study in the General Directorate of Industrial Development. Their number is (50) workers, where the research problem centered on knowing the impact and importance of relationship marketing on the success of industrial project management. The descriptive analytical approach. Using SPSS and Amos, the researcher tested and analysed hypotheses about the relationship and the influence between the research variables through a questionnaire . Test
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