تدور الدراسة في علم الاقتصاد المنزلي حول احتیاجات الانسان الضروریة لاستمرار الحیاة ومواقف في محیط
الاسرة وتفاعل مع ظروف البیئة المحیطة بھ .والتي تكون دائمة التغییر لذلك یمكن تعریف علوم وفنون الاقتصاد
المنزلي وفنونھ انھا عبارة عن مجموعة منظمة من المعارف والعلوم تتركز في محور الاسرة والمنزل حیث ینمو
ویتطور الانسان بالعلاقات الانسانیة والنواحي الاقتصادیة والاجتماعیة من جھة والنواحي العلمیة والفنیة الخاصة
بالغذاء من جھة اخرى فضلا عن النواحي العلمیة والفنیھ الخاصة بالمنسوجات والملابس التي تحتاجھا افراد الاسرة
لاتصالھا الوثیق بحیاتھم الیومیة . بحیث یعتقد البعض انھ لایوجد حقل من حقول المعرفة یعنى بحاجات الاسرة
المعاصرة وادارتھا اكثر مما یستطیع تخصص الاقتصاد المنزلي تقدیمھ . ذلك انھ یتنافس مع حقول المعرفة
المتنوعة بجانبیھا النظري والعملي من خلال تطوره المستمر ذو العلاقة بتطور مفردات حیاة الانسان.
إن تطور غایات الاقتصاد المنزلي لھ اھمیة في جعل الفرد یعیش في المجتمع عضواً نافعاً ویساعد غیره من
الافراد . كذلك یساعد على تنمیة المفاھیم والمھارات التي یحتاجھا الفرد في حاضره ومستقبلھ . ومن ھذا المنطلق
جاءت اھمیة تخصص الاقتصاد المنزلي عالمیاً حیث اصبح لھ اقسام وكلیات متكاملة في مختلف البلدان شرقاً وغرباً
. وفي الوطن العربي ھناك كلیات متخصصة في الاقتصاد المنزلي ویدرس بجدیة في مدارس البنات ضمن المواد
الدراسیة في مناھجھا ولھ ثُقلھ الخاص لاھمیتھ للفتیات في حیاتھن ، كما ان ھناك جمعیات عالمیة للاقتصاد المنزلي
في دول مختلفة ومشھورة عالمیاً بالدوریات التي تصدرھا وبمؤتمراتھا الفعالة .
ومع التطور الاجتماعي والتقدم العلمي والتكنولوجي تغیر نمط الحیاة وزادت اھمیة الجانب العلمي لمختلف
انشطة الحیاة . ولذلك تغیر مفھوم الاقتصاد المنزلي ومضمونھ للایفاء بالاحتیاجات الجدیدة للاسرة والمجتمع واصبح
تركیزه حالیاً على الجانب العلمي وجعل الاسرة محوراً للدراسة فضلاً عن المرونة وسھولة التكیف للتغییرات التي
تمس حیاة الاسرة والمجتمع .
The study conducted to investigate the association between Helicobacter pylori infection and eye diseases (Glaucoma, Cataract, CSR and Uveitis). One hundred and four patients with multiple eye disorders (10-80) years were observed from 10/9 to 18/11/2020 and compared to thirty-one healthy people (19 female and 12 male). Both participants were tested for anti-H. pylori IgA, and IgG antibodies using ELISA. There were non –significant differences (P≥0.05) in the concentration of anti-H. pylori IgA Abs in sera of patients with Glaucoma, CSR, and Uveitis compared to the control group, but there was a significant difference (P≤0.05) in the concentration of H. pylori IgA Abs in sera of patients with Cataract compared to the control group and
... Show MoreThe present study aims to illuminate the assessment of the Turkish elite of the role of the Turkish media in forming the attitudes of public opinion vis a vis the attempted military coup of 15 July 2016. The authors utilized the survey method of a nominal sample of 315 individuals, equally distributed among the three foremost categories of the Turkish elite, namely: the political academic, and media elite. The foremost findings of the study are that the orientation of the coverage of the Turkish media of the events of the attempt military coup of 15 July, based on the perception and assessment of the Turkish elite, was positive to a high degree; it refuted the news and the inciting information given to foreign media revealed the bloodine
... Show MoreAfter diagnostic tests on ten isolates of S. marcescence, were made an examination of sensitivity to various antibiotics and checking the ability to produce β-lactamase of all isolates. The outer membrane protein quantity was determined in μg/cm3 for all isolates. The results showed that S. marcescence have antibiotic multiresistant and all isolates had the ability to produce β-lactamase and its resistance may arise from more than two mechanisms like overproduction of antibiotic inactivation enzymes and the decrease of permeability by outer membrane protein.
The parasite E.histolytica was first isolated from a stool sample, and then cultivated and maintained in vitro using Locke-egg medium (LEM) and Liver infusion agar medium (LIAM) . Then, the effect of some types of erythrocytes (human and sheep), on the growth and activity of the parasite in the two culture media was investigated. The parasite was able to ingest and lysis erythrocytes of human and sheep that were supplemented to the culture media and such manipulation was able to augment the reproduction rate of the cultivated E. histolytica, however, such consequence was media- and concentration-dependent. The reproduction rate was significantly increased (66.0, 57.5 and 58.6%, respectively) in LEM medium containing human erythrocytes ty
... Show MoreThe Quality function deployment (QFD) tool is an important tool of total quality management because its a link between two important parts customer and production process of the product, using advanced House of quality, which contributed to provide more details about improving the product before it had a vision for the future of the product be improved. Also the identification of the two competitors (Alwazeer , Altouri) bases on the survey of retailers which they identified five competitors products (Alwazeer , Altouri , Ferry , Jif , Dina)for the product (Zahi). Then House of quality to product (Zahi) has been developed By using a Kano Model to classify of customer's requirements for the
... Show MoreThe conducted research was done in Grda rasha field (Salahaddin University) for one month to compare the impacts of Alcea kurdica powder, Rifaxmine, and Ranitidine as anti-lesion and immune-strengthening agents on stress-induced quails which are affecting their growth rate and in severe cases causing gizzard erosion and deep intestinal lesions. To do that, 75 quails (12 weeks old) were grouped into six treatments with different additives. (T0-) = Negative control (Stress-induced Without treatment), (T0+) = Positive control (No stress inducing or treatment). T1= (treated with Rifaximine 200mg/L water mixed), T2= (treated with Ranitidine 200mg/L), T3= (treated with A.kurdica extract 100mg/L). The tested groups,
... Show MoreArtificial neural networks usage, as a developed technique, increased in many fields such as Auditing business. Contemporary auditor should cope with the challenges of the technology evolution in the business environment by using computerized techniques such as Artificial neural networks, This research is the first work made in the field of modern techniques of the artificial neural networks in the field of auditing; it is made by using thesample of neural networks as a sample of the artificial multi-layer Back Propagation neural networks in the field of detecting fundamental mistakes of the financial statements when making auditing. The research objectives at offering a methodology for the application of theartificial neural networks wi
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