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Role of the Turkish media in forming the orientations of Turkish public opinion toward the attempted coup of 15 July 2016
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The present study aims to illuminate the assessment of the Turkish elite of the role of the Turkish media in forming the attitudes of public opinion vis a vis the attempted military coup of 15 July 2016. The authors utilized the survey method of a nominal sample of 315 individuals, equally distributed among the three foremost categories of the Turkish elite, namely: the political academic, and media elite. The foremost findings of the study are that the orientation of the coverage of the Turkish media of the events of the attempt military coup of 15 July, based on the perception and assessment of the Turkish elite, was positive to a high degree; it refuted the news and the inciting information given to foreign media revealed the bloodiness of the rebels who opened fire on innocent civilians, and adopted a media discourse supportive of the national will and the safeguarding of democracy. The Turkish media also urged Turkish political parties to adopt a united stand toward the coup, in a manner different from its positions toward the military coups that took place previously in Turkey. Moreover, it is the view of the elite that the Turkish media contributed to forming the attitudes of Turkish public opinion that are strongly opposed to the annulment of democracy. This helped abort the coup attempt, and this evidenced and proved the strong influence of the Turkish media on society.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Trends of University Professors towards the Role of Social Networking Websites in Shaping Public Opinion about the Security Crises
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Social networking sites represent one of the modern communication technologies that have contributed to the expression of public opinion trends towards various events and crises of which security crisis is most important being characterized by its ability to influence the community life of the public. In order to recognize its role in shaping opinions of the educated class of the public that is characterized by a high level of knowledge, culture and having experience in dealing with the media. Its advantage is that they have an active audience by expressing their views on the situations, events, and news published on them as well as expressing their attitudes and sympathy with the events. So a number of questions are included in the ques

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The impact of the Turkish intervention in northern Syria on the Syrian Turkish relations during (2011-2019)
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This study aimed to provide a theoretical framework for the impact of the Turkish intervention in northern Syria and the extent of its impact on the relations between the two countries.

It also sought to answer the study's main question: What is the impact of the Turkish intervention in northern Syria on Turkish-Syrian relations during the period 2011-2019 ?.   

In this study, the historical method, the descriptive method, and the systems analysis method were used, with the aim of arriving at an accurate and realistic understanding of the Turkish-Syrian relations.

The study reached a set of results, the most important of which was that the Syrian-Turkish relations are based on interests, and that all alliances and

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Obstacles to employing social media applications in measuring public opinion
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Media and communication's research are varied in accordance to research approaches' variety which seeks to reach convergent social, psycholo

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Iraqi TV Satellite Channels in Forming the Attitudes of University Students towards Terror-ism
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            The phenomenon of terrorism is one of the most serious challenges facing the world at present. So this concept has occupied a great deal of interest of researchers and scholars in the relevant disciplines. There is no doubt that the study of the concept of terrorism requires a study of its various aspects. However, this study will be limited to knowing the role of television channels in providing the public with information about terrorist events, the extent to which young people rely on these channels to shape their attitudes towards terrorism issues. This study also seeks the relationship between satellite television channels and terrorism based on the relevant media li

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Political Consultation and Public Opinion Polls
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Increasingly important public opinion polls steadily .... especially in electoral campaigns, sheds searchlight on the side of the US elections, in different time periods, and cited the words of experts and people involved in it, and reviews Find great development that took place in the polls and what could happen to this work It is important in the future. Display search for certain types of polls, dividing them on as stated by the experts in the United States... This division shows that the surveys of the most political processes and accuracy of information, and that their Money being made and companies specialized in the administration of this type of measuring public opinion ..... what is returned decision-making, for example, in conj

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 06 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The effect of the media in forming knowledge and political awareness
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Abstract The dissemination of knowledge is no longer confined to schools and universities, not even books. For nearly two centuries, the media have become prominent in disseminating knowledge and culture, in its public and particularly political aspects. After the development of the media from newspapers and magazines to the visual media, their role has increased from the dissemination of abstract information and abstract knowledge towards the process of forming new knowledge through what it publishes and broadcasts from different programs such as drama, news and talk shows. The impact of the media has changed the overall community awareness. Half a century ago the media was not so powerful and widespread. The evolution of the 1990s made

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The majority of statisticians, if not most of them, are primarily concerned with the theoretical aspects of their field of work rather than their application to the practical aspects. Its importance as well as its direct impact on the development of various sciences. Although the theoretical aspect is the first and decisive basis in determining the degree of accuracy of any research work, we always emphasize the importance of the applied aspects that are clear to everyone, as well as its direct impact on the development of different sciences. The measurements of public opinion is one of the most important aspects of the application of statistics, which has taken today, a global resonance and has become a global language that everyone can

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Turkish and Iranian attitudes toward Political changes in Middle East
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There are many developments in political, strategic aspects in the middle east either in
international field which represented by U.S.A as first polar in world or territorial field which
represent by Turkey and Iran, as territorial powers in the region, Turkish role is fit with
American position in order to draw new map of middle east, Turkey advocate new policy to
confirm its attitude in Euro peen Union and its relation with U.S.A.
Iran adopted policy of Expansion in Iraq, Yamen, Lebanon and Syria, in addition Iran
enlist all it efforts to develop its Nuclear program and enter Nuclear club which make Iran,
Super power in middle east and the world, each Turkey and Iran have certain attitudes toward
all political c

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Strategic dimensions of the Turkish role in the map of international and regional forces balances
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It is necessary to examine the nature of the Turkish position and what Turkey seeks to achieve at the international, regional and Iraqi levels. Or is this external role an expression of foreign policy and has not yet reached the level of maturity that reaches the stage of strategy? The answer to this question is the essence of research in the Turkish role. The answer to this question requires the realization of the elements and pillars that guarantee Turkey's continuity and survival. Continuity is a cornerstone of the strategy. The continuity of the role and its interaction with the event and the ability to employ multiple alternatives are what qualify the state to describe its politics. The external strategy has evolved into. In order t

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 23 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Media Coverage of the Iraqi Satellite Channels in Shaping Public Attitudes towards Terrorism (a Field Study of a Sample of an Audience of the City of Baghdad)
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Violence is one of the most serious threats facing societies because it affects their internal structure and threatens the security and stability of society. It is classified as one of the types of security crises that are emerging in Arab and Islamic societies in particular, and in most countries of the world in general.

The threat of this crisis is increasing. Terrorism is considered as one of the most serious aspects of that all the countries of the world, currently, suffer from. The terrorism has begun to penetrate deep into society in one way or another starting from the Second World War, which led to the emergence of leftist movements in Western Europe, Japan, France, Italy and other countries as a result of emerging ideas

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