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العلاقات العراقية-السويدية وافاقها المستقبلية

إن دراسة طبيعة الحياة السياسية والحزبية والبرلمانية ومميزات الشعب السويدي الهدف منها من اجل فهم أفضل لبلد هو السويد يقع في أقصى شمال اوربا والعالم يسعى العراق الى تطوير علاقاته معه على كافة الصعد السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية والعلمية والتجارية والعسكرية، وفي نفس الوقت الذي تسعى السويد من جانبها لتوثيق هذه العلاقات من واقع معرفتها بمكانة العراق الحضارية والنفطية والاستثمارية والاقتصادية وكدولة مهمة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط. ان ما يمكن ان توصل اليه من استنتاجات  لتعزيز العلاقات العراقية-السويدية ،ان السويد بلد هجر الحروب منذ اكثر من 150 عاما اتجهت الى السلم والتعايش والديمقراطية والانفتاح الاقتصادي والنمو المالي ،ثم انها بعيدة عن الصراعات في قلب اوربا والشرق الاوسط او شرق اوربا، وهذا يعطيها افضلية للتعاون معها بعيدا عن التحالفات والاقطاب،والسويد ايضا بلد جاذب للمهاجرين يستقطب الكفاءات ،ويقدم تسهيلات لهم يمكن التعامل معه لمصلحة العرب والعراق خاصة. ثم انها بلد تبحث عن الفرص الاقتصادية والتجارية والاستثمارية ولاسيما الصناعات الثقيلة وصناعة الاسلحة فضلا عن انه لا توجد علاقات كولونيالية بين السويد والعرب او عداء تاريخي يدفع الحكومات والشعوب الى التقارب والتعاون بحكم الروابط الاجتماعية المتنامية، ووجود الجالية العراقية الكبيرة في السويد مما يعزز من دفء العلاقات بين العراق والسويد ،ومعرفة الاخيرة بمكانة العراق  المحورية في الشرق الاوسط وارثه التاريخي والحضاري ومخزونه النفطي وثرواته الطبيعية.


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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The electronic news bulletin of the ministry of higher education and scientific research: A study in the newspapers of: (AL-Taakhi, AL-Zaman, ALAdala,AL-Sabah and Baghdad) for period from 2nd October 2011 to 1st November 2011

The research aims to know the reverberation of the the electronica news bulletin of the ministry of higher education and scientific research  in the newspapers of: (AL-Taakhi, AL-Zaman, ALAdala,AL-Sabah and Baghdad) for period from 2nd October 2011 to 1st November 2011 to explain its activity and advantage for the other newspapers and to show the importance which the newspapers showed for the study of the news subject in the bulletin, as well as,to show the proportional differences in which the newspapers interested in the subjects of the published news, and to reach to the results which lead us to good conclusions for the service of decision owner and open new horizons for the researchers to expanding in the s

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of operational efficiency on some financial indicators according to the CAMEL model of banking financial stability: An applied research on a sample of Iraqi private banks for the period 2010-2020


          The research aims to determine the nature of the Iraqi market in terms of banking financial stability and the extent impact of the operational efficiency on it, Accordingly, chosen 15 relational banks were chosen as an intentional sample that could represent the Iraqi banking system for the period 2010-2020. The operational efficiency variable was measured according to the data envelope model, and banking financial stability used  CAMELS model which includes five indicators (capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality, profitability, and liquidity), so for testing the research hypotheses used the random regression model by adopting the S

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of crisis management in achieving banking liquidity: applied research in a sample of Iraqi private banks

                     Crises affect the economic growth of the country in general and the banking sector in particular. Given the importance of this sector, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of banks from time to time and monitor the liquidity of each bank and how to organize its management to overcome any crisis or emergency situation that may befall it. The research seeks to diagnose the level of impact of crisis management. In the liquidity of Iraqi private banks, using liquidity indicators, as the research community represents the banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange As for the research sample, it is represented by (10) pri

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2005
Journal Name
مجلة مداد كلية الاداب الجامعة العراقية
الامشطة الاتصالية للعلاقات العامة في المؤسسات الدينية العراقية ,دراسة تحليلية في الإصدارات الصحفية في دواوين الأوقاف الدينية للمدة من (1 /12 / 2009م - 30 / 6 / 2010م ).

تعد أنشطة العلاقات العامة تمثل جانباً مهماً من جوانب عمل المؤسسات بشكل عام في الوقت الحاضر، وتأخذ خصوصية أكثر في المنظمات الحكومية، بسبب الأعباء الضخمة والمسؤوليات العديدة تجاه أفراد المجتمع، وقد اهتمت الدول المتقدمة والنامية على حد سواء بهذا النشاط. إن أنشطة العلاقات العامة تؤدي دوراً هاماً في تسهيل عملية الاتصال وتحقيق الفهم المتبادل وتوطيد العلاقة بين الطرفين – المؤسسة والجمهور – وللعلاقات العامة دور

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Frames of Al-Alam TV channel’s handling of the Iraqi and Lebanese protests Analytical study of the main news bulletin for the period from October 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019

        In October 2019, Iraq and Lebanon witnessed widespread protests, which aroused the interest of the media, as they began with demands for the provision of services, then escalated with the overthrow of the political system. The researchers chose a satellite channel that represents a direction for a country accused of entering the line of protests. This paper aims to analyze the main bulletin of Al-Alam channel to find out how it deals with the protests in the news. It is classified descriptively, using the survey method and the method of content analysis. The study community was represented by the main news bulletin of Al-Alam channel. The researchers adopted a deliberate sample for the period from 1/10/2019 to

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Building the News Agenda in Iraqi Newspapers and Patterns of Bias in their Sources

News are considered the most press arts that supply the target audiences with daily information and events happened inside and outside society since it is formed by depending on its resources which have a deep relation with formal corporations to gain their satisfaction in order to support their authority and spreading their domination by using mass media in editing their viewpoints and achieving wide acceptance among public opinion. In the field of technological development and changing in the fields of politics, society, culture, economics etc. inside Iraqi society and democratic transition help to convert news agenda from independent variation to a fellow variation while in the past the variation of mass media was the independent one

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Some Lean Production Tools in selecting a Mass Customization Strategy

   The research aims to indicate the relationship between lean production tools included seven {constant improvement , and Just in time (JIT), and the production smoothing , and quality at the source, and standardized work, Visual management, and activities 5S }  and  Mass Customization strategy for the model (Pine & Gilomer, 1997) {collaborative, adaptive, cosmetic, transparent}, as well as providing a conceptual framework and applied for variables search to clarify how they will choose a Mass Customization strategy through the lean production tools, , and recognize the reality of the practices of Iraqi industries in such a field. Moreover, aims to highlight the positive aspects that accrue to companies a

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
امكانية تكييف نظام الجودة في شركة الاسمنت العراقية وفقا لمتطلبات نموذج تاكيد الجودة iso9001 الخاص بنظام العمل والعاملين دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من المديرين في الشركة

امكانية تكييف نظام الجودة في شركة الاسمنت العراقية وفقا لمتطلبات نموذج تاكيد الجودة iso9001 الخاص بنظام العمل والعاملين دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من المديرين في الشركة

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
بحث تطبيقي في مصرف الرافدين: An Applied Research in the Rafidain Bank

Banks was one of the institutions that are highly concerned with the issue of performance evaluation, in order to achieve optimal use of resources that enable them to achieve operational and strategic objectives both in light of the global competition fierce for the start of the research problem of banks to adopt in assessing the performance of the realization of just the traditional financial indicators which has become insufficient to keep pace with the constant evolution in the business environment, which requires work on the use of the necessary information needed to evaluate the performance of all the Bank's activities through

the use of the Balanced Scorecard method. The research aims to shed light on the dimensions of perf

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Frameworks for international press coverage of external interference in the formation of the Iraqi government Analytical study for the Saudi Al-Sharq Al-Awsat and Kayhan Al-Arabi-Iranian newspapers for the period (1/1/2018 - 31/12/2018)

This research deals with the frameworks and mechanisms of international press coverage of the issue of foreign interference in the formation of the Iraqi government in the Saudi newspapers Asharq Al-Awsat and Kayhan Al-Arabi Iran and how this topic was addressed in the two newspapers. The frameworks for international press coverage of external interference in the formation of the Iraqi government. ”This research is one of the descriptive research that adopted the survey method، which made it possible to use the content analysis tool to analyze
the content of the two newspapers، whose numbers are (624) from the
newspapers (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Al-Saudi Arabia and Kayhan Al-Arabi Iran) from (1/1/2018 to 31/12/2018)، and the researc

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