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العلاقات العراقية-السويدية وافاقها المستقبلية
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إن دراسة طبيعة الحياة السياسية والحزبية والبرلمانية ومميزات الشعب السويدي الهدف منها من اجل فهم أفضل لبلد هو السويد يقع في أقصى شمال اوربا والعالم يسعى العراق الى تطوير علاقاته معه على كافة الصعد السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية والعلمية والتجارية والعسكرية، وفي نفس الوقت الذي تسعى السويد من جانبها لتوثيق هذه العلاقات من واقع معرفتها بمكانة العراق الحضارية والنفطية والاستثمارية والاقتصادية وكدولة مهمة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط. ان ما يمكن ان توصل اليه من استنتاجات  لتعزيز العلاقات العراقية-السويدية ،ان السويد بلد هجر الحروب منذ اكثر من 150 عاما اتجهت الى السلم والتعايش والديمقراطية والانفتاح الاقتصادي والنمو المالي ،ثم انها بعيدة عن الصراعات في قلب اوربا والشرق الاوسط او شرق اوربا، وهذا يعطيها افضلية للتعاون معها بعيدا عن التحالفات والاقطاب،والسويد ايضا بلد جاذب للمهاجرين يستقطب الكفاءات ،ويقدم تسهيلات لهم يمكن التعامل معه لمصلحة العرب والعراق خاصة. ثم انها بلد تبحث عن الفرص الاقتصادية والتجارية والاستثمارية ولاسيما الصناعات الثقيلة وصناعة الاسلحة فضلا عن انه لا توجد علاقات كولونيالية بين السويد والعرب او عداء تاريخي يدفع الحكومات والشعوب الى التقارب والتعاون بحكم الروابط الاجتماعية المتنامية، ووجود الجالية العراقية الكبيرة في السويد مما يعزز من دفء العلاقات بين العراق والسويد ،ومعرفة الاخيرة بمكانة العراق  المحورية في الشرق الاوسط وارثه التاريخي والحضاري ومخزونه النفطي وثرواته الطبيعية.


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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Future trends of the insurance sector in the integration of public insurance companies in Iraq And its impact on the quality of insurance service: Applied Study in the Iraqi General Insurance Company and the National Insurance Company
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     This study research to Showing The impact of the integration process on the quality of Insurance service and analyze the impact financially to determine whether there is any impact on the quality of the insurance service, in addition to identifying the obstacles that impede the merger between the insurance companies, insurance and the appropriate proposals for its' application and benefit from the benefits achieved.

The importance of The study lies in the fact that it is an important and vital spotlight that is becoming increasingly important in the world to confront the various difficulties and crises that have occurred  recently in light of the liberalization of international trade, globalization a

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 22 2024
Journal Name
العلاقات العامة في مجال الرياضة
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في ظل العولمه و التقدم التكنولوجي الهائل و الصراعات الاقتصاديه و تنافس السوق في شتي المجالات اصبح يثق علي عاتق الاداره علي جميع المستويات المؤسسيه و جميع تخصصاتها الحمل الاكبر في مواكبه تلك التغيرات ، وحيث ان نظام التعليم ينتج لنا اجيال يجب ان تواكب تلك التغيرات لتتماشي مع متطلبات السوق الحالي و المستقبلي و نظام التعليم يعد احد اهم الركائز التي تستند عليه الموارد البشريه بالنسبه للدوله و اي مؤسسه ، و من هنا ب

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Turkish relations – Israel (1990-1998)
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The Turkish relations - Israel took its course clearly about the nature and the fact that
these relationships, and their causes and motives of its establishment, its objectives and the
dimensions of the various political, security, military and economic. Orbiter and the relations
of the Turkish-Israeli It is inclusive of all the reasons for the establishment of relations, they
include the interpretation of an interest in international relations, which is why the
establishment of relations between the two countries and on the concept of interdependence
where that both Turkey and Israel depends on the other in several aspects of the most
important military, security, economic, and to understand Turkey's new identity, m

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Relations Between Ottoman State and Egypt (1863 – 1879)
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Facts and information contained showing in axes Find Egyptian Ottoman relations
(1863-1879), has gone through stages varying between tides, has witnessed the Khedive
Ismail three sultans Ottomans were Abdul Aziz Murad V, Abdul Hamid II, and since the
Khedive Ismail to judge sought to expand independence Egypt access to many privileges of
the sovereign on Egypt Ottoman Empire, in order to reach the country to independence, has
been chosen by the payment of money and gifts to gain independence, without resorting to
arms, and from this point of Khedive make a lot of money to get the privileges, the state of
the Ottoman were not to issue Farmans but against the huge amounts of money, and as a
result of that policy got

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
مجلة القادسية للقانون والعلوم السياسية
الصفة التنظيمية في العلاقات التعاقدية
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يتناول البحث الاجابة عن سؤال هل ان العقد بقي ذو صفة ارادية ام تحول الى الصفة التنظيمية نتيجة تدخل المشرع في العديد من جزئياته

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
٢٠٠٣- العلاقات السودانیة – الاثیوبیة ١٩٥٤
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The Horn of Africa region is one of the most important strategic areas
according to the geopolitical classification of the world, thus the region held a
great importance throughout two historical ears specially for possessing
internal attraction factors either for it’s natural resources or for what it
represent as a central point for maritime transport. Adding to that the region
witnessed ethnic and political contradictions as well as cultural differences.
Because of the importance of the Horn of Africa region it has become
Fulcrum of the conflict among European powers Which worked hard to
impose its influence on this region for the purpose of monopolizing the
Geographical and strategic advantages which manag

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Egyptian-Ethiopian Relations after the Change
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Egypt and Ethiopia have connected in a strong relation as there are historical facts that
deepen these relations, one of these is Egypt's cooperation in establishing the first economic
and financial banking system in Ethiopia.
Beside the religious relation between The Egyptian and Ethiopian churches the Nile River is
considered one of the effective connections
That strong then the relations as it leads to some tension between the two countries because
Ethiopia believes that Egypt seeks to control the river tries to build its project over the Blue
Nile means a threat to the Ethiopian national security.
The tension continues even after the revolution of 25th of January 2011because the Nahda
dam which is a clear t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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This research deals with the most famous existing definitions of public relations, in an attempt to achieve a definition that will be added to the other existing and widespread definitions, especially that big developments have taken place in the concept of public relations and their idiomatic use.

In addition, many definitions of public relations have been restricted to some limited descriptions, therefore many of the descriptions given to the public relations are basically definitions as well as characteristics of the public relations.

This research aims at setting and formulating the definitions of public relations, it also deals with its credibility in achieving its significance in order to reach a new definition that

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Modern structuralism in International Relations
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The neo – realism school confirms the using of soft instruments in foreign policy which replaced martial means . this is the age of economies that based on in formatting and interdependence which overpass the national boundaries . The power becomes less trans fer able and trans fordable. It becomes tangible and less coercive . The former American minister Henry Kissinger , despite his deep belief in the policy of the traditional power balance, argued in 1975 by saying “we are now witnessing a new Ara. The new global patterns are falling apart … we are living in a new world of inter deepen dense in the economy communications and human tartan aspirations” The priority of economy in concern of war was the mean reason behind the winn

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
تدريس العلاقات الدولية في العراق
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تدريس العلاقات الدولية في العراق

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