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Depression status in relation to dental caries and salivary C-Reactive Protein among 17 years old secondary school female in Baghdad City/Iraq.
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Background: Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity, it can affect a person's thoughts, behavior and sense of well-being. It can affect oral health and lead to an increased risk of dental caries. Dental caries is the most common oral infectious diseases that stresses the immune system and causes changes in cellular and molecular components of peripheral blood and C-Reactive Protein is one of these components, considered a key biomarker of inflammation. This study was conducted to assess the effect of depression status on dental caries among 17 years old secondary school female students in relation to salivary C-Reactive Protein. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried and the whole sample composed of 500 female students selected from First Alrasafa Directorate schools in Baghdad/ Iraq. Consent form was achieved from the ethical approval committee in College of Dentistry/University of Baghdad. All students were subjected to Children Depression Inventory questionnaire by Kovacs in 2011. Dental caries was registered according to Manji et al. 1989, Decay (1-4) Missing-Filled surface index. Subsamples were selected from high and low grade of depression to analyze C-Reactive Protein. Results: The percentage of occurrence of depression was 100%. The mean value of caries experience and severity were found to be higher among female students with high depression grade in comparison with low depression grade. The mean value for C-Reactive Protein was higher in high depression grade. There is a diversity in the results of caries experience with C-Reactive Protein. The percentage of depression occurrence was 100% which means a high degree of depression, and this could be due to the life difficulties, tension and economic issues that all lead to mental problems. The severity of dental caries increased as a result of stress and anxiety that may cause poor dental health. Psychological factors interact through complex pathophysiological and behavioral mechanisms that may cause elevated C-Reactive Protein. Conclusion: Depression has a negative impact on a person’s oral health including dental caries. Elevated C-Reactive Protein levels have been associated with psychological depression.



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Publication Date
Wed Sep 04 2019
Journal Name
American Association Of Pharmaceutical Scientists
Recent advances in polymeric implants
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Implantable drug delivery systems, such as drug pumps and polymeric drug depots, have emerged as means of providing predetermined drug release profiles at the desired site of action. While initial implants aimed at providing an enduring drug supply, developments in polymer chemistry and pharmaceutical technology and the growing need for refined drug delivery patterns have prompted the design of sophisticated drug delivery implants such as on-demand drug-eluting implants and personalized 3D printed implants. The types of cargo loaded into these implants range from small drug molecules to hormones and even therapeutic cells. This review will shed light upon recent advances in materials and composites used for polymeric implant fabrication, hi

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 17 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Cultural Coexistence in Islamic History
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The difference and pluralism among members of the same society is a fact undeniable and ignored, passed by the Quran, and confirmed by the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed in more than one occasion, so that the Apostle r placed a document included in its terms an agreement with the Jews, and recognized the coexistence between Muslims and Jews, which stems from the great principle of a tolerance, which recognizes the rights of others and the freedom to believe what is believed to be right, so it was incumbent upon us, and we live in rivalry repulsion and jealousies to recognize the principle of coexistence with the other, and accept it in accordance with the legitimate controls with pride of belonging to the Islamic religion, in this sense

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Controls for innovation in interpretation
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Renewal is generally considered an urgent requirement of life, and a section of its continuation, because renewal means that life exists and continues, and just as renewal is in life, renewal is in science, and in this research the issue of renewal in the science of interpretation, and showed through research that renewal in This science was an urgent demand throughout the Islamic ages, as the research showed the necessity of renewal in the material of interpretation, its method and methods, and the researcher presented the opinions of schools about renewal in the interpretation of the Noble Qur’an inferred by living models that refer to their owners.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New theorems in approximation theory
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The aim of this paper is to prove some results for equivalence of moduli of smoothnes in approximation theory , we used a"non uniform" modulus of smoothness and the weighted Ditzian –Totik moduli of smoothness in by spline functions ,several results are obtained .For example , it shown that ,for any the inequality , is satisfied ,finally, similar result for chebyshev partition and weighted Ditzian –Totik moduli of smoothness are also obtained.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Tamper Detection in Color Image
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In this work a fragile watermarking scheme is presented. This scheme is applied to digital color images in spatial domain. The image is divided into blocks, and each block has its authentication mark embedded in it, we would be able to insure which parts of the image are authentic and which parts have been modified. This authentication carries out without need to exist the original image. The results show the quality of the watermarked image is remaining very good and the watermark survived some type of unintended modification such as familiar compression software like WINRAR and ZIP

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Promoting Physiological Transformations in Cinema
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Cinema has always addressed human issues from diverse perspectives. It covered biographies, philosophy, history, war, and sci-fi. These disciplines promote economic and artistic success. Since the 1930s, cinema has explored sexual transformation. These films have defended homosexuals, explored how homosexuality causes AIDS, and discussed transgenderism for decades. As widely recognised, animated films for adults and children worldwide have included this trend. This study will demonstrate how hormone imbalance affects sexual function. This study, "Promoting Physiological Transformations in Cinema," comprises four chapters: The first chapter (methodological framework) covers the study problem, "What are the foundations and necessities of p

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Moderation in moderate Islamic thoughts
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Abstract :

The study seeks to highlight the importance of moderate religious discourse and dialogue and the rejection of extremist discourse that renews the crises and wounds of history.  And that is through the means and efforts exerted, which is changing the extremist religious discourse to a moderate religious discourse, as well as calling on religious figures, whether they are followers of Judaism, Christianity or Islam, to search for a common ground for understanding and coexistence, because extremism in the name of God is the enemy for all and not for countries or religions in particular.

 Also, through the necessity of confronting terrorist threats by making more efforts

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Urban Security in Cities Planning
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Cities have witnessed great changes since the planning of the first cities. This is due to the increase in population and problems in services that affect urban security. As such, urban security is directed and affected by the nature of city planning and the types of services. Besides, the kind of services plays an imminent place in providing urban security at all levels. Other factors that influence urban security can be limited to the increase of population, economic and social changes. This leads to losing urban control. This study will explore the historical chronology to identify weaknesses in urban planning since its dawn and reaching solutions to protect urban security. The importance of the research lies in achieving urban securi

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Sound Similar in Surat Poets
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This research deals with the phenomenon of a similar voice phenomenon has founded
its own laws similar and includes the following phenomenon:
Azahrh aledgam: and Qdbent Tarifaoshrooth or dinaces and reflects the correlation
between language and reading and then apply the provision in sura blessed.
Phenomenon Alaalal and substitution, Two of the important acoustic phenomenon the
linguistic heritage has shown Alaalal types and the difference between him and the
substitution then counted their applications in Sura.
Similar phenomena: in name and deed shares bult causes and probability voices and
sound that refrais where tilt.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Recent Advances in Curricular Reformation
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Background: Historically the traditional medical program are divided into preclinical basic sciences course which taught separately (subject based) and clinical course which taught also as subject based, spoon feeding ,few delivery modes , no or few interactive session and the assessment solely based on examination and no weightage is given to the continuous assessment.Curricular reform: In the last few decades, there have been increasing pressures on medical educators for curriculum reform, and many accreditation bodies were established a guidelines for the medical schools. In many countries, the traditional approach has largely been modified towards a more integrated approach. An integrated approach is still subject centered but transc

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