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Depression status in relation to dental caries and salivary C-Reactive Protein among 17 years old secondary school female in Baghdad City/Iraq.
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Background: Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity, it can affect a person's thoughts, behavior and sense of well-being. It can affect oral health and lead to an increased risk of dental caries. Dental caries is the most common oral infectious diseases that stresses the immune system and causes changes in cellular and molecular components of peripheral blood and C-Reactive Protein is one of these components, considered a key biomarker of inflammation. This study was conducted to assess the effect of depression status on dental caries among 17 years old secondary school female students in relation to salivary C-Reactive Protein. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried and the whole sample composed of 500 female students selected from First Alrasafa Directorate schools in Baghdad/ Iraq. Consent form was achieved from the ethical approval committee in College of Dentistry/University of Baghdad. All students were subjected to Children Depression Inventory questionnaire by Kovacs in 2011. Dental caries was registered according to Manji et al. 1989, Decay (1-4) Missing-Filled surface index. Subsamples were selected from high and low grade of depression to analyze C-Reactive Protein. Results: The percentage of occurrence of depression was 100%. The mean value of caries experience and severity were found to be higher among female students with high depression grade in comparison with low depression grade. The mean value for C-Reactive Protein was higher in high depression grade. There is a diversity in the results of caries experience with C-Reactive Protein. The percentage of depression occurrence was 100% which means a high degree of depression, and this could be due to the life difficulties, tension and economic issues that all lead to mental problems. The severity of dental caries increased as a result of stress and anxiety that may cause poor dental health. Psychological factors interact through complex pathophysiological and behavioral mechanisms that may cause elevated C-Reactive Protein. Conclusion: Depression has a negative impact on a person’s oral health including dental caries. Elevated C-Reactive Protein levels have been associated with psychological depression.



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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Bone Cutter Circumcision in Neonates
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Background: Bone cutter is widely used in the
Middle east area to cut the prepuce during circumcision.

Results :One hundred twenty one male neonates
were included in this study.The mean operative
time (MOT) was 6 minutes, mean time of
healing (MTH) was 5 days, 7 cases (5.9%)
developed early & late complications, 2 (1.7%)
had bleeding, 3 (2.5%) developed infection, 2
(1.7%) developed late complications in the form
of meatal stenosis.
Settings:Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital and a
private surgical clinic.
Aim of the study: To assess the safety of
circumcision using bone cutter.
Methods: Over 6 years period from Jan. 2000
till Dec. 2005, one hundred twenty one male
neonates were circumci

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Play in children’s psychological development
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Play constitutes a significant means for children to figure out the world around. Play helps children to have a healthy brain that increase their creativity via developing emotional, cognitive, physical strength. Thus, the current research aims to identify the role of play in psychological development of children. The findings of study revealed that play develops children’s cognitive, emotional abilities and enhances their self-confidence. Play forms a major approach for learning that promotes children to get rid of stress. Additionally, it supports language development of children

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Altruism in the Noble Qur’an
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions as follows:
     This research examines altruism in the Noble Qur’an objectively. The altruism is a word that permeates selection, preference, presentation, types of gifts, and all other material and moral virtues. It is the highest level of generosity and generosity, provided that the consent of God Almighty is enriched on the consent of others, and that greatness arises in it, and that creation affects On yourself in what does not deprive you of a religion, and it does not cut you off on a path, because the praiseworthy altruism is only in relation to souls, not the disgraced altruism tha

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 30 2014
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‘Sex’ in the cancer cell
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The development of better tools for diagnosis and more accurate prognosis of cancer includes the search for biomarkers; molecules whose presence, absence or change in quantity or structure is associated with a particular tumour or prognosis/therapeutic outcome. While biomarkers need not be functionally relevant, if cell survival, then they could also provide new targets for therapeutic drugs. In recent years attention has been applied to a group of proteins known as cancer testis antigens (CT antigens) [1]. These proteins are products of genes whose expression was normally confined to the testis, yet they are expressed in tumour cells. CT genes are bound to serve a wide array of roles in the testes, which have many highly differentiated cel

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Management of Hypertension in Elderly
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Background:The document on hypertension in the elderly promoted by the American college of cardiology and the American heart association (ACCF/AHA) was written with the intent to be a complete reference at the time of publication on the topic of managing hypertension in the elderly. More recently, the European society of hypertension (ESH) and the European society of cardiology (ESC) issued the 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension, followed by The 2014 Canadian Hypertension Education Program (CHPE), and the Eighth Report of the Joint National Committee (JNC8), all of which has endorsed specific recommendations for the management of elderly hypertensive patients.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Alliteration strategy In Contemporary Architecture
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The contemporary ideas were characterized by the abundance and diversity of their knowledge, human and conceptual production, the strategy is both a general and a detailed framework covering all design disciplines both inside and outside the field of architecture. From here, many of these terraces emerged from fields outside the field of architecture, but soon moved to form an important nerve within the field of architecture. Hence the need to define a more comprehensive framework for studying one of the concepts that can frame the framework, namely the concept of "Alliteration", and its adoption as an architectural design strategy aimed at giving the resulting form a feature of rhetoric. So the research highlighted the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Propagation of Chickpea in vitro
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Apical meristems, lateral buds, anthers of immature flowers and immature embryos of chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) were cultured on MS media with different growth regulators and incubated for 6 weeks at 25-27?C with 16 hrs photoperiod for callus initiation. Results indicated that 1 and 0.1 mg/l of 2,4-D and BA were suitable for callus initiation when apical meristems and lateral buds were used. While 2 and 0.5 mg/l of both growth regulators were essential for immature embryos. It was noticed that using chickpea anthers of the MS medium must contain 1mg/l 2ip and 0.5 mg/l IAA. However, MS medium supplemented with 1-3 mg/l of BA and 2,4-D respectively was good for callus initiation from lateral buds, anther and immature embryos.

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Publication Date
Tue May 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
virtual water in consumer goods
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That water is the lifeblood and without it no life on our planet, he says in the Holy Koran: In the Name of God {{And We made from water every living thing}} truth of God Almighty (the prophets verse 30) The basis of the existence of settlements served human and a source of fresh water close to it easy access to it is used for domestic, agricultural, on a daily basis, even closer look at the map of Iraq to human settlement to find it is a signatory to both sides of the river are thick and less as we moved away from the source of water until they make up a scene like a necklace the river and the stones of cities and settlements served, was the ancient civilizations, countries and capitals Throughout history, choose sites near sour

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Brucella Synovitis in Ninevah Province
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Abstract Out of 222 patients complaining from signs and symtomps raised suspicion for brucellosis, 39 (16 males and 23 females) further more they suffered from joint and/or swelling. Blood and synovial fluid (SF) from each patient were subjected to serological tests and culture. Concerning SF specimens the investigations were extended to gross examination, Blood-Synovial Fluid Glucose Difference (G-S.F.G.D), protein determination, total and differential W.B.C. count. The investigations revealed high agglutinin titres in both blood and SF specimens, abnormal gross appearance, high value (beyond normal)

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological health disorders in kindergarten
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The goal of modern education is to achieve healthy growth of the individual and
society Since childhood is one of the most serious developmental stages in the human
identity, which is not limited to the threat to it stage the foundations of personal sound is
placed where the dimensions of the various components and based on the foregoing targets
Current Search: "Measuring the level of psychological health kindergartens"
And it included a sample search on the kindergarten children in the province of
Baghdad and achieve the objectives of research have been prepared in scale mental health and
concluded the researcher through the search results that kindergarten children suffering from
disorders in mental health, the

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