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The Effect of Addition of Zirconium Nano Particles on Antifungal Activity and Some Properties of Soft Denture Lining Material
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Background Microorganisms and fungal growth especially Candida albicans, on soft denture lining material are the most common problem which can lead to chronic mucosal inflammation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of zirconium nanoparticles into acrylic-based heat cured soft denture lining material against Candida albicans, and the amount of zirconium ion release of soft liner/ZrNPs composite. Furthermore, evaluate shear bond strength after ZrNPs addition to soft liner. Materials and methods: Zirconium nanoparticles were added into acrylic-based soft denture liner in various percentages (1%, and 1.5% by weight). Two hundred and fifty specimens were arranged and isolated into four groups as per the test to be done The antifungal activity of the soft liner/ZrNPs composite was assessed in three different periods by using two methods (viable count of C. albicans and disk-diffusion test). In two distinct periods, amount of zirconium released in artificial saliva was detected by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Instron testing machine was used to test the shear bond strength of the soft liner to the acrylic denture base material. Results: A highly significant decrease in colony forming units of C. albicans in experimental groups (1% and 1.5%ZrNPs) contrast with control group. There was no inhibition zone around any specimen of any test group. In artificial saliva there was no zirconium distinguished to be released at any incubation period. There was a highly significant increase in the mean value of shear bonding strength after incorporation of ZrNPs at 1.5% percentage into soft liner. Conclusion: The addition of ZrNPs into acrylic-based soft denture lining material helps to provide soft denture liner with antifungal properties, thus reducing the susceptibility to develop denture-induced stomatitis. There is no zirconium has been detected at any incubation period and there is increased in the shear bond strength of the soft lining material.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Prothrombotic changes in patients with end-stage renal disease and its relation to thrombotic cardiovascular complication
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There is a great risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and vascular thrombosis in patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). These patients exhibit numerous abnormalities in coagulation, fibrinolytic, inhibitory protein abnormalities in multiple levels. The study aimed to assess hypercoagulable changes by measuring the levels of antithrombin, plasma fibrinogen and FXII activity in patients with ESRD, and to find their correlation with Hemoglobin (Hb) level, WBC count, reticulocyte percentage and platelet count. This study was conducted at Al-Hayat center, Al Karama Teaching Hospital on 50 ESRD patients aged < 60 years of both genders. In addition, 20 apparently healthy individuals were included as a control group. The mean Hb level, total

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Abdominal Distention and Acute Urinary Retention secondary to Congenital Distal Vaginal Obstruction in a Newborn Female
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Congenital distal vaginal obstruction is usually asymptomatic in a newborn female. On rare occasions, it may present as an acute emergency with life threatening complications.This paper is reporting the rare condition of two newborn females presenting urgently with abdominal distension and acute urinary retention as a result of congenital distal vaginal Obstruction. The case history and urgent management shall be presented and both conditions shall be discussed.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Compound Heat Transfer Enhancement in Dimpled and Sinusoidal Metal Solar Wall Ducts Fitted with Wired Inserts
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An improved Metal Solar Wall (MSW) with integrated thermal energy storage is presented in this research. The proposed MSW makes use of two, combined, enhanced heat transfer methods. One of the methods is characterized by filling the tested ducts with a commercially available copper Wired Inserts (WI), while the other one uses dimpled or sinusoidal shaped duct walls instead of plane walls. Ducts having square or semi-circular cross sectional areas are tested in this work.
A developed numerical model for simulating the transported thermal energy in MSW is solved by finite difference method. The model is described by system of three governing energy equations. An experimental test rig has been built and six new duct configurations have b

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Formulating Inhibited Fluids for Stable Drilling Operations into Tanuma and Zubair Shales, Zubair Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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Tanuma and Zubair formations are known as the most problematic intervals in Zubair Oilfield, and they cause wellbore instability due to possible shale-fluid interaction. It causes a vast loss of time dealing with various downhole problems (e.g., stuck pipe) which leads to an increase in overall well cost for the consequences (e.g., fishing and sidetrack). This paper aims to test shale samples with various laboratory tests for shale evaluation and drilling muds development. Shale's physical properties are described by using a stereomicroscope and the structures are observed with Scanning Electron Microscope. The shale reactivity and behavior are analyzed by using the cation exchange capacity testing and the capillary suction test is

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Scopus (5)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Nov 06 2023
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Dandy-Walker syndrome associated with a giant occipital meningocele: A case report and a literature review
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HTH Ahmed Dheyaa Al-Obaidi,", Ali Tarik Abdulwahid', Mustafa Najah Al-Obaidi", Abeer Mundher Ali', eNeurologicalSci, 2023

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Medico-legal Update
Knowledge and protective health behaviors concerning risk factors for coronary heart disease among baghdad university students
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Scopus (9)
Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Exposure and its working mechanisms in theatrical multi-scene model "critical dramaturgy study": يوسف رشيد جبر
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The concept of intertextuality was one of the problems that occupied the attention of critics and critics in targeting the structure of textual intertextuality between texts and their overlap in the process of producing meaning. Until intertextuality became a stable term and it can be monitored in the structure of the theatrical text and determining the mechanisms of this intertextuality between texts through fields and classifications agreed upon by the most important critics who wrote and considered intertextuality. Perhaps our previous research (the approach of exposure in the epistemological hallway to intertextuality) was an attempt to interview a terminology, which the researcher intended to monitor, through the mechanisms of inter

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Callus Induction and Shoot Formation for Mexican Red Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Pinto Cultivar in Vitro
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The current study aimed to adopt a method for inducing callus cells and regenerating the important common red bean using different types of growth regulators such as N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), and Thidiazuron (TDZ). Different types of common bean pinto cultivar explants, such as internodes, cotyledons and roots, were inoculated on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) provided with different combinations of plant growth regulators, including 1- BAP (5 mg/l) 2-BAP (4.5 mg/l) NAA (0.5 mg/l), 3- BAP (4.5 mg/l), and TDZ (0.1mg/l). Callus was initiated on MS culture medium supplied with 5 mg/l BAP for all explants (internodes, cotyledons, and roots) at 50, 20, and 10% respectively, while adding NAA with 0.5mg/l showed

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2023
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
Technology Applications in Tracking 2019-nCoV and Defeating Future Outbreaks: Iraqi Healthcare Industry in IoT Remote
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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Cut-off low at 500 hPa Geopotential Height and Rainfall Events over Iraq: Case Studies
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A cut-off low is a closed low with a low value of geopotential height at the upper atmospheric levels that has been fully detached (cut-off) from the westerly flow and move independently. A cut-off low causes extreme rainfall events in the mid-latitudes regions. The main aim of this paper is to investigate the cut-off low at 500 hPa over Iraq from a synoptic point of view and the behavior of geopotential height at 500 hPa. To examine the association of the cut-off low at 500 hPa with rainfall events across Iraq, two case studies of heavy rainfall events from different times were conducted. The results showed that the cut-off low at 500 hPa with a low value of geopotential height will strengthen the low-pressure system at the surface, lea

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