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Optimizing Task Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Computing Environments using Metaheuristic Methods
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Optimizing system performance in dynamic and heterogeneous environments and the efficient management of computational tasks are crucial. This paper therefore looks at task scheduling and resource allocation algorithms in some depth. The work evaluates five algorithms: Genetic Algorithms (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Firefly Algorithm (FA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) across various workloads achieved by varying the task-to-node ratio. The paper identifies Finish Time and Deadline as two key performance metrics for gauging the efficacy of an algorithm, and a comprehensive investigation of the behaviors of these algorithms across different workloads was carried out. Results from the experiments reveal unique patterns in algorithmic behaviors by workload. In the 15-task and 5-node scenario, the GA and PSO algorithms outclass all others, completing 100 percent of tasks before deadlines, Task 5 was a bane to the ACO algorithm. The study proposes a more extensive system that promotes an adaptive algorithmic approach based on workload characteristics. Numerically, the GA and PSO algorithms triumphed completing 100 percent of tasks before their deadlines in the face of 10 tasks and 5 nodes, while the ACO algorithm stumbled on certain tasks. As it is stated in the study, The above-mentioned system offers an integrated approach to ill-structured problem of task scheduling and resource allocation. It offers an intelligent and aggressive scheduling scheme that runs asynchronously when a higher number of tasks is submitted for the completion in addition to those dynamically aborts whenever system load and utilization cascade excessively. The proposed design seems like full-fledged solution over project scheduling or resource allocation issues. It highlights a detailed method of the choice of algorithms based on semantic features, aiming at flexibility. Effects of producing quantifiable statistical results from the experiments on performance empirically demonstrate each algorithm performed under various settings.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of King Saud University - Computer And Information Sciences
Heuristic initialization of PSO task scheduling algorithm in cloud computing
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Computers, Materials & Continua
An Optimal Algorithm for Resource Allocation in D2D Communication
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fog Computing Resource Optimization: A Review on Current Scenarios and Resource Management
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            The unpredictable and huge data generation nowadays by smart computing devices like (Sensors, Actuators, Wi-Fi routers), to handle and maintain their computational processing power in real time environment by centralized cloud platform is difficult because of its limitations, issues and challenges, to overcome these, Cisco introduced the Fog computing paradigm as an alternative for cloud-based computing. This recent IT trend is taking the computing experience to the next level. It is an extended and advantageous extension of the centralized cloud computing technology. In this article, we tried to highlight the various issues that currently cloud computing is facing. Here

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Genetic Algorithm for Task Allocation Problem in the Internet of Things
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In the last few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining remarkable attention in both academic and industrial worlds. The main goal of the IoT is laying on describing everyday objects with different capabilities in an interconnected fashion to the Internet to share resources and to carry out the assigned tasks. Most of the IoT objects are heterogeneous in terms of the amount of energy, processing ability, memory storage, etc. However, one of the most important challenges facing the IoT networks is the energy-efficient task allocation. An efficient task allocation protocol in the IoT network should ensure the fair and efficient distribution of resources for all objects to collaborate dynamically with limited energy. The canonic

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Ieee Internet Of Things Journal
A New Task Allocation Protocol for Extending Stability and Operational Periods in Internet of Things
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Applied Soft Computing
Evolutionary multi-objective set cover problem for task allocation in the Internet of Things
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Applied Soft Computing
Evolutionary multi-objective set cover problem for task allocation in the Internet of Things
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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Task scheduling Problem in the Cloud-Fog environment
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Abstract<p>The rapid and enormous growth of the Internet of Things, as well as its widespread adoption, has resulted in the production of massive quantities of data that must be processed and sent to the cloud, but the delay in processing the data and the time it takes to send it to the cloud has resulted in the emergence of fog, a new generation of cloud in which the fog serves as an extension of cloud services at the edge of the network, reducing latency and traffic. The distribution of computational resources to minimize makespan and running costs is one of the disadvantages of fog computing. This paper provides a new approach for improving the task scheduling problem in a Cloud-Fog environme</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 23 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Electrical And Electronic Engineering
Heuristic and Meta-Heuristic Optimization Models for Task Scheduling in Cloud-Fog Systems: A Review
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Nowadays, cloud computing has attracted the attention of large companies due to its high potential, flexibility, and profitability in providing multi-sources of hardware and software to serve the connected users. Given the scale of modern data centers and the dynamic nature of their resource provisioning, we need effective scheduling techniques to manage these resources while satisfying both the cloud providers and cloud users goals. Task scheduling in cloud computing is considered as NP-hard problem which cannot be easily solved by classical optimization methods. Thus, both heuristic and meta-heuristic techniques have been utilized to provide optimal or near-optimal solutions within an acceptable time frame for such problems. In th

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Solving Resource Allocation Model by Using Dynamic Optimization Technique for Al-Raji Group Companies for Soft Drinks and Juices
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In this paper, the problem of resource allocation at Al-Raji Company for soft drinks and juices was studied. The company produces several types of tasks to produce juices and soft drinks, which need machines to accomplish these tasks, as it has 6 machines that want to allocate to 4 different tasks to accomplish these tasks. The machines assigned to each task are subject to failure, as these machines are repaired to participate again in the production process. From past records of the company, the probability of failure machines at each task was calculated depending on company data information. Also, the time required for each machine to complete each task was recorded. The aim of this paper is to determine the minimum expected ti

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