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Mandibular war injuries caused by bullets and shell fragments: a comparative study
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 07 2018
Journal Name
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
Mandibular war injuries caused by bullets and shell fragments: a comparative study
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
Characteristics of mandibular injuries caused by bullets and improvised explosive devices: a comparative study
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in mandibular trauma caused by two mechanisms for the delivery of missile injuries: firearms and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The data investigated included sex, age, mechanism of injury, and other clinical and radiographic manifestations. Seventy consecutive patients, predominantly male, with a mean age of 28.6 ± 14 years (range 2–60 years) were enrolled: 38 patients (54.3%) sustained mandibular fractures caused by bullet injuries and 32 patients (45.7%) had mandibular fractures caused by IED explosion injuries. The study revealed that the differences in most of the investigated variables were not statistically significant; the only significant differences were the inci

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 14 2020
Journal Name
British Journal Of Neurosurgery
Head injuries caused by the ritual of ‘Tatbir’: a neurosurgical perspective
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Compensation for Psychological Damage Caused by Negligence - A Comparative Study
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Psychological damage is one of the damages that can be compensated under the fault of negligence in the framework of English law, where the latter intends to include an enumeration of civil errors on the basis of which liability can be determined, and aims under each of these errors to protect a specific interest (for example, defamation protects Among the damage to reputation and inconvenience are the rights contained on the land), and the same is true for the rest of the other errors. Compensation for psychological damage resulting from negligence has raised problems in cases where the psychological injury is "pure", that is, those that are not accompanied by a physical injury, which required subjecting them to special requirements by the

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Inferior Alveolar Nerve Injuries Associated With Mandibular Fractures
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The study evaluates the incidence of inferior alveolar nerve injuries in mandibular fractures, the duration of their recovery, and the factors associated with them. Fifty-two patients with mandibular fractures involving the ramus, angle, and body regions were included in this study; the inferior alveolar nerve was examined for neurological deficit posttraumatically using sharp/blunt differentiation method, and during the follow-up period the progression of neural recovery was assessed. The incidence of neural injury of the inferior alveolar nerve was 42.3%, comminuted and displaced linear fractures were associated with higher incidence of inferior alveolar nerve injury and prolonged recovery time, and recovery of inferior alveolar nerve fun

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 26 2024
Journal Name
Zac Conference Series: Social Sciences And Humanities
A Comparative Study of Postwar Literature (Iranian Defense and Vietnam’s War) a Komunyakaa’s and Aminpour’s Poems
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The comparative study tries to find the common points in two different authors’ works and in this kind of studying so many other common but the hidden points may be revealed. Postwar literature is somehow one of the best literary genres for finding the common factors and features that the poets have tried to present in their works elements such as desire to be winner, cruelty, inhumanity, and absurdity of the war.  The Iranian poet late Qaisar Aminpour(1961-2007)  and Yusef Komunyakaa ( 1947) from  Bogalusa, Louisiana, are among the great American and Iranian  poets whose works so many times have been  interpreted and analyzed. The finding the outstanding and the most important points and themes in the postwar poems of these

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
The Outcomes of War: A Study of the Character After the Crisis of War
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World War II has brought suffering for all people; it has led people to have a nostalgic feeling. The war has many faces all of them are ugly, like death, separation, loneliness, violence, crime, betrayal, and disconnection and many other meanings. Michael Ondaatje in his novel The English Patient (1992) portrays a picture of the effect of World War II on four different characters; Hana a Canadian nurse, The English patient who is Hungarian, Caravaggio a Canadian-Italitan thief, and Kip an Indian sapper. They live together in one house, share their secrets and memories about World War II. Ondaatje brings them together to reveal their secrets and to heal their wounds of the war experience.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Outcomes of War: A Study of the Character After the Crisis of War
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World War II has brought suffering for all people; it has led people to have a nostalgic feeling. The war has many faces all of them are ugly, like death, separation, loneliness, violence, crime, betrayal, and disconnection and many other meanings. Michael Ondaatje in his novel The English Patient (1992) portrays a picture of the effect of World War II on four different characters; Hana a Canadian nurse, The English patient who is Hungarian, Caravaggio a Canadian-Italitan thief, and Kip an Indian sapper. They live together in one house, share their secrets and memories about World War II. Ondaatje brings them together to reveal their secrets and to heal their wounds of the war experience.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Protective Effect of Vitamin A against Oxidative Stress Caused by Methotrexate
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Methotrexate (MTX), a folate antagonist agent, is mainly used in treatment of malignant tumors and autoimmune diseases. The present study was undertaken to determine whether antioxidant vitamin (vitamin A) could ameliorate methotrexate induced oxidative stress in male rabbits. Twenty male rabbits were randomly assigned into four groups. Group 1: control group, Group 2: MTX-treated group (received 20 mg/kg MTX intraperitoneally), Group 3: Vit.A treated group received 5000 IU Vit.A orally) and Group 4: MTX+Vit.A treated group received MTX 20 mg/kg plus 5000 IU vit.A). After 4 weeks of treatment, blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture to determine the serum malondialdehyde (MDA), as a good indicator for lipid peroxidation and

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
A Comparative Study of the Frequency of Occurrence of Genetic Skeletal Disorders in Iraq before and after the Second Gulf War, 1991
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BACKGROUND: Genetic skeletal abnormalities are a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders frequently presenting with disproportionate short stature. AIM OF THE STUDY: To give an idea about the frequency of genetic skeletal abnormalities, and to find out whether these disorders are really increasing in the last 16 years or not. METHODS: During the period extending from (Jan, 1st 2003-April, 1st 2007), all cases of genetic skeletal disorders referred to the Genetic Counseling Clinic, Medical City – Baghdad who were born after 1991 were included in this study as the post-war group; the pre-war group, included all cases of skeletal disorders referred prior to 1991 (Jan., 1st 1987-Jan., 1st 1990). The demographic parameters, family history of

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