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In Vitro The Effect of Canals Instrumented With Three Rotary Ni-Ti Systems on The Dislocation Resistance of Guttafusion® Versus Single Cone Obturation Technique
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Background: Complete seal of the root canal system following its chemo-mechanical debridement plays a pivotal role for achieving successful endodontic treatment. This can be established by reducing the gaps between the core filling material and root canal wall. Aim: To assess and compare the dislocation resistance of root canals obturated with GuttaFusion® and TotalFill BC sealer versus single cone obturation technique and TotalFill BC sealer after instrumentation of the canals with WaveOne, ProTaper Next and ProTaper Universal system. Material and Method: Sixty extracted human permanent mandibular premolars were conducted in the current study. The teeth were decorated and left the root with 15mm length; the roots were divided randomly into three main groups, twenty roots in each group. The roots were instrumented with different rotary systems using crown down technique according to the groups: (Group I) was instrumented with WaveOne files. (Group II) was instrumented with ProTaper Next system and (Group III) was instrumented with ProTaper Universal system. For each group the same irrigation regimen was used, 3 mL of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and 3 mL of 17% EDTA to remove the smear layer. Then, Group I was also subdivided randomly into two subgroups of ten samples each, (Group I A) obturated with single cone gutta-percha and (Group I B) filled with GuttaFusion®. Group II was divided into (Group II A) obturated with single cone gutta-percha and (Group II B) filled with GuttaFusion®. Group III was divided into (Group III A) obturated with single cone gutta-percha and (Group III B) obturated with GuttaFusion®. In the present study, TotalFill BC sealer was used for all the tested groups. Then, the roots were embedded in clear acrylic resin and each root sectioned into three sections of 2mm thick (apical, middle and coronal). The push-out bond strength values represented by (MPa) unit was calculated by dividing the load on the surface area and the last was measured in collaboration with AutoCAD system software program. Failure mode analysis was carried out to examine the type of failure in each sample by using a stereomicroscope. Results: The results showed highly significant differences among the main groups that instrumented with different rotary systems (WaveOne, ProTaper Next and ProTaper Universal system). There were highly significant differences between the two obturation techniques of the subgroups (single cone gutta-percha versus GuttaFusion®). However; Gutta-Fusion® showed highest bond strength value than single cone obturation technique. The coronal third slices of all groups showed highest value of bond strength in comparison to the middle thirds and apical thirds. In the meantime, the middle third slices showed bond strength higher than that of the apical thirds for all groups. Statistical analysis was performed by using two way ANOVA and LSD tests. Conclusions: The instrumentation techniques and the obturation materials significantly affected the push-out bond strength values of obturation system. The highest value was appointed in root canals instrumented with ProTaper Universal System; obturated with GuttaFusion® and BC sealer, whereas, the lowest bond strength was appeared at canals instrumented with ProTaper Next; obturated with single cone gutta-percha and BC sealer.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the effect of soil texture with limited saltiness concentration
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Found through the study of tissues Alnbarh and domestic focus where a direct impact on the development of the larvae mature into pupae and then to adults appeared to clay soils have a negative impact more than sandy soil at different concentrations salt where as it turns out that the percentage of evolution fly larvae worm Lhalzonnih of the ancient worldadult to have reached more than 80%

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of Silibinin in Lowering the Intraocular Pressure in Normotensive Rabbits: Interaction with Betaxolol
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Previous reports demonstrated the effectiveness of silibinin hemisuccinate as a potential intraocular pressure-lowering agent. The exact mechanism by which silibinin exerted this effect has not yet been documented, but might suggested to interfere with aqueous humor formation. The present study was designed to evaluate the comparative efficacy of silibinin as IOP lowering agent to that of betaxolol in normotensive rabbits, and the interaction of silibinin with betaxolol as a way for investigating the possible mechanism of action of silibinin in this respect. The effects of instillation of 0.75% silibinin solution and 0.5% betaxolol eye drops in the eyes of normotensive rabbits were evaluated using indentation tonometry. The results showe

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Effectiveness of Counseling on Using the Technique of ‎Positive Self-talk to Develop the Habits of Mind Among Secondary ‎School Students
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This research aims to identify the effectiveness of counseling by using the technique of self-talkin developing the habits of mind among middle school students by testing important hypotheses, and choosing the experimental design for the two groups (experimental - control). The classification of "Costa & Kallick" was adopted to measure the habits of the mind, and the scale consisted of (64) items, and after confirming the psychometric properties of the scale, the researcher applied it to the research sample (487) students from middle school students. One of the students who got the lowest marks after answering the scale. purpose of applying the experiment. He divided them into two groups, one of them is experimental (10) students, as

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 06 2002
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The effect of technology on interior space
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of Rosuvastatin Effect as Adjuvant Therapy to Methotrexate on Lipid Profile and the Possibility of its Cardioprotective Effect in Iraqi Patients with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common inflammatory disease that associated with increased morbidity and mortality due to accelerated atherosclerosis. Rosuvastatin is a unique hydroxy methyl glutaryl Co A (HMGCoA) reductase inhibitor that has anti inflammatory effects.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of rosuvastatin as adjuvant therapy to methotrexate (MTX) on lipid profile and its possible cardioprotective effect in RA patients. A double blinded placebo controlled clinical trial with 8 weeks follow up periods at which 40 patients with active RA using MTX were randomized into 2 groups to receive either rosuvastatin 10mg or placebo as adjuvant therapy to MTX. In addition to twenty healthy subjects as control group.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Vitamin A on Testis Weight and Sexual Glands on Albino Male Mice Treated with Hexavalent Chromium
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This study was conducted to determine the effect of vitamin A ( 10 mg/kg ) on avearage testis weight and sexual glands ( Prostate and Seminal Vesicle ) for albino male mice treated with Hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) .The current study 40 mice were divided into fife groups : 1st group treated with distilled water and considered an control group (C) / the 2nd group treated with sesame oil ( T1) / 3rd group was givin hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) (T2) / 4th group treated with vitamin A ( 10 mg / kg ) and exposed to hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) (T3) / 5th group treated with vitamin A ( 10 mg kg ) (T4) . The expermint lasted 35 day . the results showed a significant ( P ? 0.05 ) decrease in avearage testis weight and sexual glan

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Lap Lambert Academic Publishing
New Technique to Estimate the concentration of Heavy Metals in soil
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There are many aims of this book: The first aim is to develop a model equation that describes the spread of contamination through soils which can be used to determine the rate of environmental contamination by estimate the concentration of heavy metals (HMs) in soil. The developed model equation can be considered as a good representation for a problem of environmental contamination. The second aim of this work is to design two feed forward neural networks (FFNN) as an alternative accurate technique to determine the rate of environmental contamination which can be used to solve the model equation. The first network is to simulate the soil parameters which can be used as input data in the second suggested network, while the second network sim

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
System Identification Algorithm for Systems with Interval Coefficients
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In this research a new system identification algorithm is presented for obtaining an optimal set of mathematical models for system with perturbed coefficients, then this algorithm is applied practically by an “On Line System Identification Circuit”, based on real time speed response data of a permanent magnet DC motor. Such set of mathematical models represents the physical plant against all variation which may exist in its parameters, and forms a strong mathematical foundation for stability and performance analysis in control theory problems.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 27 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
The influence of surfactant type on the formation of zinc oxide nanoparticles via liquid phase pulsed laser ablation technique
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To produce Zinc Oxide NanoParticles, ZnO-NPs, different methods can be used. However, the utilization of Liquid-Phase Pulsed Laser Ablation, LP-PLA, methodology of three distinct environment of aqueous using pure zinc plate will be one of the approaches for this job. Thus, in this work, concentrates on the influence of the results after employing some changes on the environment in other words, the influence of the NPs size and/or the NPs availability/appearance. Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide, CTAB, is one of the three surfactants that have been used in the water-based solution. That is, the Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, SDS, besides the Distilled Water, DW, the three surfactants will be ready when the molarity of the DW is around 10− 3 M. Th

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cultivation of Entamoeba histolytica in vitro and diagnose the bacterial growths in culture media
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The parasite was isolated from a stool sample, cultivated and maintained in vitro using Locke-egg medium (LEM) and Liver infusion agar medium (LIAM) . The culture was maintained for up to 21 months, and the best time to maintain the parasite was every 48 hours, although the growth in the culture media continued for 13 days without a maintenance. Additionally, no cyst formation was observed during cultivation of parasite in the two culture media. Although, was observe young cyst formed in LEM media were deletion of maintained. The diagnosis of bacteria growth in the culture media, bacterial content (Escherichia coli) was an dominance and essential requirement for a successful cultivation of Entamoeba histolytica in the two culture media.

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