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Assessment of Levels of premenstrual psychological and physical Problems (Premenstrual Syndrome-PMS) of Students of the Colleges of Bab Al-Mua’dham Complex/ University of Baghdad
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Objectives: To assess levels of premenstrual psychological disorders of the students in Bab Al-Mua’dham Complex and to find out the relationship between the levels of premenstrual psychological and physical disorders and some demographic characteristics of the students. Methodology: A descriptive study was accomplished throughout the period from the 1st of October, 2015 to the 8th of July, 2016 to assess the psychological and physical problems. A purposive sample of 313 students distributed among different colleges of Bab Al-Mua’dam complex distributed as following: 82 students are from college of Arts; 79 students are from College of Languages; 48 students are from college of Islamic Sciences: and 104 are from College of Nursing. For the purposes of the study a questionnaire was constructed which represents the premenstrual symptoms screening tool (PSST) by Steiner et al.(2003)(1). This questionnaire consists of three parts: first, the demographic characteristics of students agreed to participate in the present study; Second part contains 16 items represents the psychological problems and the third part is supposed to measure the physical problems and contains 11 items. Levels of severity of problems were determined by using the quartiles step. The data of the study were analysed by applying descriptive data analysis: frequencies, percentages and tables of distribution; and inferential data analysis: Pearson coefficient correlation and Chi square, using the statistical analysis program of SPSS 19th version. Results: The present study reveals that more than half of the students are 20 and 21 years old; the majority of them are unmarried; one third of the sample are from the first class; more than three quarters have different levels of severity of psychological and physical problems distributed among slight level to the levels which interrupt the daily activities and/ or change the life style. The study has not found any differences between married and unmarried students. Also, the study does not find significant association between demographic characteristics and psychological problems but there is a significant relationship between the study stage and physical problems and age and psycho-physical problems. Recommendations: The present study recommends that medical and health follow up for students with levels which interrupt the daily activities and/ or change the life style of those students. Further studies concerning the impact of psychological and physical problems upon the academic achievement and also upon social relationship and the way the student deals with her family and society. Further studies aimed to discover the mood fluctuations which might result to suicidal ideation.



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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch
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Two new organotin(IV) complexes Me2Snesc (C1) and Bu2Snesc (C2) have been synthesised from the reaction of the corresponding organotin(IV) chloride with the Schiff base ligand 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde-4-ethylsemicarbazone (H2esc). The ligand was prepared in two steps. The first step includes the formation of 4-ethylsemicarbazide, which then reacted with 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde to give the title ligand. Complex formation between the organotin(IV) moiety and the anionic form of 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehy-4-ethylsemicarbazone occurred through the o-dihydroxy positions. The ligand and its complexes were characterised by elemental analysis, FT-IR and NMR (1H, 13C and 119Sn) spectroscopy. Accordingly, the complexes were proposed to have tetrahedr

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A Comparative Study between Flapped and Flapless Surgical Techniques in Dental Implant Stability According to Resonance Frequency Analysis
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Background: Recent implant surgical approach aims to cause less trauma, invasiveness and pain as much as possible and to reduce patient and surgeon discomfort, time of surgery and time needed for functional implant loading. Flapless surgical techniques considered recently as one of the most popular techniques that may achieve these aims especially enhancing osseointegration and subsequently implant stability within less time than the traditional flapped surgical technique. So this study aimed to make a comparison between flapped and flapless surgical techniques in resulted implant stability according to resonance frequency analysis RFA and in duration of surgical operation. Materials and methods: A total of 26 patients with 41 implants (o

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 12 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Adherence and Beliefs to Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study (Conference Paper) #
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  Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women over the world. To reducing reoccurrence and mortality rates, adjuvant hormonal therapy (AHT) is used for a long period. The major barrier to the effectiveness of the treatment is adherence. Adherence to medicines among patients is challenging. Patient beliefs in medications can be positively or negatively correlated to adherence. Objectives: To investigate the extent of adherence and factors affecting adherence, as well as to investigate the association between beliefs and adherence in women with breast cancer taking AHT. Method: A cross-sectional study included 124 Iraqi women with breast cancer recruited from Middle Euphrates

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 15 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Oil skimming followed by coagulation/flocculation processes for oilfield produced water treatment and zero liquid discharge system application
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The study focused on the treatment of real oilfield produced water from the East Baghdad field affiliated to the Midland Oil Company (Iraq) using an oil skimming process followed by a coagulation/flocculation process for zero liquid discharge system applications. Belt type oil skimmer was utilized for evaluating the process efficiency with various operating conditions such as temperature (17-40 °C) and time (0.5-2.5 hr.). Polyaluminum chloride (PAC) coagulant and polyacrylamide (PAM) flocculant was used to investigate the performance of the coagulation/flocculation process with PAC dosage (5-90 ppm) and pH (5-10) as operating conditions. In the skimming process, the oil content, COD, turbidity, and TSS decreased with an increase in tempera

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 14 2017
Journal Name
Mechanical Engineering
Testing a Locally Assembled Combine Implement Used for Open Furrow, Planting and Fertilizing under Different Machinery Unit Speeds
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Comparison between Multi-Layer Perceptron and Radial Basis Function Networks in Detecting Humans Based on Object Shape
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       Human detection represents a main problem of interest when using video based monitoring. In this paper, artificial neural networks, namely multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF) are used to detect humans among different objects in a sequence of frames (images) using classification approach. The classification used is based on the shape of the object instead of depending on the contents of the frame. Initially, background subtraction is depended to extract objects of interest from the frame, then statistical and geometric information are obtained from vertical and horizontal projections of the objects that are detected to stand for the shape of the object. Next to this step, two ty

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral hygiene status in relation to salivary estradiol hormone level among pre-menopausal and post-menopausal Iraqi women
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Background: The menopause is physiological changes in women that give rise to adaptive changes at both systemic and oral level. During menopause, ovarian function declines and the production of sex steroid hormones reduces significantly affecting the oral tissues and periodontal structures leading to chronic inflammation of the gingiva, increased risk of tooth loss. Aim of study: The present study was designed to estimate the oral hygiene status in relation to salivary estradiol level among pre and post-menopausal women. Materials and Methods: Ninety women aged 48-52 years old, the control group consisted of 45 pre-menopausal women and the study group consisted of 45 post-menopause were examined for gingival index, plaque index and calcu

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Thinking skills and its Relationship to Some Variables to Four Grade Primary School Pupils with Slow Learning Abilities
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The problem of slow learning in primary schools’ pupils is not a local or private one. It is also not related to a certain society other than others or has any relation to a particular culture, it is rather an international problem of global nature. It is one of the well-recognized issues in education field. Additionally, it is regarded as one of the old difficulties to which ancient people gave attention. It is discovered through the process of observing human behaviour and attempting to explain and predict it.
Through the work of the two researchers via frequent visits to primary schools that include special classes for slow learning pupils, in addition to the fact that one of the researcher has a child with slow learning issue, t

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparative study on Various Tube Voltages and Contrast Media Doses in CT Pulmonary Angiography to detect Pulmonary Thromboembolism
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Background: Lowering the amount of iodinated contrast material and tube voltage may increase pulmonary artery opacification and thrombus identification without compromising picture quality.

Objectives: To explore the efficiency of using lower tube voltage and a lower contrast medium dose for conducting computed tomography for pulmonary angiography (CTPA) aiming to increase its accuracy in detecting pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE).

Subjects and Methods:100 patients scheduled for CTPA with a preoperative diagnosis of PTE were grouped into two: group A, (50 patients) got 1 mL/kg at 120 kV and group B, (50 patients) received 0.5 mL/kg at 80 kV.The tec

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Sttudy off Facttorrs Associiatted wii tth Chii lldhood Nephrrott iic Syndrrome,, Frrequentt Rellapsiing and IInff rrequentt Rellapsiing Type
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n each relapse. Objjec tt iiv es :: To sttudy diifffferentt ffacttors whiich miightt be associiatted or lleadiing tto
tthe occurrence off rellapse iin nephrottiic syndrome
Metthods:: A retrospective study of seventy patients with nephrotic syndrome with age range of 1-14 years, who were diagnosed and treated in Child's Central Teaching Hospital over the period of 1st of January and 1st of July 2008.
The patients were divided into three groups; frequent relapses group, infrequent relapses group and undetermined group. We compared between frequent relapses group and infrequent relapses group in regard to age, sex, type of presentation, biochemical findings which include; total serum protein, serum albumin and renal function test,

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