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The Relationship between Phylogenic Typing and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns forEscherichia coliIsolatedfrom UTIs atMany Hospitals in Baghdad City
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Objective:The current study aime to isolate Escherichia colifrom urinary tract infections(UTIs) in many Baghdad hospitals. The study concentrate on phylogenic groups and this was done based on triplex PCRmethod by primers besieged to three genetic markers, chuA, yjaA and TspE4.C2. Evaluate the relationship of phylogenic groups of E. coli isolates with the antibiotic-non sensitive patterns. Methodology:Four hundredof E.coli bacteria isolated from urine samples from five hospitals in Baghdad city include: Ghazi AL-Hariri, Ibin- Al-Beledi , AL-Iskan , AL-Nooman and AL-Yarmoke hospitals. Phylogenetic categorization of E. coli isolates was completed by by means ofearlier reported triplex PCR-based on phylotypingprocedureusing primers besieged at three markers, chuA, yjaAand TspE4.C2. Phylogenetic combination was done on the starting point of the existence or nonexistence of the3 DNA fragments as follows: chuA–, TspE4.C2–, group A; chuA–, yjaA–, TspE4.C2+, group B1; chuA+, yjaA+, group B2; chuA+, yjaA–, group D. Because two possible profiles can be obtained for the groups A, B2, and D. Fifteen antibiotics second-hand for all foremost groups and their individual generations were used in this paper adjacent to all bacterial isolates. Results: The isolates ofE.colifrom UTI were distributed within thephylogroups B2 (43%);phylogroups D (28.25%);phylogroups A (24%) and B1 (3.5%), so phylogenic group B1 was prevalent among male patients of AL-Yermouk hospital ( 14%), followed AL-Iskan (3.75)% so, isolation rate of E.coli were higher among age (11-20 ) years (31.75 %), also(11%) were sensitivity to antibiotics, whilst (75.25%) were classified as extensive drug resistance pathogens, but (13.75% )were multidrug resistance and in Karkh areas, the frequency of phylogeneticB2 was (59.88%), followed phylogenetic A and D were ( 68.75 and 48.78%) respectively as compared to Rusafa areas were prevalence phylogenetic B2(40.12%),followedphylogenetic D and A were (51.22 and 31.25 %) , as well as most of these phylogenetic groups occurred more frequently in both groups B2 or D (43, 28.25%) respectively, also ( 2.75, 2.5% ) of phylogenic A were antibiotics sensitivity in both AL-Iskan hospital and Ghazi AL-Hariri hospital respectively whilst these phylogenic was multidrug resistance as percentage (9, 3.75) % respectively in both AL-Yermouk hospital and AL-Iskan hospital, Whilst in these hospital this phylogenic A was founded with extensive drug resistance (1, 0.75%) respectively, also most of phylogenetic group B2 occurred more frequently in AL-Yermouk hospital, so the sensitivity; multidrug resistance and extensive drug resistance as (2.25, 15 and 3.5%) respectively, also all phylogenetic groups E. coli isolates from UTI patients of five hospital weregrouped in two or three major group as A , B group contain major sub groups . Recommendations: The study recommends additional studies of the correlation between the Phylogenic group with antibiotic-resistance pattern for other bacterial types isolated from UTIs or the same bacteria isolated from other types of infections. From this study,it is recommendedto study onKlebsillaspp isolated from the infected patients urinewho submitted to the same hospitals orin the other provinces of the country.



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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The Effect of Internal Control in Supporting the Implementation of Cost Techniques in Iraqi Companies
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In the last few years, there have been a lot of changes in the economy, society, and the environment. This has led to much competition between companies, directly and indirectly affecting production and marketing processes. Most companies are trying to cut production and manufacturing costs by using modern cost techniques such as product life cycle costing and Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) technology, in the method of measuring production costs or service costs, and the need for internal control to keep an eye on how these technologies are being used and how well they work. And to find out the effect of internal control on the implementation of costing techniques in Iraqi companies, 64 questionnaires were given to people who work in the i

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Features of misleading thought in Quranic discourse and methods of confronting it
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Research summary

The Quranic discourse focused on a lot of vocabularies that carry goals that help man to acquire good, according to a methodology relies on adopting lofty ideas and values. The individual towards society, and the responsibility of society towards the individual. In our present age, the Muslim individual lives in a state of confrontation with deviant ideas, which unfortunately possess the means that make their impact great on society. The study concluded that the Holy Quran contains indicators and determinants of misguided and deviant thought, Which must be avoided because of the seriousness of its effects. Religion, in its general sense, represents a culture that transcends the limits of human ins

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Sports Science
The use of training methods in accordance with special exercises to develop flexibility and perform the skills of shooting from above the chest (abduction) to wrestlers ages (14-15)"
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Evolution has become a feature of this era because of the speed that makes it open multiple horizons and many to identify everything that is new in different areas and also characterized by the competitive position of emotional attitudes changing depending on the positions of winning and defeat, and the use of training methods are the most important pillars of the game of wrestling, The methods contribute to raising the level of the wrestler and refining his physical and skill potential. The problem of the research is that the shooting exercises from above the chest are very important in Roman wrestling and can be terminated by the player. Through very personal interviews for coaches and concluded that there is a weakness in the level of fl

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Topics and political frameworks for the news of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs on its website: an analytical study
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This is a descriptive study that used the survey method, it’s aimed to identify the topics and frameworks of diplomatic and political issues covered by the news of the website of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the content analysis method applied on a sample selected in a systematic random manner for news published in the year 2021. The sample included (191) news equivalent to (20%) of the total study population of (942). The study reached some results, the most important of which were as follows: The political issue, in its general sense, grabbed the most prominent attention among the various issues and events focused on by Iraqi diplomacy: "international cooperation", "bilateral cooperation", and then "regional politic

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Recycled Heating and Cooling and The Effect of The Speciment Size on The Compressive Strength of Concrete Exposed To High Temperature
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     In the present work effect of recycled heating and cooling on the values of concrete compressive strength due to high temperature of 4000C was studied.

    The tests show that the percent of reduction in compressive strength of the samples which exposed to a temperature of 4000C for one cycle was 32.5%, while the reduction was 52.7% for the samples which were exposed to recycled heating and cooling of ten times .      

   Moreover a study of the effect of specimen sizes on the percentages of compressive strength reduction due to high temperature

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
D-dimer level and Wells score in women undergone Lymphadenectomy in Gynecological Cancer to Assess Risk of Deep Venous Thrombosis
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Background: One of the most important prognostic indicators in cancer is the lymph node dissection. Lymphadenectomy considered as a risk factor for deep vein thrombosis in patients with gynecological malignancy who underwent surgery. D-dimer was used to detect deep vein thrombosis, thus, it’s important to predict complications of post-operative Lymphadenectomy.

Objective: To predict the  risk of deep venous thrombosis by used serum D-dimer and wells score after pelvic lymphadenectomy in gynecological cancer.

Patients and method:  A cross sectional study conducted in Obstetrics and Gynecology/ ward in medical city, from 1st, January 2021 to 30th, De

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Effectiveness of Dialogic Communication in Online Public Relations with an Audience : (Analytical Study of the Websites of Universities in UAE)
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The Study addressed the effectiveness of dialogic communication in online public relations with an audience of higher education institutions in the United Arab Emirates. The study aimed to know about the interest extent of higher education institutions through their websites with the elements of dialogic communication in online public relations to communicate with their audience. The researcher used survey methodology and content Analysis tool as an essential tool for collecting information. Some of the important results of the study are: The websites of higher education institutions in terms of indicators of ease of use; the main links on the websites are clearly available on the opening page, there is a map on the websites, reduce depe

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Fairness in explaining the provisions of endowments A study to clarify the provisions of endowments according to the views of the Jaafari school of thought compared to the provisions of Iraqi laws.
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

It is no secret to everyone that the endowment is an important nucleus for the prosperity of Islamic civilization, especially in the fields of education, health, economy, and defensive military actions that fall within the door of jihad, and so on. Al-Ashraf, Qom Al-Quds, Cairo, and other parts of the Islamic world. What we will see in the research.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A comparative reading of the social and political satire in the works of Abu al-Fadl Zrui Nasrabad and Ahmad Rajab (The tadhk: خوانش تطبیقی طنز اجتماعی – سیاسی در آثار ابوالفضل زرویی نصرآباد و احمد رجب(مورد مطالعه: تذکرة المقامات زرویی و نصف كلمة احمد رجب)
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           Satire is genre of the literary arts that has always been the source of human interest. Because  it is difficult to accept direct criticism, Satire appears as a literary tool in which vices, follies, abuses and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement. A satirical critic usually employs irony to attain this goal. Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often profitable social criticism, using wit to draw at

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the structure of salaries of public sector workers for strategic planning purposes An analytical study in the general body of groundwater
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The research discusses the problem of salaries in the public sector in terms of the process of analyzing its structure and the possibility of benefiting from the information provided by the analysis process for the strategic planning process, and the General Authority for Groundwater has been adopted and one of the formations of the Ministry of Water Resources, which is centrally funded, to represent the salary structure of its employees (1117) employees be a field of research, as the salary structure in it was analyzed for the period between (2014-2019) using the quantitative approach to analysis and by relying on a number of statistical tools in the analysis process, including mathematical circles, upper limits, lower limits, p

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