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Evaluation of Mechanical Properties for Epoxy reinforced with palm oil /Zinc oxide composites
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In this research, the effect of reinforcing epoxy resin composites with a filler derived from chopped agriculture waste from oil palm (OP). Epoxy/OP composites were formed by dispersing (1, 3, 5, and 10 wt%) OP filler using a high-speed mechanical stirrer utilizing a hand lay-up method. The effect of adding zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles, with an average size of 10-30 nm, with different wt% (1,2,3, and 5wt%) to the epoxy/oil palm composite,  on the behavior of an epoxy/oil palm composite was studied with different ratios (1,2,3, and 5wt%) and an average size of  10-30 nm.  Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometry and mechanical properties (tensile, impact, hardness, and wear rate) were used to examine the composites. The FTIR results show a strong interaction between ZnO and oil palm fiber and epoxy resin. Tensile strength was reduced from 22.78 MPa to 19.03 MPa for the epoxy/OP composite as the wt% of OP was increased but increased to 29.224MPa for epoxy /oil palm / 5% ZnO samples. Young modulus increased from 1.9 MPa to 4.3 MPa while elongation decreased (9.6 to 6.8 %) with the increase of wt% OP and ZnO. The impact and hardness increased for all composites between (6.94 - 10.8 KJ/m2) and between (80.8- 84.55 KJ/m2) respectively. Also, wear resistance of the epoxy/OP and epoxy/OP/ZnO samples increased with the increase of wt% OP and ZnO. This studied in order to provide a new step in the utilization of green nanoparticle fillers for sustainable and renewable structural products for biodegradability.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Mechanical and Thermal Behavior for Epoxy Reinforced by Fibers
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In this study, epoxy was used as a matrix for composite materials, with E-glass fiber, jute and PVC fiber which was woven roving fiber, as reinforcement with volume fraction (Vf= 30%). There are two of prepared types of epoxy non reinforced, epoxy reinforced with E-glass, jute and PVC fibers including study of mechanical tests (Impact test, Bending test) different temperature and thermal conductivity and calculating the temperatures coefficient at different temperature. Results show that elastic modulus at rate values decrease to the increase of temperature and the impact strength, impact energy and thermal conductivity increase with increase temperature.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of water absorption on some mechanical and physical properties of epoxy/polyurethane blend reinforced with nano silica powder
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The aim of this work is to evaluate some mechanical and physical
properties (i.e. the impact strength, hardness, flexural strength,
thermal conductivity and diffusion coefficient) of
(epoxy/polyurethane) blend reinforced with nano silica powder (2%
wt.). Hand lay-up technique was used to manufacture the composite
and a magnetic stirrer for blending the components. Results showed
that water had affected the bending flexural strength and hardness,
while impact strength increased and thermal conductivity decreased.
In addition to the above mentioned tests, the diffusion coefficient
was calculated using Fick’s 2nd law.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 16 2020
Journal Name
Polymer Bulletin
Fabrication and evaluation of structural, thermal, mechanical and optical behavior of epoxy–TEOS/MWCNTs composites for solar cell covering
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Comparison Study of Some Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Composites usinguncarbonized Orange peel and Carbonized Orange peel
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Abstract<p>Inthis investigation the epoxy was reinforced by orange peel and carbonized orange peel particles with percentages (5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight).Mechanical tests like:Tensile, flexural,Hardness, impact and compression were carried out on these natural epoxy composites. The results showed the tensile strength have a higher value by adding (15% by weight )of orange peel and carbonized orange peel particles to epoxy,while the value (10% by weight ) of addition is suitable to get improvement in the other mechanical properties as flexural strength, Hardness, impact and compressive strength. The epoxy / carbonized orange peel powder have the best valuesin all mechanical properties than t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Enhancing Some Mechanical Properties (Compression, Impact, Hardness, Young modulus) and Thermal Conductivity, Diffusion Coefficient of Micro Epoxy Composites.
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  In this research, the study effect of additive titanium dioxide powder (TiO2) as a lone composite ( Ep+TiO2) and a mixture of (TiO2) and silicon oxide (SiO2), ( Ep+ TiO2+SiO2)as a hybrid composite on the mechanical and physical properties for epoxy coating. Thescompsiteswere prepared by (Hand Lay- the molding) method. The samples were tested for compressive strength, surface hardness, modulus of elasticity, thermal conductivity and diffusion coefficient, from the results obtained showed improvement in mechanical properties after adding ceramic powders, as the alone composite (EP+ TiO2) had the highest compressive strength ( 53.738 ) ᴍPa, the hybrid composite ( EP+TiO2 +SiO2 ) had the

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mechanical properties of epoxy-polyurethane polymer blends
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Configured binary polymer blends of epoxy and Polyurethane was chosen varying proportions of these materials led to the production of homogeneous mixtures of Althermust Althermust and descent was poured polyurethane models required in the form of 4 mm thick plates

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mechanical properties of carrot fiber - epoxy composite
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Interest has largely centered on the use of plant fibers to reinforce plastics, because these fibers are abundant and cheap. Carrot fibers (Curran) have been extracted from carrot, left over from carrot juice manufacture. The fibers of two sizes fine (50<µm) and coarse (100-150 µm) have been mixed with epoxy in four levels of loading (10, 20, 30, 40 wt %) respectively. Impact test, shore d hardness test and three point bending test of epoxy and carrot fiber-epoxy composites samples have been determined. The impact strength values of samples prepared with fine and coarse fibers increased as compared with pure epoxy sample. Hardness values increased, and the Young’s modulus values decreased with fiber content of both sizes.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Photoconductivity of An Inorganic /Organic Composites Containing Dye-Sensitized (Zinc Oxide)
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   In this paper we study the effect of adding Zinc Oxide powder (ZnO) at different ratios (10%,20%,30%,40%,50%) as particles and organic dyes rhodamine B(RhB), rohdamine 6G(Rh6G) and eosin(EO) are added at different doping ratios to polystyrene (PS), to form photosensitized(PS/ZnO/dye) composites, for samples were prepared as films by spin method. Photoconductive properties are investigated.     For I-V characteristic measurements, the photocurrent (Iph) and dark current (Id) are generally increased in non linear behavior with increasing light intensity and applied voltage for all composites. The photocurrent goes decrease through its maximum value at high white light intensities or high voltage for 2.4*10-

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mechanical PropertiesInvestigation of Unidirectional Woven Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Matrix Composite
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In this study, the mechanical properties of an epoxy and unidirectional woven carbon with fiberglass composite were experimentally investigated. When preparing the composite samples, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)standard was used. Tensile, impact and flexural test were conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of the new produced epoxy Unidirectional Woven Carbon and Epoxy Fiberglass composites. The outcome showed that the strength of the produced samples increased with the increase in the number of unidirectional woven carbon layers added. Two methods were utilized: (1) woven carbon composite with glass fiber (2) woven carbon composite). The two methods of composite were compared with each other.  The resul

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of Mechanical Strength of Epoxy Polymer Concrete Reinforcement with Different Types of Fibers
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 Polymer composite materials were prepared by mixing epoxy resin with sand particles in three different grain size (150-300 ), (300-600 ) and (600- 1200) μm . The weight of epoxy was 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% of the total weight. Compression  strength and flexural strength tests were carried out for the prepared samples .The percentages of epoxy resin at 20% wt and 25% wt showed best mechanical properties for all grain sizes .These percentages were adopted to fill the void between particles sand which have two different size ranges (150-600) μm and {(150-300) & (600-1200)} μm respectively to obtain more dense material. The results showed that the strength of polymer composite at 20% resin is higher than 25% resin. The

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