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Drilling Optimization by Using Advanced Drilling Techniques in Buzurgan Oil Field
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Efficient and cost-effective drilling of directional wells necessitates the implementation of best drilling practices and advanced techniques to optimize drilling operations. Failure to adequately consider drilling risks can result in inefficient drilling operations and non-productive time (NPT). Although advanced drilling techniques may be expensive, they offer promising technical solutions for mitigating drilling risks. This paper aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of advanced drilling techniques in mitigating risks and improving drilling operations when compared to conventional drilling techniques. Specifically, the advanced drilling techniques employed in Buzurgan Oil Field, including vertical drilling with mud motor, managed pressure drilling (MPD), rotary steerable system (RSS), and expandable liner hanger (ELH), are investigated and evaluated through case study analyses, comparing their performance to that of conventional drilling techniques. The findings indicate that vertical drilling with mud motor exhibits superior drilling performance and wellbore verticality compared to conventional rotary drilling bottom hole assemblies (BHA) for drilling the 17 ½" hole section. MPD systems employed in the 12 ¼" hole section demonstrate safe drilling operations and higher rates of penetration (ROP) than conventional drilling methods. Rotary steerable systems exhibit reduced tortuosity and achieve higher ROP when compared to mud motor usage in the 8.5" and 6" hole sections. Lastly, investigations of expandable liner hanger cases reveal subpar cement quality in the first case and liner remedial work in the second case, highlighting the successful implementation of ELH techniques in the offset field. Overall, this paper highlights the advantages of utilizing advanced drilling techniques in Buzurgan Oil Field, showcasing their ability to mitigate drilling risks and enhance drilling operations when compared to conventional drilling approaches.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal V
Acceleration of Tooth Movement in Orthodontics: A Review of Literature
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Objectives: The demand for orthodontic treatment is nowadays increasing significantly for aesthetic improvement and to correct various kinds of malocclusion, yet the prolonged treatment time remains the main obstacle. This review aimed to demonstrate various orthodontic techniques and highlight the evidence-based successful approaches used for acceleration of orthodontic tooth movement. Materials and Methods: Data and sources of information pertaining to accelerated orthodontic tooth movement premised on English-written articles were searched using electronic databases including Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed and MEDLINE. Results: This review demonstrated the availability of different surgical and non-surgical methods to enhance tooth movem

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 08 1999
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Abhath Al- Yarmouk [basic Sciences And Engineering]
Model for Predicting the Cracking Moment in Structural Concrete Members
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
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2019 12th International Conference On Developments In Esystems Engineering (dese)
Structural Modeling of Cross-Frame Behavior in Steel Girder Bridges
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 23 2009
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Journal Of College Of Education Al-mustansiriya University
Interaction of Thereonine in aqueous Dimethylformamide solution at deferent temperatures
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 19 2010
Journal Name
مجلة جامعة كربلاء
Interaction of Cysteine in aqueous Dimethylformamide solution at deferent temperatures
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Conference Of Computational Methods In Sciences And Engineering Iccmse 2021
Cubic bipolar ideals of a semi group in KU-Algebra
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 30 2007
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Plagiarism in Theses and Dissertations: Methods of Detecting and Avoiding
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The present study aims at identifying the styles, procedures of Iraqi universities to avoid plagiarism and evaluate these steps, also to evaluate the form prepared by the Directory of Scientific Supervision and Evaluation, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The study uses documentary style, 150 teachers in the following colleges (Education Ibn Rushd, Languages and Arts) in university of Baghdad whom already used the aforementioned list were the sample of the study and they asked to give their opinions about the list.The study consists of five sections, first one deals with general view, second explains plagiarism and its types, shapes and reasons,third tackles with ways of detecting plagiarism, its programs, consequences

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Natural Remedies
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Christianity rejected abortion, since its inception, it took a luck against abortion, although there is no mention of it in the Bible, as there is no explicit text for abortion in the Old or New Testament and that the early Christians considered abortion a sin in all stages, and beliefs included abortion as an act of murder. What is forbidden in the Ten Commandments is “Thou shalt not kill”, and it is understood that killing here is either plundering one’s personal life (suicide) or stealing another person’s life (killing), or stealing the life of a person who has not yet been born (aborting fetuses). Based on the above, it was necessary for individuals to search for (Abortion in the Christian Religion / Descriptive Study) The resea

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
The Asian Esp Journal
A Linguistic Study of ''and'' (و) in Arabic and English.
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The conjunctive ''and'' and its Arabic counterpart ''و'' are discourse markers that express certain meanings and presuppose the presence of other elements in discourse. They are indispensable aids to both the text writers and readers. The present study aims to show that such cohesive ties help the writer to organize his main argument and communicate his ideas vividly and smoothly. They also serve as explicit signals that help readers unfold text and follow its threads as realized in the progression of context. The researcher has utilized the Quirk Model of Semantic Implication for data analysis. A total of 42 (22 for English and 20 for Arabic) political texts selected from different elite newspapers in both Arabic and English for the analy

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
The Factors Affecting on Managing Sensitive Data in Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing represents the most important shift in computing and information technology (IT). However, security and privacy remain the main obstacles to its widespread adoption. In this research we will review the security and privacy challenges that affect critical data in cloud computing and identify solutions that are used to address these challenges. Some questions that need answers are: (a) User access management, (b) Protect privacy of sensitive data, (c) Identity anonymity to protect the Identity of user and data file. To answer these questions, a systematic literature review was conducted and structured interview with several security experts working on cloud computing security to investigate the main objectives of propo

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