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Model for Predicting the Cracking Moment in Structural Concrete Members

Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Model for Predicting the Optimum Gypsum Content in Concrete

The problem of internal sulfate attack in concrete is widespread in Iraq and neighboring countries.This is because of the high sulfate content usually present in sand and gravel used in it. In the present study the total effective sulfate in concrete was used to calculate the optimum SO3 content. Regression models were developed based on linear regression analysis to predict the optimum SO3 content usually referred as (O.G.C) in concrete. The data is separated to 155 for the development of the models and 37 for checking the models. Eight models were built for 28-days age. Then a late age (greater than 28-days) model was developed based on the predicted optimum SO3 content of 28-days and late age. Eight developed models were built for all

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 29 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Unified Methodology for Strength and Stress Analysis of Structural Concrete Members
Abstract<p>In this paper, a methodology is presented for determining the stress and strain in structural concrete sections, also, for estimating the ultimate combination of axial forces and bending moments that produce failure. The structural concrete member may have a cross-section with an arbitrary configuration, the concrete region may consist of a set of subregions having different characteristics (i.e., different grades of concretes, or initially identical, but working with different stress-strain diagrams due to the effect of indirect reinforcement or the effect of confinement, etc.). This methodology is considering the tensile strain softening and tension stiffening of concrete in additio</p> ... Show More
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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 08 1998
Journal Name
Journal Of King Saud University
Moment Capacity and Strength of Reinforced Concrete Members Using Stress- Strain Diagrams of Concrete and Steel

Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Geomate

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 15 2002
Journal Name
Abhath Al- Yarmouk [basic Sciences And Engineering]
Computer Program for Predicting Ultimate Strength of Structural Concrete Sections of General Shape

Publication Date
Mon Aug 17 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Analysis of structural concrete bar members based on secant stiffness methods

In this paper, the behavior of structural concrete linear bar members was studied using numerical model implemented in a computer program written in MATLAB. The numerical model is based on the modified version of the procedure developed by Oukaili. The model is based on real stress-strain diagrams of concrete and steel and their secant modulus of elasticity at different loading stages. The behavior presented by normal force-axial strain and bending moment-curvature relationships is studied by calculating the secant sectional stiffness of the member. Based on secant methods, this methodology can be easily implemented using an iterative procedure to solve non-linear equations. A comparison between numerical and experimental data, illustrated

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 17 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Analysis of Structural Concrete Bar Members Based on Secant Stiffness Methods
Abstract<p>In this paper, the behavior of structural concrete linear bar members was studied using numerical model implemented in a computer program written in MATLAB. The numerical model is based on the modified version of the procedure developed by Oukaili. The model is based on real stress-strain diagrams of concrete and steel and their secant modulus of elasticity at different loading stages. The behavior presented by normal force-axial strain and bending moment-curvature relationships is studied by calculating the secant sectional stiffness of the member. Based on secant methods, this methodology can be easily implemented using an iterative procedure to solve non-linear equations. A compari</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of International Structural Engineering And Construction

For structural concrete members that may expose to serious earthquake, overload or accident impact, the design of ductility must be given the same importance as the flexural strength. The aim of this investigation is to study the change in ductility of structural concrete flexural members during their exposure to limited cycles of repeated loading. Twenty full-scale beam specimens have been fabricated in to two identical groups; each group consisted of ten specimens. The first group was tested under monotonic static loading to failure and regarded as control beams, while the specimens of the second group were subjected to ten cycles of repeated loading with constant load interval, which ranged between 40% and 60% of ultimate load. S

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of International Structural Engineering And Construction

For structural concrete members that may expose to serious earthquake, overload or accident impact, the design of ductility must be given the same importance as the flexural strength. The aim of this investigation is to study the change in ductility of structural concrete flexural members during their exposure to limited cycles of repeated loading. Twenty full-scale beam specimens have been fabricated in to two identical groups; each group consisted of ten specimens. The first group was tested under monotonic static loading to failure and regarded as control beams, while the specimens of the second group were subjected to ten cycles of repeated loading with constant load interval, which ranged between 40% and 60% of ultimate load. S

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 05 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering, Volume 1067
The effect of cyclic loading on the nonlinear response of structural concrete members with arbitrary cross-sectional shapes

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