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A Review on Models for Evaluating Rock Petrophysical Properties
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The evaluation of subsurface formations as applied to oil well drilling started around 50 years ago. Generally, the curent review articule includes all methods for coring, logging, testing, and sampling. Also the methods for deciphering logs and laboratory tests that are relevant to assessing formations beneath the surface, including a look at the fluids they contain are discussed. Casing is occasionally set in order to more precisely evaluate the formations; as a result, this procedure is also taken into account while evaluating the formations. The petrophysics of reservoir rocks is the branch of science interested in studying chemical and physical properties of permeable media and the components of reservoir rocks which are associated with the pore and fluid distribution. Throughout recent years, several studies have been conducted on rock properties, such as porosity, permeability, capillary pressure, hydrocarbon saturation, fluid properties, electrical resistivity, self-or natural-potential, and radioactivity of different types of rocks. These properties and their relationships are used to evaluate the presence or absence of commercial quantities of hydrocarbons in formations penetrated by, or lying near, the wellbore. A principal purpose of this paper is to review the history of development the most common techniques used to calculate petrophysics properties in the laboratory and field based primarily on the researchers and scientists own experience in this field.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
IPv6 Security Issues: A Systematic Review Following PRISMA Guidelines
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Since Internet Protocol version 6 is a new technology, insecure network configurations are inevitable. The researchers contributed a lot to spreading knowledge about IPv6 vulnerabilities and how to address them over the past two decades. In this study, a systematic literature review is conducted to analyze research progress in IPv6 security field following the Preferred Reporting Items for the Systematics Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. A total of 427 studies have been reviewed from two databases, IEEE and Scopus. To fulfil the review goal, several key data elements were extracted from each study and two kinds of analysis were administered: descriptive analysis and literature classification. The results show positive signs of t

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 12 2023
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Pure And Applied Sciences
Cavitation microbubbles in the medical ultrasound imaging: A Review
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Ultrasound is a mechanical energy which can generate altering zones of compression and rarefaction along its path in the tissues. Ultrasound imaging can provide a real time screening for blood and multiple organs to aiding the diagnostic and treatment. However, ultrasound has the potential to deposit energy in the blood and tissues causing bio effects which is depending on ultrasound characteristics that including frequency and the amount of intensity. These bio effects include either a stable cavitation presented non thermal effects or inertial cavitation of harmful effect on the tissues. The non-thermal cavitation can add features in diagnostic imaging and treatment more than the inertial cavitation. Ultrasound Contrast agents are a micro

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Electrical And Electronic Engineering
A Systematic Review of Brain-Computer Interface Based EEG
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The futuristic age requires progress in handwork or even sub-machine dependency and Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) provides the necessary BCI procession. As the article suggests, it is a pathway between the signals created by a human brain thinking and the computer, which can translate the signal transmitted into action. BCI-processed brain activity is typically measured using EEG. Throughout this article, further intend to provide an available and up-to-date review of EEG-based BCI, concentrating on its technical aspects. In specific, we present several essential neuroscience backgrounds that describe well how to build an EEG-based BCI, including evaluating which signal processing, software, and hardware techniques to use. Individu

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 16 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Advance Research In Chemical Sciences
Study of Schiff Bases Complexes of Trimethoprim: A Review
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Trimethoprim derivative Schiff bases are versatile ligands synthesized with carbonyl groups from the condensation of primary amines (amino acids). Because of their broad range of biological activity, these compounds are very important in the medical and pharmaceutical fields. Biological activities such as antibacterial, antifungal and antitumor activity are often seen. Transition metal complexes derived from biological activity Schiff base ligands have been commonly used.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 16 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Advance Research In Chemical Sciences
Study of Schiff Bases Complexes of Trimethoprim: A Review
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Trimethoprim derivative Schiff bases are versatile ligands synthesized with carbonyl groups from the condensation of primary amines (amino acids). Because of their broad range of biological activity, these compounds are very important in the medical and pharmaceutical fields. Biological activities such as antibacterial, antifungal and antitumor activity are often seen. Transition metal complexes derived from biological activity Schiff base ligands have been commonly used

Publication Date
Fri Mar 23 2018
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Methods and Challenges in Shot Boundary Detection: A Review
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Cogent Engineering
Content-based image retrieval: A review of recent trends
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Clinical effects of Arabic gum (Acacia): A mini review
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Gum Arabic is a natural gummy exudate gained from the trees of Acacia species (Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal), Family: Fabaceae. Gum Arabic considers as a dietary fiber with a high percentage of carbohydrates and low protein content. Sugars arabinose and ribose were originally discovered and isolated from gum Arabic and it is representing the original source of these sugars. A gum emanation from trees occurs under stress conditions such as heat, poor soil fertility, drought, and injury. Mainly gum is produced in belt region of Africa, mainly Sudan, Chad, and Nigeria. In the food industry, it is used in confectionery; in the pharmaceutical industry, it is used as emulsifier, film coating and others. Traditionally the g

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Force degradation of orthodontic elastomeric chains: A literature review
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Background: Elastomeric chains are used to generate force in many orthodontic procedures, but this force decays over time, which could affect tooth movement. This study aimed to study the force degradation of elastomeric chains. Data and Sources: An electronic search on Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, LILACS, and PubMed was made, only articles written in English were included, up to January 2022.Study selection: Fifty original articles, systematic reviews, and RCTs were selected. Conclusion: Tooth movement, salivary enzymes, alcohol-containing mouthwash, whitening mouthwash, and alkaline and strong acidic (pH <5.4) solutions all have a significant impact on elastomeric chain force degradation. The fo

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