Innovative laboratory research and fluid breakthroughs have improved carbonate matrix stimulation technology in the recent decade. Since oil and gas wells are stimulated often to increase output and maximum recovery, this has resulted in matrix acidizing is a less costly alternative to hydraulic fracturing; therefore, it is widely employed because of its low cost and the fact that it may restore damaged wells to their previous productivity and give extra production capacity. Limestone acidizing in the Mishrif reservoir has never been investigated; hence research revealed fresh insights into this process. Many reports have stated that the Ahdeb oil field's Mishrif reservoir has been unable to be stimulated due to high injection pressures, which make it difficult to inject acid into the reservoir formation; and (ii) only a few acid jobs have been successful in Ahdeb oil wells, while the bulk of the others has been unsuccessful. Based on an acid efficiency curve, an ideal gel acid (HCl 15%) injection rate for this reservoir was 2.16 cc/min. This injection rate produces an optimal wormhole and the least amount of acid utilized. The optimum pore volume to breakthrough in wormhole propagation was 2.73, and the optimal interstitial velocity in wormhole propagation was 0.6 cm/min. Researchers have developed new formulae to compute the skin factor in anisotropic carbonates generated from matrix acidizing for the first time. This experiment revealed the need to acidify the matrix at the optimal injection rate.
Innovative laboratory research and fluid breakthroughs have improved carbonate matrix stimulation technology in the recent decade. Since oil and gas wells are stimulated often to increase output and maximum recovery, this has resulted in matrix acidizing is a less costly alternative to hydraulic fracturing; therefore, it is widely employed because of its low cost and the fact that it may restore damaged wells to their previous productivity and give extra production capacity. Limestone acidizing in the Mishrif reservoir has never been investigated; hence research revealed fresh insights into this process. Many reports have stated that the Ahdeb oil field's Mishrif reservoir has been unable to be stimulated due to high inj
... Show MoreThe productivity of oil wells may be improved by determining the value of enhancing well productivity and the likely reasons or sources of formation damage after the well has been recognized as underperforming. Oil well productivity may be improved, but the economics of this gradual improvement may be compromised. It is important to analyze the influence of the skin effect on the recovery of the reserve. The acid treatment evaluated for the well AD-12, primarily for the zone Mi4; using a license of Stimpro Stimulation Software to validate the experimental work to the field scale, this software is considered the most comprehensive instrument for planning and monitoring matrix acid treatments and utilizing actual data to provide a far
... Show MoreThe productivity of oil wells may be improved by determining the value of enhancing well productivity and the likely reasons or sources of formation damage after the well has been recognized as underperforming. Oil well productivity may be improved, but the economics of this gradual improvement may be compromised. It is important to analyze the influence of the skin effect on the recovery of the reserve.
The acid treatment evaluated for the well AD-12, primarily for the zone Mi4; using a license of Stimpro Stimulation Software to validate the experimental work to the field scale, this software is considered the most comprehensive instrument for planning and monitoring matrix acid treatments and utilizing actual data to prov
... Show MoreCarbonate matrix stimulation technology has progressed tremendously in the last decade through creative laboratory research and novel fluid advancements. Still, existing methods for optimizing the stimulation of wells in vast carbonate reservoirs are inadequate. Consequently, oil and gas wells are stimulated routinely to expand production and maximize recovery. Matrix acidizing is extensively used because of its low cost and ability to restore the original productivity of damaged wells and provide additional production capacity. The Ahdeb oil field lacks studies in matrix acidizing; therefore, this work provided new information on limestone acidizing in the Mishrif reservoir. Moreover, several reports have been issued on the difficulties en
... Show MoreThe remediation oil production by matrix acidizing method on the well named "X" (for confidential reasons) is scrutinized in this paper. Initial production of 1150 bpd, production index of 2.8 STB/Psi/d and permeability of 150md, in 2018 two years down the lane this dropped to 450 bpd, production index 0.7 STB/Psi/d. The declined observed on the production index is trouble shouted and after elimination of (no completion damage/perforation damage), the skin is calculated by carrying out a well test (build-up test) whose extrapolation in excel over times gave us a skin of 40.The reservoir heterogeneity, containing >20% of feldspar, carbonates and paraffin’s guided thematrix acidizing design and treatment proposition to remedy thi
... Show MoreIn this work, measurements of activity concentration of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) isotopes and their related hazard indices for several materials such as crude oil, sludge and water in Ahdeb oil fields in Waste governorate using high pure germanium coaxial detection technique. The average values for crude oil samples were174.72Bq/l, 43.46Bq/l, 355.07Bq/l, 264.21Bq/l, 122.52nGy/h, 0.7138, 1.1861, 0.601 mSv/y, 0.1503mSv/y and 1.8361 for Ra-226, Ac-228, K-40, Ra eq, D, H-external and H-internal respectively. According to the results; the ratio between 238U to 232Th was 4, which represents the natural ratio in the crust earth; therefore, one can be strongly suggested that the geo-stricture of the
... Show MoreReservoir study has been developed in order to get a full interesting of the Nahr Umr formation in Ratawi oil field. Oil in place has been calculated for Nahr Umr which was 2981.37 MM BBL. Several runs have been performed to get matching between measured and calculated of oil production data and well test pressure. In order to get the optimum performance of Nahr Umr many strategies have been proposed in this study where vertical and horizontal wells were involved in addition to different production rates. The reservoir was first assumed to be developed with vertical wells only using production rate of (80000–125000) STB/day. The reservoir is also proposed to produce using horizontal wells besides vertical wells with production rat
... Show MoreReservoir study has been developed in order to get a full interesting of the Nahr Umr formation in Ratawi oil field. Oil in place has been calculated for Nahr Umr which was 2981.37 MM BBL. Several runs have been performed to get matching between measured and calculated of oil production data and well test pressure. In order to get the optimum performance of Nahr Umr many strategies have been proposed in this study where vertical and horizontal wells were involved in addition to different production rates. The reservoir was first assumed to be developed with vertical wells only using production rate of (80000–125000) STB/day. The reservoir is also proposed to produce using horizontal wells besides vertical wells with pr
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