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ابداعية الادارة العامة بحث مداخل تحديث بيئة المنظمات العامة
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يمثل الفهم الصحيح لادوار وأشكال الادارات العامة في سعيها لإنجاز الأهداف تلبية للاحتياجات المجتمعية عبر مؤسساتها العامة ، بعداً إستراتيجياً في الأداء الفعال والكفء لهذه الادارات ، وقد كان للتطورات الحاصلة في البيئة الخارجية دوراً مؤثرا أسهم في دفع العديد من الدول لإعادة النظر في أجهزتها الإدارية العامة لتحسين مقدرتها على مواجهة التغيرات المتسارعة والتوجه نحو اعتماد مداخل واستراتيجيات إبداعية حديثة في العمل الإداري لضمان النجاح والتفوق المستمر. ويمكن القول أن نجاح جهود الاصلاح والإبداع تعتمد بشكل كبير على درجة الانسجام والتوافق بين المداخل والتقنيات الجديدة اللازمة لتحقيق التحديث الإداري, يستعرض هذا البحث اهم مداخل إبداع الإدارة العامة اللازمة للتطوير مع التركيز على مدخل الحاكمية, وتم الاعتماد على المنهج الوصفي وأخيرا توصل البحث الى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات أهمها أن الإبداع في الإدارة العامة له دور مؤثر في تحقيق التنمية المجتمعية المستدامة كما أنه يعتبر محدد أساسي للنمو الشامل أما اهم التوصيات فتمثلت بضرورة توجه الإدارات العامة نحو إعادة النظر في هياكلها وأساليبها التقليدية والعمل على تبني استراتيجيات الإبداع الملائمة .

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 12 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of government investment spending on tax revenue in Iraq from( 2008 – 2020) : Applied research in The General Authority for Taxes.
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The expenditures of the general budget, in its operational and investment divisions, are a basic factor in the economic and social growth of any country, and its impact on various economic activities such as income, employees , and the standard of living of members of society. This was based on a basic premise: Does increasing or decreasing investment expenditures have an effect on increasing or decreasing the tax proceeds, What is the level of relationship between them? and to achieve the goal of the research, an inductive and analytical method was chosen to measure the impact of the investment budget expenditures on the tax outcome quantitatively using the financial data obtained from The General Authority for Taxes, Ministry of Financ

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Continuous Improvement Strategy (Kaizen) in organizational innovation: An analytical research in the General Company of Electrical and Electronic Industries /The Ministry of Industry and Minerals
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This paper aims at the fact that most organizations today suffer from a waste of time, effort, and cost, and they have difficulty in achieving the best performance situations and compete strongly. The researcher distributed 108 questionnaires as a statistical analyzable sample society where the sample intentionally consists of general managers, department head, and division head. The questionnaire was formulated according to the Likert scale. The use of personal interviews and observations are additional tools for data collection and a number of statistical methods is used for data analysis such as simple regression and correlation coefficient (Pearson). One of the most prominent conclusions is that the company has adequate and c

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Environmental Taxes Effectiveness on controlling The Pollution reduction levels due To the Activity Contracted Foreign Oil Companies in Iraq: An applied research in the general commission of taxes
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     Environmental Tax is deemed as one of the most important tools that can be used to eliminate the problem of oil –based  environment pollution resulted out of oil products processes and this has been significantly approved by the experience in those leading countries in the field of protecting the environment against pollution whereas oil-producing countries which are rather awkward in maintaining the environment such as Iraq , suffer from notorious environmental effects pertaining to oil product processes.

     The problem of the research is represented the increased and constant rise in the volume of the environmental pollutants resulted from the processes managed by the intern

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) and Impacts on the Scheduling Operations Applied Research in the general company for vegetable oil product/ Al-Farab factory
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He research specifies subjects which may contribute in improve productivity of the General Company for vegetable oil product/ Al-Farab factory and aims to release the relationship between system Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) and scheduling operations.

The Implementation was in the general company for vegetable oil product (Al-Farab factory), Universe Factory It suffers from a failure to follow Scheduling in its operations And not taking into account the lead times And delays in product delivery dates, Here are drawing the attention of the administration in the factory to use Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) to control the energy and inventory, machin

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Factors Affecting in Planning of Current Expenditurs For Federal Public Budget of State: An Applied Research For ASample of Health Ministry Depatments
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Increasing interest in planning at the level of government units as a means to manage the physical and human resources, direct and invest in areas that would include an increase in the economies of the general government units that are part of the general economics of the state.The research problem lies in the introduction of the factors influencing the ongoing expenses that adversely affect the financial planning process at the level of the Ministry of Health Planning, which affects the quality of services provided to citizens, so I sought the researchers to study the reality of financial planning in some of the Ministry of Health and health departments through the analysis of current budgets and diagnose deviations in the implementatio

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect of measurement and analysis of quality costs on continuous improvement: Applied research in the Directorate General for the distribution of electric power in the Middle Euphrates
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The research aims to identify the theoretical foundations for measuring and analyzing quality costs and continuous improvement, as well as measuring and analyzing quality costs for the Directorate of Electricity Supply / Middle Euphrates and continuous improvement of the distribution of electrical energy,The problem was represented by the high costs of failure and waste in electrical energy result to the excesses on the network and the missing (lost) energy,Thus, measuring and analyzing quality costs for the distribution of electrical energy and identifying continuous improvement leads to a reduction in missing and an increase in sales, as the research reached many conclusions, the most important of which is the high percentage o

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of strategic Agility in organizational excellence In Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works
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The aim of this research is to identify the role of strategic agility achieving organizational excellence in one of the formations of the Ministry of Municipalities (Dhi Qar Sewage Directorate), as important service organizations that have a key role in serving and developing the society which faced many administrative challenges and issues and as a result of the changes in the environment is continuing and accelerating, so the adoption of modern administrative concepts such as strategic Agility and knowledge of their role in achieving organizational excellence can help them in facing these changes and achieve what they aspire to. In order to achieve research objectives, two main hypotheses have been formulated. The first hypothe

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using Regression Analysis as Analytical Procedure to Facilitate the Decision-Making Process in The Tax Audit: An Applied Research in the General Commission of Taxes
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This research aims to clarify the advantages of using the regression method as analytical procedure in the tax audit to reducing the examination cost , time, effort, human and material resources, and represents an applied study in the General Commission of taxes. In order to achieve its objectives the research has used in the theoretical side the descriptive approach (analytical), and in the practical side regression method has been applied to the research sample represented by the soft drinks company that is subject to the tax settlement for the year 2014, where the value of sales has been verified by using the regression method without conductinga comprehensive examination. The most important results of the research indicate that the r

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect Wisdom Management in Defferentiation Strategy for Service Operations Exploratory: Search of the Views of A Sample of the Officials in the General Establishment of Civil Aviation
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Today, the success or failure of organizations depends to possess the wisdom of their managers promised that the key to organizational success of the business environment, making the right decisions, and create the ability to work and think towards discrimination of products and services the organization . Seek this research to investigation the relationship between the wisdom management and differentiation strategy for service operations . It was a test of that relationship in light of the results of the analysis of the data collected through the questionnaire distributed on a sample from (98) Director Mangers, head of department and head of division in  the General Establishment of Civil Aviation . The research used descriptive st

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Estimating the impact of tax exemptions on achieving economic development in Iraq for the period (2015-2021): An Applied research in the General Authority for Taxes
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          The research aims to identify tax exemptions, their objectives and types, as well as to shed light on the concept of sustainable development, its objectives, dimensions and indicators (economic, social and environmental), as well as to analyze the relationship between tax exemptions and economic development, in addition to measuring and analyzing the impact of tax exemptions on economic development in Iraq for the period ( 2015 - 2021) using the NARDL model. The research problem centers on the fact that failure to employ financial policy tools correctly led to a weakness in achieving economic justice, which leads to a failure to improve social welfar

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