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Лингвоориентированная методика преподавания русского языка как иностранного в арабской аудитории
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Статья посвящена возможности использования в обучении русскому языку как иностранному лингвоориентированной методики для арабских студентов. Обосновывается термин «лингвоориентированная методика», предложенный В. Н. Вагнер, и на основе положений заявленной методики проводится сопоставление изучаемого (русского) языка с родным (арабским) языком обучающихся.

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Temperature Impacts on the Cardiac Activity of the Snail Pomacea canaliculata from Shatt Al-Arab Region, Basrah, Iraq
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The effects of temperature on an exotic aquatic snail Pomacea canaliculata  (Lamarck, 1819) collected from the Shatt Al-Arab intertidal zone were investigated. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted during the summer period of 2017. Individuals of new born snails hatched in the laboratory from adult snails were collected from Shatt Al-Arab intertidal zone, and subjected to five fixed temperatures: 15, 25, 35, 40 and 45 Cº, after short term thermal acclimation. The heartbeats (HB) were counted at each temperature level. The results showed significant  direct increase of HB from 15 Cº (19.8 HB/min) up to 25 Cº (76 HB/min) (P<0.05)  as well as from 25 Cº to 35 Cº (93 HB/min). At 40 Cº the snail HB

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 25 2022
Journal Name
Nasaq Journal
A Linguistic Study of Paronomasia (Al-Jinās ) in Arabic and English
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Paronomasia is a recognized rhetorical device by which poets could play with words that are similar or identical in form but different in meaning. The present study aims to identify paronomasia in Arabic and English. To achieve the aim of the study, a corpus of selected verses chosen from two famous figures in Arabic and English literatures and analyzed thoroughly. The analysis of data under investigation reveals that paronomasia is a crucial aid used by poets to portrait the real world as imaginative. It further shows that the concept of paronomasia in English is not the same as in Arabic. In English, there are echoes of the Arabic jinās, i.e., there are counterpart usages of similar devices, yet English rhetoricians have not defined or c

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Roughness Effect on Velocity Distribution in Selected Reach of Shatt al-Arab River
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Shatt al-Arab is the only navigational artery in Iraq, extending from the city of Qurna to its mouth in the Arabian Gulf at the city of Al-Fao within the governorate of Basrah for a length of approximately 204 km. Its width ranges from 400 m to 2000 m, and its depth ranges from 8 m to 20 m. The southern part of it, 93 km long from Umm al-Rassas Island to Ras al-Bisha, represents the international border between Iraq and Iran, where the Thalweg line represents the border between the two countries, which is the deepest point in the riverbed (according to the 1975 Algiers Agreement). The western bank (the Iraqi side) within the common border of Shatt al-Arab is subject to continuous erosion, which leads to the shifting of t

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 10 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Work Stress Sources of the Communicator in Public Relations “A field study on Governmental Institutions in UAE”.
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This study addressed the work stress sources and level of the communicator in public relations in governmental institutions in the United Arab Emirates. The importance of this study is the lack of studies on work stress of the communicator in public relations. The study aimed to investigate the work stress source Physical, individual, groups, organizational and Professional source which effect on the performance of communicator in public relations. The researcher used the descriptive approach and questionnaire as an essential tool for collecting information. Some of the important results of the study are The communicator in public relations facing stress in work by 42% which affect on his performance by average level. The organizational

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
DICTION (IN ARAB SATELLITE CHANNELS) A SIGNAL SYSTEM : (study of written And oral patterns)
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Communication has seen a big advancement through ages; concepts, procedures and technologies, it has also seen a similar advancement of language. What unites language and media is the fact that each one of them guides and contributes to the other; media exists and results from language and from the other sign systems, and what strengthens this connection is the symbolic language system, as media helps it by providing knowledge and information. The change that occurred through time must leave a significant trace in the media, for example Diction, which has changed concerning development and growth, also the ways and mediums of media have become manifold and widespread. This change affected the recipient whether it was a reader, listener o

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
representations of body language in the contemporary Iraqi theatrical show "Imagine That as a model": عمار عبد سلمان محمد
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There is no doubt that each of the arts has a material from which the aesthetic achievement is built, so the researcher found that the art of theater, especially the show, whose artistic achievement is based on the body of the actor who emits the formal language (body language), is the focus of interest and active presence, because the body possesses its spiritual qualities that made him and the ability to The formation of things by (his body language), so the researcher studied this theatrical phenomenon and divided it into four chapters. In the first chapter, the research problem included the following question: (Is there a phenomenon of body language in the contemporary theatrical show "Imagine that" as a model) so It is of cognitive

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Speaking Strategies on Iraqi EFL College Students
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The present study deals with the effect of teaching speaking Strategies (SS) on
EFL Iraqi College students. The use of speaking strategies not only solves learners’
communication problems, but also enhances the learner’s interaction in target language,
and improves their oral proficiency .The aim of the study is to find out the effect of
teaching SS used by EFL College students .The learner of the first stage is population of
the study at the Department of English, College of Education /Ibn-Rushd .The sample
consists of (60) students distributed on experimental group(A) as well as control
group(B) each group contains (30) students . In order to achieve the aim of the study,
questionnaire has been constructed t

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 02 2021
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
PROPÓSITOS RETÓRICOS DE LA VOZ PASIVA EN EL NOBLE CORÁN Estudio comparativo entre dos versiones españolas الأغراض البلاغية لصيغة المبنى للمجهول فى القرآن الکريم «دراسة مقارنة بين ترجمتين للقرآن الکريم»
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This research deals with the rhetoric purposes of the passive voice in the holy Quran. First, we put an introductory to the concept of the Quran language and its difference of the spoken Arabic language during the revelation period. Besides; we gave a brief about the structure passive voice form of Arabic language. Second, we explained the purposes of passive voice used in the holly Quran with sufficient examples, commentaries and clarifications about all the cases. Rhetoric purposes that we deals with are: concision, emphasize an idea, avoid using the subject because it is known and clear for all or because it is really unknown, etc. This part has contained the most important purposes for the use of passive voice in holy Quran. At the end

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 07 2018
Journal Name
Научный форум: Филология, искусствоведение и культурология: сб. ст. по материалам Xiv междунар. науч.- практ. конф. – No 3(14). – М.:
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Language is an instrument, a tool of culture and a way of communication between the past and the present. No one can know the treasure of human thought and experience in the fields of history, poetry and prose without language as an instrument of communication between cultures and peoples. Language under this description faces many problems, the most important of which is linguistic globalization, which means the flow rate of the strongest language, which has elements of power, domination and control over other languages. In this article, we consider linguistic globalization as a serious problem faced by every language, and we consider its main shortcomings and advantages and its impact on the language and ways of protecting the Arabic lang

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 28 2021
Journal Name
Albahith Alalami
The image of foreign oil companies operating in Iraq tothe public of Basra city / survey study
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The research seeks to identify the image of foreign oil companies operating in Iraq among the public of Basra, and the research aims to clarify the mental image of foreign oil companies among the Iraqi public, and to identify the extent to which the Iraqi public benefit from the social responsibility programs offered by foreign oil companies and their contribution to improving the standard of living and services for the population. Nearby areas and society as a whole, the research is classified within descriptive research, and the researcher used the survey method for the Iraqi public in Basra governorate, which includes the areas in which these companies are located, and he used the scale tool to find out, so he distributed 600 que

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