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Development of a nanostructured double-layer coated tablet based on polyethylene glycol/gelatin as a platform for hydrophobic molecules delivery
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The aim of the current study was to develop a nanostructured double-layer for hydrophobic molecules delivery system. The developed double-layer consisted of polyethylene glycol-based polymeric (PEG) followed by gelatin sub coating of the core hydrophobic molecules containing sodium citrate. The polymeric composition ratio of PEG and the amount of the sub coating gelatin were optimized using the two-level fractional method. The nanoparticles were characterized using AFM and FT-IR techniques. The size of these nano capsules was in the range of 39-76 nm depending on drug loading concentration. The drug was effectively loaded into PEG-Gelatin nanoparticles (≈47%). The hydrophobic molecules-release characteristics in terms of controlled-release duration and dissolution efficiency were examined in various dissolution media, such as physiological pH (7.4) and simulated stomach fluid (3.4). Consequently, the optimized double-layer for hydrophobic molecules delivery system showed a gradual release of hydrophobic molecules in the and in physiological pH, indicating its novelty for using as a platform for hydrophobic molecules delivery.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Direct Method for Variational Problems Using Boubaker Wavelets
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The wavelets have many applications in engineering and the sciences, especially mathematics. Recently, in 2021, the wavelet Boubaker (WB) polynomials were used for the first time to study their properties and applications in detail. They were also utilized for solving the Lane-Emden equation. The aim of this paper is to show the truncated Wavelet Boubaker polynomials for solving variation problems. In this research, the direct method using wavelets Boubaker was presented for solving variational problems. The method reduces the problem into a set of linear algebraic equations. The fundamental idea of this method for solving variation problems is to convert the problem of a function into one that involves a finite number of variables. Diff

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimal Color Model for Information Hidingin Color Images
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In present work the effort has been put in finding the most suitable color model for the application of information hiding in color images. We test the most commonly used color models; RGB, YIQ, YUV, YCbCr1 and YCbCr2. The same procedures of embedding, detection and evaluation were applied to find which color model is most appropriate for information hiding. The new in this work, we take into consideration the value of errors that generated during transformations among color models. The results show YUV and YIQ color models are the best for information hiding in color images.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 17 2021
Journal Name
Recycled Concrete Aggregate for Medium-Quality Structural Concrete
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This paper reports an evaluation of the properties of medium-quality concrete incorporating recycled coarse aggregate (RCA). Concrete specimens were prepared with various percentages of the RCA (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). The workability, mechanical properties, and durability in terms of abrasion of cured concrete were examined at different ages. The results reveal insignificant differences between the recycled concrete (RC) and reference concrete in terms of the mechanical and durability-related measurements. Meanwhile, the workability of the RC reduced vastly since the replacement of the RCA reached 75% and 100%. The ultrasound pulse velocity (UPV) results greatly depend on the porosity of concrete and the RC exhibited higher poros

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Purification Techniques for Cheap Multi –Walled Carbon Nanotubes
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Abstract<p>Multi-walled carbon nanotubes from cheap tubs company MWCNT-CP were purified by alcohol \ H2O2 \ separation funnel which is simple, easy and scalable techniques. The steps of purification were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy SEM with energy dispersive of X-ray spectroscopy EDX and surface area measurements. The technique was succeeded to remove most the trace element from MWCNT-CP which causing increase the surface area. The ratios of impurities were reduced to less 0.6% after treatment by three steps with losing less than 5% from MWCNT-CP.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Governance work guidance for financial and institutional reform
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There has been increase in banks and financial institutions interest in governance topic, as it focused all it attention on this topic specially after the growing role and massive expansion of the private sector in economic life , this sector become vital and important and basic role in growth and developing countries economy that’s why there been increase interest in governance and its mechanism , using this mechanism ( board of directors mechanism , ownership concentration mechanism , financial compensation mechanism, minimum rate of capital mechanism) who would adjust and guide the path and orientation of banks and financial institutions as to ensure the  achievement of their goals and mission of their desired within th

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Omani Second-Cycle Students’ Motivations for Electronic Games
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The current study aims to investigate the second cycle students’ motives for using electronic games in Oman. The sample consisted of (570) students, (346 males and 224 females). The participants completed an open-ended question which was analyzed based on ground theory. The results showed that (46.820%) of the males and (77.678) of the females played electronic games for pleasure, entertainment, and fun. This first category of motivation got the highest percentage of frequency (58.947%). The motive to become a hacker, a popular YouTuber got the lowest percentage (2.280%). Other students’ motives toward playing electronic games included: filling the leisure time, overcoming boredom, feeling adventures, getting science fiction and chal

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Boltzmann Machine Neural Network for Arabic Speech Recognition
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Boltzmann mach ine neural network bas been used to recognize the Arabic speech.  Fast Fourier transl(>lmation algorithm has been used t() extract speciral 'features from an a caustic signal .

The  spectral  feature size is reduced by series of operations in

order to make it salable as input for a neural network which is used as a recogni zer by Boltzmann Machine Neural  network which has been used as a recognizer for phonemes . A training set consist of a number of Arabic phoneme repesentations, is used to train lhe neuntl network.

The neural network recognized Arabic. After Boltzmann Machine Neura l    network   training  the  system   with 

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Politics in Harold Pinter's One for the Road
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Pinter's play One for the Road (1984) is considered one of his important plays because
it focuses on political issues, which he has not presented overtly before. Generally speaking,
Pinter's early plays describe man's existential fear of an unnamed danger which might be
represented by an intruder who invades the characters' solitude , threatens their peace, and
brings their hidden fears to the surface. Pinter began to write political plays as a result of his
political attitudes and his involvement in political activities over the last three decades.
Pinter's One for the Road deals with the oppressive and authoritarian operations of
state power. This play and Pinter's political plays which followed it, like Mountain

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Science And Engineering
Strong Fenchel Duality for Evenly Convex Optimization Problems
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Among a variety of approaches introduced in the literature to establish duality theory, Fenchel duality was of great importance in convex analysis and optimization. In this paper we establish some conditions to obtain classical strong Fenchel duality for evenly convex optimization problems defined in infinite dimensional spaces. The objective function of the primal problem is a family of (possible) infinite even convex functions. The strong duality conditions we present are based on the consideration of the epigraphs of the c-conjugate of the dual objective functions and the ε-c-subdifferential of the primal objective functions.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 14 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Criteria for Some Agility Tests in Young Basketball
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The problem of the research lies in choosing agility tests suitable to the test taker to observe the relative changes in some players. In addition to that, there are a lot of agility tests that lack special test models that coordinate gender and age. This means the youth basketball player on one hand and time and distance in applying the tests on the other. The importance of the research lies in designing agility tests for youth basketball players to achieve variations in tests a matter that will benefit coaches in their training. The subjects of the research were (30) youth basketball players from the specialized school of the National Center that sponsor gifted basketball players in Baghdad for the season 2014 – 2015. The data was colle

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