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Coronavirus Disease Diagnosis, Care and Prevention (COVID-19) Based on Decision Support System
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              Automated clinical decision support system (CDSS) acts as new paradigm in medical services today. CDSSs are utilized to increment specialists (doctors) in their perplexing decision-making. Along these lines, a reasonable decision support system is built up dependent on doctors' knowledge and data mining derivation framework so as to help with the interest the board in the medical care gracefully to control the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) virus pandemic and, generally, to determine the class of infection and to provide a suitable protocol treatment depending on the symptoms of patient. Firstly, it needs to determine the three early symptoms of COVID-19 pandemic criteria (fever, tiredness, dry cough and breathing difficulty) used to diagnose the person being infected by COVID-19 virus or not. Secondly, this approach divides the infected peoples into four classes, based on their immune system risk level (very high degree, high degree, mild degree, and normal), and using two indices of age and current health status like diabetes, heart disorders, or hypertension. Where, these people are graded and expected to comply with their class regulations. There are six important COVID-19 virus infections of different classes that should receive immediate health care to save their lives. When the test is positive, the patient age is considered to choose one of the six classifications depending on the patient symptoms to provide him the suitable care as one of the four types of suggested treatment protocol of COVID-19 virus infection in COVID-19 DSS application. Finally, a report of all information about any classification case of COVID-19 infection is printed where this report includes the status of patient (infection level) and the prevention protocol. Later, the program sends the report to the control centre (medical expert) containing the information. In this paper, it was suggested the use of C4.5 Algorithm for decision tree.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Body Image and Its Relationship With Self–Confidence In Female College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences Students
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سها علي حسين, هويدة إسماعيل إبراهيم, Journal of Physical Education, 2017 - Cited by 1

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Ecological and Identification Study for Algae in Groundwater of Selected Area in Tikrit city and It’s Surrounding Area
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The present study is carried out to identify the algae in the groundwater of the three areas of Tikrit city, including (the center of Tikrit , the region of AL-Jazira , Awainat village) by nine wells, a depths ranged between 9 meter at well 8 and 110 meter at wells 3 and 5 . And examined the environmental characteristics of physical, chemical and biological factors during the study period from September 2009 to June 2010. It is obtained that wells in the study area is lower alkalinity, average it ranged (6.448-7.418). It was noted that the values of the dissolved oxygen are few and almost non-existent in some cases it ranged between (6.5-6.3)mg/l , analysis of biological oxygen demand refers to wells water (clean- very clean) average

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 04 2022
Journal Name
Azerbaijan Medical Journal
Ultrasonic fetal Doppler and growth indices and their relation to immediate neonatal outcomes in different severities of maternal anemia
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Doppler assessment may lead to intervention that reduces the risk of fetal brain damage. Aim of thestudy: to assess the relation between ultrasonic hemodynamic Doppler indices of middle cerebral and umbilical arteries (PI, RI), growth indices to immediate neonatal outcomes (weight, head & abdominal circumference, APGAR scores at 1 and 5 minutes and neonatal unit admission) in women with mild, moderate and severe anemia during pregnancy. Present study is a clinical prospective study carried out in Al-Elwiya Maternity Teaching Hospital during (January-Jun) 2019, all anemic pregnant women presented to Obstetrical wards in hospitals for emergency cesarean section were the study population. The final sample selected was 120 pregnant women. Ultra

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
In Vivo Toxicity Study of Nerium oleander's Leaves and Flowers Aqueous Extracts in Mice (Cytogenetic, Biochemical and Hematological Study)
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The present research was carried out to assess the toxic effect of oral administration of the aqueous extract of Nerium oleander leaves and flowers daily at doses of (25) mg/kg body weight for four weeks in mice. The toxicity of this plant parts was determined after two and four weeks by measuring the parameters of cytogenetic (mitotic index, micronucleus %), and serum levels of the hematological (RBC, Hb, WBC) and biochemical (GOT, GPT, ALT, AST) indexes in comparison with that of the control (normal saline), also clinical signs were determined. The results showed a significant decrease in mitotic index while an obvious raise was seen in micronucleus percentage in comparison with that of the control after the two periods of admini

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of liquidity and profitability of general price level changes Applied Study State company for Glass and Ceramic industry
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     The accountants are preparing the financial statements under the Monetary Unit Stability Assumption without taking into consideration the changement of prices for the monetary unit. The income statement accounts containing different items of expenses and revenues. These items are not paid or obtained at one date, because the value of monetary unit is changing from one date to another , also the financial position contains different items of current and fixed assets, also contains different items of long-term liabilities and ownership rights, the continuity of applying historical cost principle will make the financial statements misleading, The adoption of financial analyst of these statements will affects

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The effect of compound exercises in developing front and back stroke skills and some physiological indicators of badminton juniors
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The accuracy of the skillful performance of the front and back dimensions of badminton in volleyball, occurs through the investment of complex exercises (physical skills) in a single performance and its characteristics that give the correct movement behavior and speed to the accuracy of the performance of the strokes as well as the identification of changes in some physiological indicators of By using these compound exercises. The research problem lies: I found a weakness in the accuracy of the performance of the front and back dimensions strike and diagnosed this through the tests that it conducted on the players to identify and know the problem, and attributed this weakness to a weakness in the necessary physical and skill abilities and t

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self -affirmation and its relation of tendency toward perfection and the awareness of creativity among fine arts institutions students
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The study aimed to identify self –affirmation degree, tendency degree toward perfection, awareness degree of creativity among fine arts institutions students, and the significant correlation between self -affirmation and its tendency toward perfection, and the awareness of creativity among fine arts institutions students. To achieve these objectives, the author had constructed two scales: one to measure self –affirmation among the sample based on “Lang& Jakobowski theory” (Lang& Jakobowski, 1973) that consisted of (54) item divided into two parts: qualitative and situational. The other scale is to measure the tendency toward perfection depend on (flett & Hewitt, 1991) that composed of (46) item divided into two sectio

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology
Comparative Study of Serum Angiopoietin like Protein-8 and Hyaluronic Acid in Iraqi Hemodialysis Patients with and without T2DM
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The current work was designed to investigate serum angiopoietin like protein-8 and hyaluronic acid among Iraqi hemodialysis patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus, and to find relationship between them, as well as if these patients are at risk of kidney fibrosis. Subjects & Methods: in this study, serum samples were obtained from (60) Iraqis patients with end stage renal diseases (ESRD)on hemodialysis (HD) (30 patients with T2DM (G2) and 30 patients withoutT2DM (G3)) in addition to (30) healthy individuals as a control group (G1), their ages ranged from (35-65) years. The patients attended the Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Baghdad. Results: the results in this study showed a highly a significant elevation inserum angiopoietin li

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of Beta and Gamma Rays Total Interaction Cross Section and Effective Atomic Number for CR-39Nuclear Track Detector
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CR-39 is a solid state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) that has been used in many research areas. In spite of the assumption that the CR-39 detectors are insensitive to beta and gamma rays, irradiation with these rays can have significant effects on the detector properties. In this study, beta and gamma rays mass attenuation coefficients μ/ρ (cm2 g-1) for the CR-39 detector have been measured using NaI(Tl) scintillation spectrometer along with a standard geometrical arrangement in the energy region of (0.546-2.274) MeV beta rays and standard gamma sources having energy 0.356, 0.5697, 0.6617 and 1.063 MeV. The total atomic cross-section (σtot), total electronic cross-section (σT E) and the effective atomic number (Zeff) of gamma rays a

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The evolution of demographic variables and their relationship to the demographic opportunity in Iraq and the possibility of investing
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The variables of quantitative and qualitative Population role in the economic development process and it was said the human center of development and population is the goal of development and its tool , and Iraq suffers from problems in the economic growth and the standard of living and development in general, and if I want him evolution and development sectors must pay for these demographic changes especially , to study and that invest Pmaasb in the interest of the man
The study of the demographic situation in Iraq and at the provincial level to track paths demographic change and its impact on the entry of Iraq to the demographic window due to the change in the age structure of the population and how to use them and invested well in

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