In this work, a comparative analysis for the behavior and pattern of the variations of the IF2 and T Ionospheric indices was conducted for the minimum and maximum years of solar cycles 23 and 24. Also, the correlative relationship between the two ionospheric indices was examined for the seasonal periods spanning from August 1996 to November 2008 for solar cycle 23 and from December 2008 to November 2019 for solar cycle 24. Statistical calculations were performed to compare predicted values with observed values for the selected indices during the tested timeframes. The study's findings revealed that the behavior of the examined indices exhibited almost similar variations throughout the studied timeframe. The seasonal variations were adopted to examine the cross-correlation between the studied indices. The seasonal correlation between tested indices demonstrated that the two indices are highly correlated to each other, with determination coefficient (R2) values ranging from 0.991 to 0.998 during solar cycle 23 and from 0.996 to 0.998 during solar cycle 24. Furthermore, the results of the comparative analytical study revealed that the mathematical correlation equation between the tested indices could be described as a first-order polynomial equation. The proposed mathematical correlation formula for these two indices exhibited a high level of accuracy and good fit between observed values and generated datasets for all seasons during both solar cycles 23 and 24.
In this work, the geomagnetic storms that occurred during solar cycles 23 and 24 were classified based on the value of the Disturbance Storm Time index (Dst), which was considered an indicator of the strength of geomagnetic conditions. The special criterion of Dst >-50 nT was adopted in the classification process of the geomagnetic storms based on the minimum daily value of the Dst-index. The number of geomagnetic storms that occurred during the study period was counted according to the adopted criteria, including moderate storms with (Dst >-50 nT), strong storms with (Dst >-100 nT), severe storms with (Dst >-200 nT), and great storms with (Dst >-350 nT). The statistica
The present work aimed to examine the nature and degree of the cross-correlations among three different ionospheric indices: these are Optimum Working Frequency (OWF), Highest Probable Frequency (HPF), and Best Usable Frequency (BUF). VOCAP and ASASPS models were adopted to determine the datasets of the selected ionospheric indices. The determination was made for different transceiver stations that provide certain HF connection links during the minimum and maximum years of solar cycle 24, 2009 and 2014, respectively. Matlab program was implemented to produce the geodesic parameters for the selected transceiver stations. The determination was made for different path lengths (500, 1000, 1500, and 2000) Km and bearings (0o, 45
... Show MoreIn this research, the seasonal Optimal Reliable Frequency (ORF) variations between different transmitter/receiver stations have been determined. Mosul, Baghdad, and Basra have been chosen as tested transmitting stations that located in the northern, center, and southern of Iraqi zone. In this research, the minimum and maximum years (2009 and 2014) of solar cycle 24 have been chosen to examine the effect of solar activity on the determined seasonal ORF parameter. Mathematical model has been proposed which leads to generate the Optimal Reliable Frequency that can maintain the seasonal connection links for different path lengths and bearings. The suggested ORF parameter represented by a different orders polynomial equation. The polynom
... Show MoreIn this work, the annual behavior of critical frequency and electron density parameters of the ionosphere have been studied for the years (1989, 2001 and 2014) and (1986, 1996 and 2008) which represent the maximum and minimum of years in the solar cycles (22, 23 and 24) respectively. The annual behavior of (Ne, fo ) parameters have been investigated for different heights of Ionosphere layer (100 -1000) Km. The dataset was created both of critical frequency and electron density parameters by using the international reference ionosphere model (IRI-2016 model). This study showed result that during the maximum solar cycles the values of the (Ne) parameter change with
In this research, a study of the behavior and correlation between sunspot number (SSN) and solar flux (F10.7) have been suggested. The annual time of the years (2008-2017) of solar cycle 24 has been adopted to make the investigation in order to get the mutual correlation between (SSN) and (F10.7). The test results of the annual correlation between SSN & F10.7 is simple and can be represented by a linear regression equation. The results of the conducted study showed that there was a good fit between SSN and F10.7 values that have been generated using the suggested mutual correlation equation and the observed data.
Five heavy metals, namely Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Pb in the surface water and through the water column were studied at 10 selected stations in the Razzazah lake and Karbala drainage canal for the period between November 1990 to October 1991*. pH and total hardness were also measured. Lead was found to be the highest in concentration as overall average values, followed by an manganese, iron, copper then cadmium at the surface as well as along the water column. All the studied metals were below or close to the maximum allowed limits of Iraqi standards for inland water. The spatial and seasonal variations were discussed.
The present work aimed to make a comparative investigation between three different ionospheric models: IRI-2020, ASAPS and VOACAP. The purpose of the comparative study is to investigate the compatibility of predicting the Maximum Usable Frequency parameter (MUF) over mid-latitude region during the severe geomagnetic storm on 17 March 2015. Three stations distributed in the mid-latitudes were selected for study; these are (Athens (23.50o E, 38.00o N), Jeju (124.53o E, 33.6o N) and Pt. Arguello (239.50o W, 34.80o N). The daily MUF outcomes were calculated using the tested models for the three adopted sites, for a span of five-day (the day of the event and two days preceding and following the event day). The calculated datasets were co
... Show MoreAs is known that the consumer price index (CPI) is one of the most important price indices because of its direct effect on the welfare of the individual and his living.
We have been address the problem of Strongly seasonal commodities in calculating (CPI) and identifying some of the solution.
We have used an actual data for a set of commodities (including strongly seasonal commodities) to calculate the index price by using (Annual Basket With Carry Forward Prices method) . Although this method can be successfully used in the context of seasonal&nbs
... Show MoreSolar energy is the most abundant renewable energy source. This energy can be converted directly into electricity using solar panels. The fixed tilt solar panels are the most practical and the most widely installed throughout the world. Optimum tilt angle calculation has the advantage that it does not use expensive solar trackers. This research calculates the seasonal optimum tilt angle of solar panels for 17 cities in Iraq and 83 cities in 83 countries distributed around the world. Solar Panel Angle Calculator program was used in calculating the optimum tilt angles from vertical. The optimum tilt angle varies between 6° and 112° throughout the year. This angle for winter, spring/ autumn and summer seasons are found to be between
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