Colon cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that occurs in the large intestine. Sometimes growth remains restricted for a relatively long time before it becomes a malignant tumor and then spreads through the intestinal wall to the lymph nodes and other parts of the body. The study aims to estimate the effectiveness and partial purification of lipoxygenase (LOX) enzyme and measure gamma-glutamyle transferase (GGT) activity in serum patients of colon cancer in Baghdad. The study included (80) case male patients with colon cancer with (50) samples of apparently healthy males (control) as comparison group. The result displayed a noteworthy increase in lipoxygenase effectiveness (805.0±517.23 IU/L) in serum of patients with colon cancer compared with control (114.6±49.77 IU/L). The enzyme was purified by the precipitation of the serum protein using (40% (NH4)2SO4) then removing the remaining salts by dialysis. The column of gel (sephadex G.100) was used to separate the enzyme from another protein, in this step a single peak was obtained. The effective part of lipoxygenase at yield (71.42%) and folds (11.033). The ion exchange chromatography (DEAE–CeA50) was used to isolate LOX isoenzyme, two bands (LOX1 and LOX2) were acquired with different degree of purity (16.372) and (12.16) folds respectively. The result displayed a noteworthy increase in the (GGT) activity in patients (58.69±16.94IU/L) (probability P≤ 0.000) compared with control (12.79±5.68 IU/L). The increase in activity of LOX can be used as a tumor marker to detect the colon cancer disease.
تمثل الأسعار تعبيرا" نقدياً لقيمة السلع والخدمات المقدمة للزبون، وتعد عملية التسعير من العمليات المهمة وذات الأثر البالغ على نجاح واستمرار منظمات الأعمال، نظراً لما لها من تأثير على المقدرة الربحية وإعادة توزيع الدخل القومي المخصص للاستهلاك، إذ أنه بتحديد الأسعار يستطيع الفرد أن يوزع دخله بين ما يعده ضرورياً من السلع وما يعد كمالياً.
وعموماً فإن لعملية التسعير م
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This study aims at assessing the availability of national values in the curriculum of the first three grades in Jordan. The study also aims at the nature of distributing these national values. The sample of the study consists of the curriculum of math, science, Arabic language, Islamic education, and national and civil education in Jordan. To achieve the aims of the study, the researchers used the analyzing approach, and they also depended on the referential statement for the general and minor objectives as a tool to analyze and numerate. The results of the study shows that the concentrating on the n
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تتفق أغلب الأدبيات ومنها المحاسبية, بأن الخطوة الأولى في وضع وتقييم أي نظام إداري أو محاسبي هي في صياغة أهداف ذلك النظام لما لذلك من أهمية في توفير معيار للحكم على كفاءة التطبيق من عدمه.
وتعرف الأهداف بأنها (النهايات التي تعمل أو توجه النشاطات باتجاهها أو هي النهايات التي تطمح النشاطات تحقيقها). ( 1 ) ..,
كما تعرف أيضا بأنها (الأ
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وقد تألفت عينة البحث من(50) طالبة من طالبات قسم الفيزياء / الفيزياء الطبية المرحلة الأولى في كلية العلوم للبنات- جامعة بغداد. اعتمدت ا
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Sözlü Türk halk edebiyatı ürünleri içinde önemli yere sahip olan türlerden biri de atasözleridir. Atasözleri, nesilden nesile halk ağzında dolaĢan, kimin söylediği bilinmeyen, birtakım gerçekleri kısa ve öz bir Ģekilde ifade eden sözlerdir. Türk atasözleri Orhun Abideleri‟nde ilk kez karĢımıza çıkmakla birlikte, Uygur dönemi yazıtlarında ve özellikle Dîvânü Lûgati‟t Türk‟te geniĢ yer bulmuĢtur. Dilin anlatım ve kullanım imkânlarını geliĢtiren atasözlerine, dünyanın bütün dillerinde rastlanabilir. Bunun için, söyleyiĢte güzel, anlatımda güçlü, kavramda önemli unsurlar içeren kalıplaĢmıĢ sözler halinde bulunurlar. Bu çalıĢmada, Türk halk edebiyatında atas