In this paper the centralizing and commuting concerning skew left -derivations and skew left -derivations associated with antiautomorphism on prime and semiprime rings were studied and the commutativity of Lie ideal under certain conditions were proved.
In thisˑ paperˑ, we apply the notion ofˑ intuitionisticˑ fuzzyˑ n-fold KU-ideal of KU-algebra. Some types of ideals such as intuitionistic fuzzy KU-ideal, intuitionisticˑ fuzzy closed idealˑ and intuitionistic fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal are studied. Also, the relations between intuitionistic fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal and intuitionistic fuzzy KU-ideal are discussed. Furthermore, aˑ fewˑ results of intuitionisticˑ fuzzyˑ n-ˑfold KU-ideals of a KU-algebra underˑ homomorphismˑ are discussed.
In this paper the concept of (m, n)- fully stable Banach Algebra-module relative to ideal (F − (m, n) − S − B − A-module relative to ideal) is introducing, we study some properties of F − (m, n) − S − B − A-module relative to ideal and another characterization is given
This paper presents the design and analysis of composite right left hand (CRLH) electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structure. The proposed unit cell is consistent of a dielectric substrate with dimensions of 5×5×1 mm 3 made of FR4-Epoxy with εr = 4.4 underneath of a conductive patch with dimensions of 4.4×4.4mm 2 . The unit cell is structured to perform a negative permittivity (ε) and negative permeability (µ) in different bands. The proposed unit cell is developed to 5G systems in the sub-6GHz bands. In this work, a complete analysis of the unit cell in terms of Sparameters, constitutive parameters and refraction index are evaluated using HFSS simulation package based on Finite Element Method (FEM).
Let R be an associative ring. In this paper we present the definition of (s,t)- Strongly derivation pair and Jordan (s,t)- strongly derivation pair on a ring R, and study the relation between them. Also, we study prime rings, semiprime rings, and rings that have commutator left nonzero divisior with (s,t)- strongly derivation pair, to obtain a (s,t)- derivation. Where s,t: R®R are two mappings of R.
A new distribution, the Epsilon Skew Gamma (ESΓ ) distribution, which was first introduced by Abdulah [1], is used on a near Gamma data. We first redefine the ESΓ distribution, its properties, and characteristics, and then we estimate its parameters using the maximum likelihood and moment estimators. We finally use these estimators to fit the data with the ESΓ distribution
Let R be a Г-ring, and σ, τ be two automorphisms of R. An additive mapping d from a Γ-ring R into itself is called a (σ,τ)-derivation on R if d(aαb) = d(a)α σ(b) + τ(a)αd(b), holds for all a,b ∈R and α∈Γ. d is called strong commutativity preserving (SCP) on R if [d(a), d(b)]α = [a,b]α(σ,τ) holds for all a,b∈R and α∈Γ. In this paper, we investigate the commutativity of R by the strong commutativity preserving (σ,τ)-derivation d satisfied some properties, when R is prime and semi prime Г-ring.
In this paper we tend to describe the notions of intuitionistic fuzzy asly ideal of ring indicated by (I. F.ASLY) ideal and, we will explore some properties and connections about this concept.
In this paper is to introduce the concept of hyper AT-algebras is a generalization of AT-algebras and study a hyper structure AT-algebra and investigate some of its properties. “Also, hyper AT-subalgebras and hyper AT-ideal of hyper AT-algebras are studied. We study on the fuzzy theory of hyper AT-ideal of hyper AT-algebras hyper AT-algebra”. “We study homomorphism of hyper AT-algebras which are a common generalization of AT-algebras.
Let M is a Г-ring. In this paper the concept of orthogonal symmetric higher bi-derivations on semiprime Г-ring is presented and studied and the relations of two symmetric higher bi-derivations on Г-ring are introduced.