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Safety method, Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfamethaxazole drug in bulk and Pharmaceutical Preparations

A simple, cheap, fast, accurate, Safety and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of sulfamethaxazole (SFMx), in pure form and pharmaceutical dosage forms. has been described The Method is based on the diazotization of the drug by sodium nitrite in acidic medium at 5Cº followed by coupling with salbutamol sulphate (SBS) drug to form orange color the product was stabilized and measured at 452 nm Beer’s law is obeyed in the concentration range of 2.5-87.5 ?g ml-1 with molar absorptivity of 2.5x104 L mole-1 cm-1. All variables including the reagent concentration, reaction time, color stability period, and sulfamethaxazole /salbutamol ratio were studied in order to optimize the reaction conditions. No interferences were observed Results of analysis were validated statistically and by recovery studies. These methods are successfully employed for the determination of sulfamethaxazole in some pharmaceutical preparations.. The developed method is easy to use and accurate for routine studies relative to HPLC and other techniques.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of some Mixed Schiff Base Complexes

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 21 2022
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Научный форум: Филология, искусствоведение и культурология: сб. ст. по материалам Lv междунар. науч.-практ. конф. – No 1 (55). – М.
Metaphor and difficulties of its translation from Russian into Arabic

This article discusses a discussion of trends and patterns of understanding and application of the concept of metaphor to various subjects that may interfere with the perspective of metaphors in translation theory, an attempt was made to use the principles and characteristics of metaphors and their fundamental tradition in translation theory, and to uncover the perspective of considering metaphor as a conceptual process. presenting its merits, since it is still considered an eccentric expression of linguistics.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Medicine
Synthesis and Characterization of Black Currant Selenium Nanoparticles (Part I)

The present study aimed to synthesize selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) using aqueous extract of black currant as a reducing agent. The green synthesized black currant selenium nanoparticles (BCSeNPs) were identified by color change. The characterization of SeNPs was achieved by Ultraviolet-visible (UV–VIS) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X–ray diffraction analysis (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). These tests were used to detect: stability, morphology, size, crystalline nature, and functional groups present on the surface of BCSeNPs. The results revealed appearance of the brick-red color indicating the specific color of selenium nanoparticles, and UV-Vis spectroscopy showed band absorbanc

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Design and Implementation of a Contactless Smart House Network System

The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is every object around us and it is used to connect these objects to the Internet to verify Machine to Machine (M2M) communication. The smart house system is the most important application of IoT technology; it is increase the quality of life and decrease the efforts. There were many problems that faced the existing smart house networking systems, including the high cost of implementation and upgrading, high power consumption, and supported limited features. Therefore, this paper presents the design and implementation of smart house network system (SHNS) using Raspberry Pi and Arduino platforms as network infrastructure with ZigBee technology as wireless communication. SHNS consists of two mai

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Physics And Research

Optical spectrum of SN1987A at days 4 from the explosion and its light curve through the first 1444 days after the explosion have been studied. The hydrogen lines present in the spectrum confirms the general characteristics of Type II SN that occur due to core collapse of massive star. Each of the total mass ejected from the explosion and the amount of the total mass of Nickel radioactive isotopes that produced during the explosion as well as the initial velocity of the ejecta and the explosion energy have been determined and compared with different observed and calculated models obtained by different researchers and it’s found that, about 8.8 Mʘ of the progenitor envelope mass had been ejected during the explosion and it’s mixed with

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fuzzy Real Pre-Hilbert Space and Some of Their Properties

In this work, two different structures are proposed which is fuzzy real normed space (FRNS) and fuzzy real Pre-Hilbert space (FRPHS). The basic concept of fuzzy norm on a real linear space is first presented to construct  space, which is a FRNS with some modification of the definition introduced by G. Rano and T. Bag. The structure of fuzzy real Pre-Hilbert space (FRPHS) is then presented which is based on the structure of FRNS. Then, some of the properties and related concepts for the suggested space FRN such as -neighborhood, closure of the set  named , the necessary condition for separable, fuzzy linear manifold (FLM) are discussed. The definition for a fuzzy seminorm on  is also introduced with the prove that a fuzzy seminorm on

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Doping And Annealing Effect On Evaporation Of ZnO Thin Films

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Construction and Operation of Solar Energy Dish for Water Heating

Construction and operation of (2 m) parabolic solar dish for hot water application were illustrated. The heater was designed to supply hot water up to 100 oC using the clean solar thermal energy. The system includes the design and construction of solar tracking unit in order to increase system performance. Experimental test results, which obtained from clear and sunny day, refer to highly energy-conversion efficiency and promising a well-performed water heating system.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 02 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Cultural Activities The Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquilies

It’s an attempt to identify the cultural activities of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, which are provided by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities and the departments affiliated with the Ministry of Culture only, not tourism and antiquities. The most important results areIs that the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities has many cultural activities such as (festivals, exhibitions, conferences, fashion shows, concerts, musical evenings, theatrical and cinematic performances) in addition to literary series and cultural magazines, which are directed to the public in general, whether it is elite or not, and this shows the extent The importance of cultural activities published by the Ministry of Culture, Tou

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 26 2022
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Thermal and Mechanical Behaviour of Heat-resistant Clay-silica Composites

The ceramic composite with different proportions of clay and silica was prepared with a grain size of 70 μm and the weight percentage was selected for four groups (clayx silica100-x) were x q15, 25, 30 and 50. In this manuscript, for each pressured sample, a sintering procedure was carried out for 3 hours under static air and at various sintering temperatures (1000, 1100, 1200, 1400)°C. After sintering, the density, porosity, water absorption, compression strength and thermal conductivity were measured. The best results were obtained using a mixture of 15% clay and 85% silica which were sintering at 1400°C for three hours under air.

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