The shape dimensions and characteristics of pollen grains and seeds have importance in distinguish among species. Therefore, the present study included morphological characteristics of pollen grains and seeds for eight species belonging to eight genera of the family Brassicaceae and these species are: Alliaria petiolata (M.Bieb) Cavara et Grand, Aubrieta parviflora Boiss, Cardamine hirsuta L., Crambe orientalis L., Eromobium aegyptiacum (Spreng.) Asch.ex Boiss., Parlatoria cakiloidea Boiss., Sterigmostemum sulphureum (Banksetsol.) Bornm. Neotorularia torulosa (Desf.) Hedge & J. Leonard. The pollen grains were studied in morphological and full measurements were taken, the study showed that the majority of the pollen grains was tricolpate and shape was determined to be prolate, sub prolate and prolate spheroidal. In terms of size, the pollen grains of the studied species varied between small size, medium size, the basic surface pattern of the studied pollen grains was reticulate. The study showed that the morphological characteristics of the seeds varied in shape between oblong-elliptic, lenticular- discoid, ovoid, suborbicular and obovoid. The location of hillum was a difference between terminal and basal position and the surface sculpture of the seed surface varied between a longitudinal striate prominent, faintly reticulate, reticulate, pustular, faintly reticulate and pustular and a smooth. The seeds also varied in color and dimensions, existence of wing in the studied species.
The skull is one of the largest bones in the body. It is classified into flat bones that maintain the important organic structures; which are the brain, eyes, and tongue. The skull is a strong support for preserving these organs but they are various according to the type of animals and the environments in which they live and the nature of their nutrition. There are many differences among living organisms in terms of the bones in the skull, their difference or disappearance and their length in the shape of the head. The samples were taken from the scientific storage in the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum; Cape hare Lepus capensis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) and the study was conducted o
... Show MoreThis study was conducted to examine the anatomical aspects of
The current research included palynological study for nine ornamental cultivated species of Asteraceae family. The study included measurement the dimensions of pollen grains and there shape in polar view and equatorial view, sculpturing,colpi length and width, spines length and number of spines rows between colpiand exine thickness, the study showed variations in pollen grains characters forthe studied taxa
Sludge worm samples were collected from the Tigers River sediment during the period from November 2018 to June 2019 in Al Sarafiya District/ Baghdad- Iraq. Biometric morphological measurements focusing on the form of penis sheath and chaetal morphology were used for species identification, in addition to molecular analysis by amplification of conserved 18s rRNA encoding gene using ITS1 and ITS4 universal primers.According to the morphological measurement records, the results revealed the existence of Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparede 1862, L. claparedeianus Ratzel, 1868 and L. cervix Brinkhurst 1963. Other two groups of specimens, with short penis sheath, were identified by molecular technology as L
The present work included new information about pollen of eighteen Spp. of Stachys L. in Iraq ;showed their importance in diagnostsis.
Pollen shapes in equatorial view were ellipsoid in most spp .and spherical - subspherical , spherical - subprolate and subprolate -
ellipsoid in others; while they were spherical - subspherical in polar
view . Pollen was tricolpate except St.iberica M.B.georgica Rech.f. &
Ten. Which has tetracolpate and that was new for the genus.
The smallest pollen were seen in St.kotschyi Boiss. & Hohen. but the biggest were in St.benthamiana Boiss.
The present study deals with the morphological and histological aspects of the forebrain(Cerebrum) in the Columba livia domestica (Gmelin, 1789) to identify the histoarchitecture of its layers. This bird' has a large head found as perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. The morphological results reveal that for brain (Cerebrum) pear shaped, its outer surface is smooth without folds or deep grooves. Cerebrum is made up of two regions, the Pallium and the Subpallium. The Cerebral cortex includes four layers of hyperpallium (Wulst) , Dorsolateral corticoid area (CDL), Hippocampus, Piriform cortex. The internal cortex of cerebrum consists of Dorsal Ventricle ridge which includes the mesopallium, nidopallium, and archospallium. All these reg
... Show MoreThis work presents external morphological study of the leafhopper Empoasca decedens
Paoli, 1932 particularly male genitalia, which were dissected and illustrated.
The genus Empoasca Walsh (Typhlocybinae: Empoascini) contains small, slender, fragile
and generally green leafhoppers. The overall length ranges from 3-3.5 mm. Members of this
genus are charachterized by their uniformly green color, inner and outer apical cells of
forewing not attaining wing apex, second and third apical cells are sessile or triangular or
even short stalked, submarginal vein of hindwing extends around wing apex and turned
beneath costal margin, apical thirds of tibiae and tarsal segments including claws are
prominently green while other
The grain hardness, wet and dry gluten contents, protein and ash contents are determined in grains from different cultivars of wheat which are important in food products, either which are present in raw materials or in final products. Wheat is also a very important food raw material, and flour as the final product of milling. The importance of knowing the physical and chemical properties of wheat and flour is due to the determination of quality and kind of flour which is produced after the milling process. In this work, some physical and chemical properties of different wheat cultivars are determined and the comparisons of these characteristics are performed in both wheat and flour. Uruq Wheat sample (W5) has the highest results when compar
... Show MoreThis study aims to study some morphological and reproductional characteristics in eleven species of two genera belonging to the family of Asparagaceae, which are Bellevalia Lapeyrouse, 1808 and Ornithogalum Linnaeus, 1753 and the species are: Bellevalia chrisii Yildirim and Sahin, 2014; Bellevalia flexuosa Boissier, 1854; Bellevalia kurdistanica Feinbrun, 1940; Bellevalia longipes Post, 1895; Bellevalia macrobotrys Boissier, 1853; Bellevalia paradoxa Boissier, 1882; Bellevalia parva Wendelbo, 1973; Bellevalia saviczii Woronow, 1927; Ornithogalum brachystachys C. Koch, 1849; Ornithogalum neurostegium Boissier, 1882 and Ornithogalum pyrenaicum Linnaeus, 1753. These species were identified and compared with each other; the results showed th
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