The aim of this study is to describe the leech species that are used in some of the alternative medicine clinics in Baghdad Province based on morphometric measurements and colouring pattern of the body. A collection of twenty leeches was provided from some clinics. All specimens were identified and described based on standard available keys. The morphometric characteristics and colouring patterns were recorded and the indicated that these leeches were Hirudo orientalis Utevsky & Trontelj, 2005 and H. verbana Carena, 1820.
he genus Hirudo is an invertebrate animal that got major concerns to human. However, genetics of Hirudo has been unwell considered in Iraq. In order to gain a deeper understanding in the outline of the genetic of Hirudo that were used in alternative medicine clinics, nineteen specimens of Hirudo were obtained. Fourteen of them (H.verbana, n=10; H. orientalis, n=4) were obtained from some different clinics and scientific centres in Baghdad, Iraq between January and March 2022, these specimens were considered as non-local leeches. The other (native isolates) leeches (H. orientalis, n=5) were collected in 2014 from two localities in Erbil, northern Iraq. ITS-2, COI and 12S-rRNA of Hirudo spp were amplified using conventional polymerase chain r
... Show MoreThis study deals with air pollution tolerance index (APTI) and anatomical variation in leaves of two species of terrestrial plants Ficus sp. and Conocarpus sp. that have bee commonly the separated along roadsides in many stations within Babylon province. APTI values of both species were less than 10 during study period which represented sensitivity of these plants to air pollution. There are Anatomical responses to pollution in the leaves of both studied species. Main adaptations included increased thickness of parenchyma cell walls with clear dark deposits in sections of Ficus sp. from sections of stations 2 and 4 which represent polluted stations. Conocarpus sp. main adaptation included stomata increased in density and decreased in size w
... Show MoreThe current works included morphological features study (vegetative and floral parts) for five species of the genus Silene L., S. ampullata, S. chlorifolia, S. colorata, S. conoidea and S. longipetala belong to the family Caryophyllaceae, samples were collected from various areas of northern Iraq. Confirmation in the description was on the most critical parts of the plant, including the shape of the leaves, length, and shape of the calyx tube and venation, the modification shapes of coronal scales petals and appendages, anther ornamentation and structures of pistils. Images enhanced the morphological characteristics under study. Information on the locations and dates of the collection
... Show MoreThe present work includes investigation of some features of shell morphology; shell size, shell thickness, shell colour of the land snail Monacha cantiana, in addition to the correlation between height and diameter of shell and between shell aperture diameter and shell diameter at four sites within Baghdad Province, Iraq. Also, measurements of three environmental variables were made; soil temperature, soil moisture and soil calcium content in adition to population density. Shell Aperture Index (Ia) and Shell Index (SI) for individuals from size class ranged between (9-12)mm were measured. The results showed that the deference in shell size by using (Ia) within population related to temperature, moisture and population density but, the valu
... Show MoreRadiation is a form of energy, its emitted either in the form of particles such as α-particles and β-particles (beta particles including the electron and the positron) or waves such as sunlight, X-rays and γ-rays. Radiation found everywhere around us and it comes from many different sources naturally or man-made sources. In this study a questionnaire was distributed to people working in the field of X-rays that used for a medical imaging (X-ray and CT-scan) to evaluate the extent of awareness and knowledge in estimate the damage of ionizing radiation as a result of wrong use. The questionnaire was distributed to medical clinics in Al-Harithiya in Baghdad, which it’s considered as
The genus Ziziphus is one of the Family Rhamnaceae and consists of more than 170 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. All the species in the genus are of economical and medical importance. This study was conducted to identify the morphologically and anatomically features of the genus in Iraq. The field survey was conducted across the study area where 4 species (Ziziphus jujube, Z. mauritiana, Z. nummularia and Z. spina-christi) were collected and used in the study. The result showed that there is variation in morphological and anatomical features among the species in the stem cross-section and longitudinal section of leaves also the differences appeared in the epidermis of leaves.
An attempt was made to determine the insect parasites of cockroaches in Iraq. As a result of this survey three species of Hymenoptera representing two separate families, which have been reared from ootheca of cockroaches were recovered. These were: Evania dimidiata Fabricius, Evania appendigaster (Linnaeus) (Evaniidae) and Anastatus longicornis sp. n. (Eupelmidae) which described here as a new species from Iraq.
Comparative morphological study has been treated for two species of the genus Chaenorhinum (D.C.) Richb., These species were: 1. Chaenorhinum calycinum 2. Chaenorhinum rubrifolium (Robill. & cast. Ex Lam. & DC.) Fourr. The genus belong to the family Scorphulariaceae. Morphological characters has been studies for: root, stem, leaves, flowers (calyx, corolla, androcium including filaments and anthers, gynocium including ovary, style and stigma), fruits and seeds also has been characterized. Key for there two species presented using some quantitative characters. Other characters like shape of fruits and seeds were used too, and they were of a useful taxonomic value
Comparative morphological study has been treated for two species of the genus Chaenorhinum (D.C.) Richb., These species were: 1. Chaenorhinum calycinum 2. Chaenorhinum rubrifolium (Robill. & cast. Ex Lam. & DC.) Fourr. The genus belong to the family Scorphulariaceae. Morphological characters has been studies for: root, stem, leaves, flowers (calyx, corolla, androcium including filaments and anthers, gynocium including ovary, style and stigma), fruits and seeds also has been characterized. Key for there two species presented using some quantitative characters. Other characters like shape of fruits and seeds were used too, and they were of a useful taxonomic value
Two species of monogenetic trematodes of the genus Dactylogyrus were recorded in the present paper for the first time in Iraq from two freshwater fishes from Diyala river, Diyala province. The first species, D. bocageii Alvarez Pellitero, Vicente et Gonzalez Lanza, 1981 was recorded from gills of Aspius vorax, the second species, D. lenkorani Mikailov, 1967 was recorded from gills of Barbus sharpeyi. The descriptions and measurements of these parasites as well as their illustrations were given.