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The Protective Effect of Honey Against Amikacin- induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats
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Drug –induced nephrotoxicity is an important cause of renal failure. Aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as amikacin, which causes ototoxicity and nephrtotoxicity as a main side effects, this is focused on the use of natural materials as antioxidants against the toxic oxidative action that exert a cell damaging effect. The most important one of these materials is the honey. The aim of this work is to evaluate the antioxidant effects of honey against amikacin – induced nephrotoxicity.18 albino rats divided into 3 groups (6 rats per each group), group 1 received I.P daily dose of normal saline (control), group 2 received (35  mg/kg/day) I.P dose of amikacin ,and group 3 received (35mg/kg/day) of amikacin I.P dose in combination with oral dose of honey(500mg/kg/day) for 2 weeks. All animals (at 15th day) were anesthetized by ether and sacrificed; blood samples were collected for the subsequent measurement of the serum creatinine, urea, malneldehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) while an isolated kidney was kept in 10 % of formaldehyde for the histopathological examination. This study showed that amikacin causes nephrotoxicity represented by elevation of serum level of creatinine and urea, MDA and a decrease in the serum glutathione level. While the administration of honey in combination with amikacin reduced the nephro-toxic effect of amikacin that represented by a reduction of the serum creatinine and urea, MDA and elevation of glutathione levels with improvement of the kidney histological findings in comparison with group 2.This study concluded that, honey decreased nephrotoxicity induced by amikacin through interference with the oxidative stress process, i.e. honey acts as free radical scavenger.

Key words:amikacin, honey, nephrotoxicity, oxidative stress.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Globalization and the identity of the mental image structure of urban spaces
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This research discusses the subject of identity in the urban environment as it attempts to answer a number of questions that come with the concept of identity. The first of these questions: What is identity? Can a definition or conceptual framework be developed for identity? What about individual, collective, cultural, ethnic, political and regional identity? Is there a definition of identity in the urban environment in particular? If there is a definition of identity, what about social mobility responsible for social change? How can we see identity through this kinetics? Can we assume that identity in the urban environment has a variable structure or is of variable shape with a more stable structure? Can we determine the spatial-tempora

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Forecasting the performance and profitability of companies using the equation of Tobin’sq
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The main objective and primary concern to every investor not only to achieve a greater return on his or her investments, but also to create the largest possible value of these investments the, researchers and those interested in the field of investment and financial analysis  try to develop standards  for performance      valuation      is guided through the                                     &nbsp

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Attitudes of the Iraqi Public towards the Propaganda Logic of Terrorist Organizations
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                     The research entitled "the attitudes of Iraqi People towards the Logic Propaganda for Terrorist Organization such as Daash Regulation, as-Qaida, and Jabhat al-Nasra". It is a field study on the professors and the students of the College of Mass Media at Baghdad University in 2014.

                      After the global war on terrorism declared on September 11, 2011, the researcher finds it is important to study such subject as it threats the unity and sovereignty of Iraq especially after th

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effects of ? – Rays on The Optical Constants of ZnS Thin Films
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ZnS thin films were grown onto glass substrates by flash evaporation technique, the effects of ? – rays on the optical constants of ZnS these films were studied. It was found that ? – rays affected all the parameters under investigation.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Alfateh
Study of the current of the MHD generator with modified Bohm diffusion
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generator the metal conductor is replaced by conducting gas plasma.

Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Plagiarism on the Quality of Scientific Researches “Empirical Study”
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The purpose of this research is to study the quality of scientific research at the University of Baghdad in light of scientific piracy and plagiarism of research and results and attribute it to others intentionally or unintentionally. Proactive writing such as stealing ideas or synthesizing the results of one another over others and its negative impact on the quality of scientific outputs and the reputation of educational organizations through an exploratory study in the faculties of the University of Baghdad, scientific and humanitarian. As for the aims of the study, it was determined by determining the negative impact of piracy on scientific research. A Likert five-point scale was used in this research. The research community c

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Influence of Eggshell Particle Sizes on the Adsorption of Organic Dye
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This work aimed to use effective, low-cost, available, and natural adsorbents like eggshells for removal of  hazardous organic dye result from widely number of  industries and study the influence of different eggshell particle size (75, 150) Mm.  The adsorbent was characterized by SEM, EDX, BET and FTIR . The initial pH of dye solutions  varying from 4 to 10 , the initial concentrations of methyl violet (MV) 2B range (20-80) mg/L, dosage range (0.5-10) g, contact time (30-180) min, and particles size of the adsorbent (75, 150) Mm were selected to be studied. Two adsorption isotherms models have been used to fit the experimental data. Langmuir and Freunlich models were found to more represent the experiments with high

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the genesis of the Moons of Jupiter and their Physical Properties
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A developed model has been put for the hypothesis of capturing moons in explaining the origin of Jupiter moons, and study the change of the orbital properties of these satellites as well as the distance from the planet. Jupiter moons were divided into two types according to their physical and orbital properties, they are the moons , which are formed from the same material as the planet, so it was named the original moons ,while the moons that have been captured from the surrounding space was renamed exotic moons . And the moons of exotic origin asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt in the region which is behind Neptune, the origin of each clique of moons is an asteroid fragmented after colliding previously with another body and

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Foreign Policy of Iran Towards Arabian Gulf (The Horizon of Future)
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Iran Regional and Foreign Security Policies Gulf. The long history of regional and other conflicts which their severity increased because of appearance of modern states and cultural and lingual ancient differences resulted in deep feeling of doubt and suspicion between Iran and its Arab neighbors .Meanwhile the two sides have several interests common points , the moist important is the strategic and commercial interests . The fears and objective procedures based on the continuing evaluation of Iran abilities and needs direct security policies in internal and foreign affairs concerning the world in Gulf specially.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Some Methods for Estimating the Scheff'e Model of the Mixture
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Because of the experience of the mixture problem of high correlation and the existence of linear MultiCollinearity between the explanatory variables, because of the constraint of the unit and the interactions between them in the model, which increases the existence of links between the explanatory variables and this is illustrated by the variance inflation vector (VIF), L-Pseudo component to reduce the bond between the components of the mixture.

    To estimate the parameters of the mixture model, we used in our research the use of methods that increase bias and reduce variance, such as the Ridge Regression Method and the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) method a

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