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كشف الذات وعلاقته بالارتياح النفسي لدى طلبة جامعة بغداد
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هدف البحث الحالي قياس كشف الذات والأرتياح النفسي لدى طلبة الجامعة والموازنة بين الذكور والأناث في هذين المتغيرين فضلاً عن كشف العلاقة الإرتباطية بينهما، أستخدمت الباحثة المنهج الوصفي الإرتباطي بلغت عينة الدراسة (200) طالبًا وطالبة تم أختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية الطبقية من مجتمع البحث من طلبة جامعة بغداد/ كلية الزراعة وكلية التربية الرياضية، أستخدمت الباحثة مقياسين أحدهما لكشف الذات والأخر للأرتياح النفسي (من إعداد الباحثة). وتوصل البحث إلى النتائج الاتية: أن الطلبة يكشفون عن ذواتهم، وأن الأناث أكثر كشفاً للذات من الذكور كما بينت النتائج أن الطلبة يشعرون بالأرتياح النفسي، وأن الأناث أكثر شعورا بالأرتياح النفسي موازنة بالذكور، فضلاً عن وجود علاقة إرتباطية موجبة بين كشف الذات والأرتياح النفسي. وعلى هدي هذه النتائج تقدمت الباحثة بالعديد من التوصيات والمقترحات منها: ضرورة تأكيد العمل على أستمرارية الأهل والقائمين على العملية التربوية بأهمية كشف الذات للآخرين مع ضرورة تأكيد على الشخص المناسب لنكشف له ذاتنا وكمية المعلومات التي نكشفها للآخرين لما لها من أهمية في التخلص من الشعور بالسلبية وتكوين العلاقات الإيجابية وبالتالي التمتع بالصحة النفسية.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الممارسات التدريسية لتدريسي أقسام كليات التربية جامعة بغداد في ضوء دوافع التعلم
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Find aimed to reveal the teaching practices of the teaching faculties of education departments of the University of Baghdad in the light of the motives of learning from the perspective of students . Researcher selected the research community in a deliberate humanitarian sections of students and faculties of education for girls and IbnRushd . Ed reached basic research sample ( 400 ) students were numbers search tool questionnaire , and included (30) paragraph . In processors statistical data , use the weighted average and the weight percentile , results have shown that it is more paragraphs which received wide acceptance from the viewpoint of students ( do not make fun of the students' answers wrong but corrects and discussed with them )

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social Care for the Disabled students and its influence on the Scientific Level (University of Baghdad as example)
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The enrollment of students in the university represents a new stage in their life that differ from the previous educational stages that student has previously established. It should be noted that students with special needs at the University of Baghdad are not large numbers. It appears that these students have an excel role in their colleges most often, That is, the handicap was not a barrier to their scientific progress, but rather an incentive for them to excel. The most important conclusion reached by the researcher is that the University of Baghdad had no role in caring for people with special needs and caring for them financially, socially, psychologically, healthily and economically, they need to pay attention to them and take care

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الصعوبات التي تواجه البحث العلمي في جامعة بغداد من وجهة نظر التدريسيين
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The problem of the study lies in the need for standing on the justifications, reasons and difficulties that face the scientific research matter at Baghdad university. The importance of this study lies in the fact of being scientific research one of the most important methods in developing the teaching members performance efficiency which contributes in teachers contact with the modern developments that emerge in work. That matter which reflexe on the educational process and the scientific production in their universities.

And the research goal is summarized in identifying the difficulties that is facing the scientific research at Baghdad university from the point of view of the lecturers, and also to ide

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Difficulties Facing the Teaching of Writing for Students at College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad
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This research paper attempts to explore problems facing the teaching of written expression among first-year female university students. The focal point behind conducting this research is to show the importance that writing is taking as a skill in learning the language. To achieve this goal, the researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of 20 items. The sample, whose size is 60 participants, was selected randomly from the department of Arabic, College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad. Through the use of a set of statistical means including weighting means and percentage, the findings revealed that the students face many difficulties in learning writing. The researcher suggested some recommendations, mainly improving the

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
المشكلات التي يعاني منها تدريسيي جامعة بغداد من وجهة نظرهم وسبل حلها
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The research endeavored to single out the problems, difficulties and obstacles faced by the members of the staff of Baghdad University. The importance of research, then, depends upon the importance of the university lecturers and their vital role in developing the society.  The goals of the research are summarized in knowing the main problems facing those university lectures and relative weight  of these problems in addition to identifying the differences in their opinions to these problems according to the specializations variables (scientific, humanistic), the gender (males, females) and the Scientific grade (professor, assistant professor, lecturer, assistant lecturer.

The research is limited

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Factors Affecting the Students' Choice of a Major at King Abdulaziz University
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The present study aimed at examining the factors that affect the choice of A major among a sample of BA fe(male) students at the levels 3-8 in King Abdulaziz University (KAU), in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. To meet this objective, a descriptive survey method was used together with a questionnaire that consisted of 4 axes to answer the central question: What are the factors affecting the choice of a major at the university? Results have shown that the item that measured the students’ ability to choose the major ranked (First); it was concerned with the effect on the students' choice of his/her major in the university. On the last position and with respect to this effect came the professional tendencies and desires. Results have also shown tha

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Structural Model of the Relationship between Emotional Creativity and Self-Efficacy among Students at the Preparatory Year Tabuk University
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This research aimed to identify the structural model of the relationship between emotional creativity and self-efficacy among male and female students of the preparatory year at Tabuk University. The current study adopted the descriptive correlational approach, as it is appropriate to the nature of the study. The study tools contained (60) items that measure the relationship between emotional creativity and self-efficacy among the male and female students of the preparatory year at Tabuk University. The study sample was chosen by the stratified random method of the study community, where the study sample reached (183) male and female students of the preparatory year at the University of Tabuk. The results of the study showed that there a

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
المعتقدات الصحية التعويضية وعلاقتها بتنظيم الذات الصحي
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The compensatory health beliefs and their relation to the health self-regulation

The idea of health promotion is set from the philosophy that good health is the outcome of the accumulative personal achievement. It includes, on the individual run,  developing the health habits at an early stage, and maintaining them in the two stages of adulthood and old age.

            For the psychologist  , the idea of developing health includes the development of an intervention system aiming at helping people perform healthy practices and change those practices that damage health. Literature indicate that the individual when per

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 26 2022
Journal Name
مجلة نسق
أنماط الشخصية الإنيكرام (مركز الغريزة) لدى طلبة قسم التربية الخاصة
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استهدف البحث الحالي تعرف أنماط الشخصية الإنيكرام السائدة ضمن مركز الغريزة لدى طلبة قسم التربية الخاصة، وكذلك تعرف أنماط الشخصية الإنيكرام السائدة ضمن مركز الغريزة لدى طلبة قسم التربية الخاصة وفقاً لمتغير النوع (ذكور، إناث)، ولتحقيق هذه الأهداف تم اعتماد الصورة المختصرة لمقياس أنماط الشخصية الإنيكرام المُعد من قبل (ريسو-هيودسن، 1995)، ترجمة (الياسري، 2004)، (تقنين: السلطاني، 2007)، وقد تم التحقق من الخصائص السيكومت

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring wisdom of guidance department students in college of education
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The present research aims to measure the wisdom among university students and the differences of the concept of wisdom according to the gender of students in college of Basic Education. The sample of the research reached (300) male and female students in the morning studies upon the four stages of the psychological guidance department, the Scale of wisdom has been designed by the researcher herself and the psychometric feature were obtained as validity and Reliability. the researcher used Chi- square to Know the differences between the number of agreed and disagreed students for the wisdom scale, as well as the researcher used person correlation coefficient to Know the reliability of the scale by re test method for wisdom scale , t- test

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