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Time Prediction of Dynamic Behavior of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites Subjected to Fluctuating Varied Temperatures
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The reduction of vibration properties for composite material (woven roving E-glass fiber plies in thermosetting polyester matrix) is investigated at the prediction time under varied combined temperatures (60  to -15) using three types of boundary conditions like (CFCF, CCCF, and CFCC). The vibration properties are the amplitude, natural frequency, dynamic elastic moduli (young modulus in x, y directions and shear modulus in 1, 2 plane) and damping factor. The natural frequency of a system is a function of its elastic properties, dimensions, and mass. The woven roving glass fiber has been especially engineered for polymer reinforcement; but the unsaturated thermosetting polyester is widely used, offering a good balance of vibration properties at moderate or ambient temperatures, and also at relatively low cost. The mismatch between matrix and fiber yarns gives a predominant role for the fiber's mechanics where the matrix is the area where most damage mechanisms develop. The free vibration test was carried out for (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) minutes. The composite plate was exposed to (75) of thermal gradient for ten times in various times at different stages. The results were classified into experimental and finite element using software ANSYS Ver. 9.    

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Evaluating the Behavior of Ring Footing on Two-Layered Soil Subjected to Inclined Load
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Evaluating the behavior of a ring foundation resting on multi-layered soil is one of the important issues facing civil engineers. Many researchers have studied the behavior of ring foundation rests on multi-layered soil with vertical loads acting on the foundation. In real life ring foundation can be subjected to both vertical and horizontal loads at the same time due to wind or the presence of soil. In this research, the behavior of ring footing subjected to inclined load has been studied using PLAXIS software. Furthermore, the effect of multi-layered soil has been simulated in the model. The results showed that both vertical and horizontal stresses are mainly affected when the inclination angle of the load exceeded 45 degrees with a reduc

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 24 2020
Journal Name
Advances In Civil Engineering
Analytical study on torsional behavior of concrete beams strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer laminates using softened truss model
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This study aimed at evaluating the torsional capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) beams externally wrapped with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials. An analytical model was described and used as a new computational procedure based on the softened truss model (STM) to predict the torsional behavior of RC beams strengthened with FRP. The proposed analytical model was validated with the existing experimental data for rectangular sections strengthened with FRP materials and considering torque-twist relationship and crack pattern at failure. The confined concrete behavior, in the case of FRP wrapping, was considered in the constitutive laws of concrete in the model. Then, an efficient algorithm was developed in MATLAB environment t

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Applied Research Journal
Experimental Study of the Behavior of Composite Concrete Castellated Steel Beams Subjected to Pure Bending
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The aim of this study is to investigate the behavior of composite castellated beam in which the concrete slab and steel beam connected together with headed studs shear connectors. Four simply supported composite beams with various degree of castellation were tested under two point static loads. One of these beams was built up using standard steel beam, i.e. without web openings, to be a reference beam. The other three beams were fabricated from the same steel I-section with various three castellation ratios, (25, 35, and 45) %. In all beams the concrete slab has the same section and properties. Deflection at mid span of all beams was measured at each 10 kN load increment. The test results show that the castellation process leads to

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
Journal Name
Dynamic Knowledge Athenaeum for Parametricism in Interior Design
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Over the last few years, the interior designer has been given the ability to access many innovative tools for new forms of unprecedented diversity and efficiency. Some design experts have described the new parametric procedures they are introducing to create new interior projects as a radical transformation that carries all the elements of a qualitative shift in interior design. The best of these parametric procedures is the technical capabilities offered by us to create new forms that are different from what has been discussed in everything that has been produced by designers and architects since modernity and even before it to the present time, which returns our design products through a series of computer programs that perform the pro

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Rutting Prediction of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures Modified by Nano silica and Subjected to Aging Process
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High-volume traffic with ultra-heavy axle loads combined with extremely hot weather conditions increases the propagation of rutting in flexible pavement road networks. Several studies suggested using nanomaterials in asphalt modification to delay the deterioration of asphalt pavement. The current work aims to improve the resistance of hot mix asphalt (HMA) to rutting by incorporating Nano Silica (NS) in specific concentrations. NS was blended into asphalt mixtures in concentrations of 2, 4, and 6% by weight of the binder. The behavior of asphalt mixtures subjected to aging was investigated at different stages (short-term and long-term aging). The performance characteristics of the asphalt mixtures were evaluated using the Marshall s

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Spatial Poetics and the "Murder of the Real"in Paul Auster's City of Glass*
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Paul Auster's City of Glass is here singled out as representative of the writer's The New
York Trilogy. All throughout his novelistic career, Auster has been working on a pseudothesis
that adheres to a certain aesthetic of disappearance. The study engages this Austerian
aesthetic apropos of certain theoretical stretches such as the Emersonian "Not Me", the
Thoreauvian "interval" or "nowhere", the Deleuzian "nomadic trajectory", the Derridian
"grammè" or "specter", and the Baudrillardian "disappearance". The city of the novel's titling
is here seen as the trope of all that which has already disappeared, and hence it is seen as the
space (mise en scène) where the perfect crime of the murder of the real is to be thoro

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Flexural Properties of Glass and Graphite Particles Filled Polymer Composites
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The effects of reinforcing polymers with glass and graphite particles on enhancing their flexural properties are investigated.   Five composites were fabricated using the same polymer matrix material with different volume fractions of reinforcement particles. They comprise glass particles and graphite particles each  having volume fractions of 20% and 30% as well as a hybrid composite having 10% glass and 10% graphite. Three-point bending tests using a Universal Testing Machine were carried out on specimens of the above mentioned composites, as well as specimens of the polymer matrix material to determine their flexural properties. The experimental test results indicate that the flexural stiffness of all the composites wer

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Engineering Structures
Mesoscale analysis of Fiber-Reinforced concrete beams
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Residual strength and strengthening capacity of reinforced concrete columns subjected to fire exposure by numerical analysis
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Abstract<p>This study is a numerical investigation of the performance of reinforced concrete (RC) columns after fire exposure. This study aims to investigate the effect of introducing lateral ties and using the RC jacket on improving post-fire behavior of these columns, the effect of the duration of the fire on ultimate load of columns. The analysis was performed through ABAQUS, a 3D – non-linear finite element program. 4 m tall lengthening square RC column with a cross- section of 0.4 m × 0.4 m was used as a test specimen. The RC column was reinforced by 4Ø28 mm longitudinal bars bonded by steel tie bars of Ø10 mm spaced at 400 mm. The firing temperature was increased to 60</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of a Training Program to Develop the Skill of Organizing Time for the Kindergarten Department Students
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The current research aims to identify the time-management skills based on the post-test of the experimental group as well as to examine the effect of a training program on developing the skills of managing time among the study sample. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher designed a scale of time management skill included (30) paragraphs. The research reached that the training program is significantly effective in managing and organizing time. There are statistically significant differences in pre-posttest between the experimental and control groups.

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