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THE ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMMUNICATOR IN PRESS INSTITUTIONS TO CONSOLIDATE THE VALUES OF TOLERANCE: A Study of the Communicator in the Newspapers (Al-Zaman, Al-Sabah, Al-Mada) For the period: 1/5/2020 to 1/10/2020
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This research deals with the role that the media can play in spreading awareness, culture and sound behavior among members of society, due to its ability to reach the largest number of individuals; its wide spread within society; and the moral responsibility of the media in consolidating the components of civil peace. The media works on forming intellectual convictions and behavioral attitudes by publishing opinions and ideas, introducing them to people's awareness and enhancing them in the practice of their daily lives, he was its media medium. Sociologists and psychologists confirm that the media. The significance of the research comes due to the broadening of violence and sectarian fighting; the absence of a culture of civil social peace; and the inability of state institutions, civil society organizations and the media to establish a culture of tolerance and acceptance of the other. Therefore, the national media had to take the initiative to promote a culture of tolerance to reach a state of stability and civil peace. The researcher followed the descriptive approach to reach accurate and useful analytical results in the field of enriching the presented descriptive research studies that depend on content analysis in revealing the topics in question. The spatial domain of research with regard to the moral responsibility of the media is to consolidate the elements of civil peace for the communicator in the media institutions. Whereas, the temporal domain is determined in the period from May 1st, 2020 to October 1st, 2020. As for the human domain, it is 2 represented by the communicator in the Iraqi newspapers (Azzaman, Al-Sabaah, Al-Mada) combined for research. The research reached a set of conclusions, including that the moral responsibility and the promoting of civil peace is one of the most important moral responsibilities of the media; as well as alerting society to the dangers, and employing the media to contribute to civil peace. The effectiveness of publishing issues of coexistence and civil peace is linked to not publishing what is related to race, religion and sect. Highlighting press issues, political and dialogue issues, as well as social ones, all contribute to establishing professional features and transparency for the press away from dealing with sensitive issues such as violence, extremism and rivalry

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Lactobacillus gasseri Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection in Mice.
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    The effect of local Lactobacillus gasseri filtrate against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in mice was studied . 0.25 ml of concentrated filtrate Lactobacillus gasseri was injected in intraperitoneally ( I.P.) 5 days before challenge with 0.2 ml  viable  P. aeruginosa ( 10 8  cell/ ml).       Animals were sacrificed after 12 h. from challenge by cutting the femoral artery . To follow bacterial growth in the peritoneal cavity , its contents were washed out with 5 ml of  PBS .The fluid was diluted, 0.1 ml from each dilution and was spread on culture media. The number of colonies in 5 ml of harvested fluid was expressed as Log 10 CFU ,and the percentage of Macrophage in t

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Level of Total Sialic Acid In Patients With Typhoid Fever
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The aim of this research is to shed some light on the level of

serum total sialic acid (TSA) in individuals with typhoid fever. The individuals were at age of (35-45) years old and (TSA) was measured by resorcinol reagents. The results showed significant reduction in (TSA) compared to control or normal individuals.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The using effects of Nettle herb in elevating Hb&PCV levels
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A dose of ten grams of the roots and leaves of Nettle (Urtica dioica) dissolved in (200)ml of boiled water then covered for (10)min. was given to a sample of (15) patients attending to the herbal department of ministry of health complaining of malnutrition and low Hb(hemoglobin) concentration and PCV(packed cell volume) levels with absence of any other predisposing factors disease inorder to find the effects of these roots and leaves on Hb and PCV levels for different periods of time in relation to age and sex variations . The study have shown that this mixture has a high significant effect (p<0.001) in elevating (Hb) concentration and PCV levels on those patients according to the differences recorded from the start of the basic period unt

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences &amp; Humanities
The Role of Human Resources Management Professionals' Skills in Information Technology
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The current research aims to measure the impact of the skills of human resources management professionals in information technology in Iraqi private banks, as the skills of human resources management professionals constitute the modern trend of banks' interest in employees with outstanding performance, and the presence of information technology in banks is a prerequisite for dealing with the huge amount of data. And converting it into information to support the decision-maker in light of a complex environment, and the field research problem was the presence of a clear lack of interest in the skills of human resource management professionals and the weak adoption of information technology, which was reflected negatively on the compet

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Asian Biomedicine
The distribution of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iraq: demographic and climate aspects
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AbstractBackgroundLeishmaniasis is endemic in Iraq, where both cutaneous and visceral forms of the disease are reported.ObjectivesTo determine the prevalence of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) and to identify associations of CL with age, sex, season, and provinces depending on some demographic and climatic aspects.MethodsThis study is retrospective and includes reported cases of infections using the available surveillance database taken from the Iraqi Ministry of Health for the years 2011, 2012, and 2013 for all provinces of Iraq.ResultsMen and boys were found to be at higher risk for CL compared with women and girls. The majority of cases were recorded among those in age groups 5–14 and 15–45 years old. Most cases were recorded from lowla

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Scopus (17)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Evaluating the Efficiency of some Wastewater Treatment Plants in Najaf Governorate
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Abstract<p>Although there are many wastewater treatment plants, we still suffer from many problems resulting from a lack of experience or technical operating problems. In this research, the service’s efficiency is evaluated according to the design laws required for small factories in the province of Najaf, which works with filtering technology through point filtration, the old project in the Al-Baraka plant, and the second works. Within the biological treatment mbbr + activated sludge, which is a biomass technology where samples were taken from both plants and annual values of the pollutant rate after treatment in the old Al-Baraka plant project COD 64 mg/L and the demand for biochemical oxyge</p> ... Show More
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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Protective Effect of Honey Against Amikacin- induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats
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Drug –induced nephrotoxicity is an important cause of renal failure. Aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as amikacin, which causes ototoxicity and nephrtotoxicity as a main side effects, this is focused on the use of natural materials as antioxidants against the toxic oxidative action that exert a cell damaging effect. The most important one of these materials is the honey. The aim of this work is to evaluate the antioxidant effects of honey against amikacin – induced nephrotoxicity.18 albino rats divided into 3 groups (6 rats per each group), group 1 received I.P daily dose of normal saline (control), group 2 received (35  mg/kg/day) I.P dose of amikacin ,and group 3 received (35mg/kg/day) of amikacin I.P dose in combina

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
The Portrayal of Serial Killers in Thomas Harris’ Novel Read Dragon
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This study aims to deeply analyze the character of serial killers in Thomas Harris’ novels and focuses on his novel Red Dragon. The Study searches in these complex and deep characters through the use of Erich Fromm's concepts about the destructive nature of the human psyche and what are the factors affecting serial killers in all social psychological, and biological aspects. This study Concluded: Thomas Harris portrayed the characters of serial killers in a professional and complex and made the reader go on a contemplative journey in the mind and soul of the serial killer, thus reaching the climax of artistic perfection.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Community Pharmacists' Attitudes and Practice in the Management of Minor Ailments
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This study aimed to know the attitudes and practice of pharmacists regarding the management of minor ailments in Iraqi community pharmacies. A cross-sectional study for 320 community pharmacists was conducted during February 2020 using a newly developed and validated questionnaire. Only 4.4% of pharmacists prefer not to deal with minor ailment cases. Minority (15.6%) of participated pharmacists refer more than half of minor ailment cases they face to the physician. Regarding the assessment of minor ailments using WWHAM technique, what are the symptoms are the most commonly asked questions by pharmacists. Only 49.1% mentioned that they ask all WWHAM questions. On the other hand, most pharmacists (90%) educate their patients about the dosi

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Scopus (5)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Goserelin versus Norethisterone in the Management of Menorrhagia with Uterine Fibroid
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Menorrhagia is common in patients with uterine fibroids, if operation needs to be delayed for a particular reason, goserelin can be used safely to reduce bleeding and the size of the tumor.The objective is to compare between goserelin acetate and norethisterone on patients with menorrhagia and uterine fibroid. A randomized controlled study conducted in Elwiya maternity teaching hospital, Baghdad from the first of November 2007 to the end of April 2009. 90 patients from the consultant outpatient clinic with menorrhagia and fibroid, and their operations were delayed for medical reason were allocated in two groups, the first group, was given 3.2 mg goserelin acetate subcutaneously monthly for 3 months and the second group was given 5 mg nor

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