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Investment of Propaganda in Al-Rafidain and Al- Sharqiya News Channels: Content Analysis of News Bulletins from 1/12/2016 to 29/2/2016
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The technological developments in the field of communication have witnessed considerable impact in the variables which exist in following up and conveying the events which link it’s meaning to political implications. This makes a number of satellite channels depend on the techniques of propaganda and use them in the news bulletins to achieve political aims and ends related to its formational directives where those channels allotted a considerable time in its programming transmission map to concentrate on the security and political status to complete the image of the informational scene according to the logic of its propaganda and styles in processing news for daily events.The technological developments in the field of communication have witnessed considerable impact in the variables which exist in following up and conveying the events which link it’s meaning to political implications. This makes a number of satellite channels depend on the techniques of propaganda and use them in the news bulletins to achieve political aims and ends related to its formational directives where those channels allotted a considerable time in its programming transmission map to concentrate on the security and political status to complete the image of the informational scene according to the logic of its propaganda and styles in processing news for daily events.Depending on the descriptive approach, this paper endeavored to achieve two aims: First, identifying the major propaganda styles which are used by Al-Rafidain and Al- SharqiyaNews Channels in their news bulletins. Second, discovering the minor styles which the two channels depend on in investment the propaganda activity within the news bulletins. Content Analysis Method is also used to arrive at the aims of those news implications. Of the results that have been achieved in this study Al-Rafidain and Al- Sharqiyanews depend on exaggeration and inflation as a part of its styles in the propaganda investment within their news bulletins. Moreover, Al-Rafidain Channel concentrates on the style of using Strong Emotional Motives within their propaganda investment whereas Al- SharqiyaNews Channel concentrates on the style which depends on the international reports, studies and statistics to achieve the reliability in their bulletins and propaganda implications. Finally, the study includes the news material which have been analyzed according to the overall restriction style from 1/12/2015 to 29/2/2016.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Flexible budgeting role in expenditure planning and control In industrial establishments
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The Study aims to show the role of Flexible Budget in planning and control The Factory over head.

The study consists four reaserchs the First introduction for the role of Budget in planning and control The second definition Flexible Badget the Third Factory overhed cost variances Analysis The four conclusions and recommendations.

The factory overhead cost represents great ratio from product cost so the management must planning and control on cost Through the year by the Budget of factory over head in the beginning of the year and determind overhead rater.


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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Wlkalam
Earthquakes in the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith of the Noble Prophet, an intellectual approach
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Earthquakes in the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith of the Noble Prophet, an intellectual approach

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Summary of the research : Our research tagged (Arabic language in the media between warning and development) attempts to follow the most prominent phenomena that accompanied the evolution of the use of Arabic language in the media with the development of these means and spread technically globally, and how divided researchers and linguists and intellectuals Arabs into two teams, each demanding what contradicts the other, in the matter The use of the Arabic language in the media, and the arguments of each team in the need to deal with the media as one of the pillars of the nation culturally, historically and civilized, in order to enhance its position and maintain unity, continued the research highlighted the positions of hard-lin

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Using the Strategy of Roundhouse in the Achievement of Fourth Grade Students of Computer and Their Attitudes towards It
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The research aims to identify the effect of using the strategy of Roundhouse on the achievement of fourth-grade students of computer and their Attitudes towards it. The research sample consisted of (61) fourth-grade secondary school students distributed into the experimental group consisted of (31) students study computer according to the Roundhouse strategy, and the control group consisted of (30) students follow the traditional method. The researcher designed an achievement test consisting of (30) items of multiple choice. To measure the attitudes of students towards the computer, a questionnaire of (32) paragraphs with three alternatives was designed by the researcher. The results showed that there is a statistically significant diffe

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Cancellation in the Life Insurance Policies and its Impact on the Financial Solvency of Insurance Companies: Applied Research in the Iraqi General Insurance Company
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This research cancellations in life insurance policies and their impact on the solvency of the insurance companies (Applied Research in the Iraqi general insurance company), The study was descriptive approach in identifying and addressing variables which consists of {cancellations in life insurance} independent variable, the financial solvency of insurance companies as the dependent variable, and for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the research were formulated one hypothesis has been tested in the Iraqi insurance company, the researcher used the financial statements in the collection data needed for the study and information . The research found a number of conclusions highlighted that inflation, as well as economic variables

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
An analytical study of the vitality of the conscience of the senior leaderships in the boards of colleges and departments of physical education and sports science in Baghdad
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The problem of research lies in answering some of the question: What is the reality of (vital conscience) in some colleges and departments of physical education and sports science in Baghdad from the viewpoint of the teachers? And The aim of the research is to prepare a scale (the vitality of the conscience) and learn about its reality in colleges and departments of physical education and sports science in Baghdad from the viewpoint of teachers and The researcher relied on the descriptive method in the survey method and the relationships related to the nature of the research problem and The sample of the research was senior administrators teaching some colleges and departments of physical education and sports science in Baghdad , Th

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
الضريبـــــــــــــة البيئيـــــــــة ودورها في الحد من التلوث البيئـــــــــــــــي
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Despite the growing interest in the subject of the environment and environmental pollution and the increasing of scientific studies to measure the environmental cost, but it still suffers shortcomings and incompleteness due to the difficulties facing the process of measuring of these costs , Due to lack of the possibility of determining the monetary value to it.

             The research began trying to develop solutions to the problem of the research , which is the actual measuring nothingness of environmental pollution for research sample plant and It’s comparison to local and international environmental pollution standards , for the purpose of adoption in the imposi

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التجارة في البحرين من خلال كتب الرحالة والبلدانيين
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    Economic life in any of the countries depends mainly on economic activity due to its great role in meeting the needs and expenditures of the state . therefore ، Bahrain played a major role in commercial exchange operation ،  whether at home or abroad . whatever the matter

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 23 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التجارة في البحرين من خلال كتب الرحالة والبلدانيين
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Economic life in any of the countries depends mainly on economic activity due to its great role in meeting the needs and expenditures of the state . therefore ، Bahrain played a major role in commercial exchange operation ،  whether at home or abroad . whatever the matter

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
توظيف العمارة المعاصرة في التقليل من الاحتباس الحراري
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