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Investment of Propaganda in Al-Rafidain and Al- Sharqiya News Channels: Content Analysis of News Bulletins from 1/12/2016 to 29/2/2016
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The technological developments in the field of communication have witnessed considerable impact in the variables which exist in following up and conveying the events which link it’s meaning to political implications. This makes a number of satellite channels depend on the techniques of propaganda and use them in the news bulletins to achieve political aims and ends related to its formational directives where those channels allotted a considerable time in its programming transmission map to concentrate on the security and political status to complete the image of the informational scene according to the logic of its propaganda and styles in processing news for daily events.The technological developments in the field of communication have witnessed considerable impact in the variables which exist in following up and conveying the events which link it’s meaning to political implications. This makes a number of satellite channels depend on the techniques of propaganda and use them in the news bulletins to achieve political aims and ends related to its formational directives where those channels allotted a considerable time in its programming transmission map to concentrate on the security and political status to complete the image of the informational scene according to the logic of its propaganda and styles in processing news for daily events.Depending on the descriptive approach, this paper endeavored to achieve two aims: First, identifying the major propaganda styles which are used by Al-Rafidain and Al- SharqiyaNews Channels in their news bulletins. Second, discovering the minor styles which the two channels depend on in investment the propaganda activity within the news bulletins. Content Analysis Method is also used to arrive at the aims of those news implications. Of the results that have been achieved in this study Al-Rafidain and Al- Sharqiyanews depend on exaggeration and inflation as a part of its styles in the propaganda investment within their news bulletins. Moreover, Al-Rafidain Channel concentrates on the style of using Strong Emotional Motives within their propaganda investment whereas Al- SharqiyaNews Channel concentrates on the style which depends on the international reports, studies and statistics to achieve the reliability in their bulletins and propaganda implications. Finally, the study includes the news material which have been analyzed according to the overall restriction style from 1/12/2015 to 29/2/2016.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Application the generalized estimating equation Method (GEE) to estimate of conditional logistic regression model for repeated measurements
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Conditional logistic regression is often used to study the relationship between event outcomes and specific prognostic factors in order to application of logistic regression and utilizing its predictive capabilities into environmental studies. This research seeks to demonstrate a novel approach of implementing conditional logistic regression in environmental research through inference methods predicated on longitudinal data. Thus, statistical analysis of longitudinal data requires methods that can properly take into account the interdependence within-subjects for the response measurements. If this correlation ignored then inferences such as statistical tests and confidence intervals can be invalid largely.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Reactivity Ratios of the Copolymerization Styrene/ Methyl Methacrylate Using FT-IR Spectroscopy with Comparing to Mathematically Method
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Free Radical Copolymerization of Styrene/ Methyl Methacrylate were prepared chemically under Nitrogen ,which was investigated, in the present of Benzoyl Peroxide as Initiator at concentration of 2 × 10-3 molar at 70 °C, which was carried out in Benzene as solvent to a certain low conversion . FT-IR spectra were used for determining of the monomer reactivity ratios ,which was obtained by employing the conventional linearization method of Fineman-Ross (F-R) and Kelen-Tüdos (K- T). The experimental results showed the average value for the Styrene r1 / Methyl Methacrylate r2 system, Sty r1 = 0.45 , MMA r2 = 0.38 in the (F–R) Method and r1 = 0.49 , r2 = 0.35 in the (K–T) Method, The Results of this indicated show the random distri

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Best Level of Parameters for a Critical Buckling Load for Circular Thin- Walled Structure Subjected to Bending
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Circular thin walled structures have wide range of applications. This type of structure is generally exposed to different types of loads, but one of the most important types is a buckling. In this work, the phenomena of buckling was studied by using finite element analysis. The circular thin walled structure in this study is constructed from; cylindrical thin shell strengthen by longitudinal stringers, subjected to pure bending in one plane. In addition, Taguchi method was used to identify the optimum combination set of parameters for enhancement of the critical buckling load value, as well as to investigate the most effective parameter. The parameters that have been analyzed were; cylinder shell thickness, shape of stiffeners section an

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimization of Friction Stir Welding Process Parameters to joint 7075-T6 Aluminium Alloy by Utilizing Taguchi Technique
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In this study, a 3 mm thickness 7075-T6 aluminium alloy sheet was used in the friction stir welding process. Using the design of experiment to reduce the number of experiments and to obtain the optimum friction stir welding parameters by utilizing Taguchi technique based on the ultimate tensile test results. Orthogonal array of L9 (33) was used based on three numbers of the parameters and three levels for each parameter, where shoulder-workpiece interference depth (0.20, 0.25, and 0.3) mm, pin geometry (cylindrical thread flat end, cylindrical thread with 3 flat round end, cylindrical thread round end), and thread pitch (0.8, 1, and 1.2) mm) this technique executed by Minitab 17 software. The results showed th

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Ridge regression method with some classical methods to estimate the parameters of Lomax distribution by simulation
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In this research provide theoretical aspects of one of the most important statistical distributions which it is Lomax, which has many applications in several areas, set of estimation methods was used(MLE,LSE,GWPM) and compare with (RRE) estimation method ,in order to find out best estimation method set of simulation experiment (36) with many replications  in order  to get mean square error and used it to make compare , simulation experiment  contrast with (estimation method, sample size ,value of location and shape parameter) results show that estimation method effected by simulation experiment factors and ability of using other estimation methods such as(Shrinkage, jackknif

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison of Fatigue Life Behavior between Two Different Composite Materials Subjected to Shot Peening at Different Times
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This paper investigated the fatigue life behavior of two composite materials subjected to different times of shot peening (2, 4 and 6 min).The first material prepared from unsaturated polyester with E-glass reinforcement by 33% volume fraction. While, the second one was prepared from unsaturated polyester with aluminum powder by2.5% volume fraction. The experimental results showed that the improvement in endurance limit was obtained (for the first material) at 2, 4 and 6 min shot peening times where the percentage of maximum improvement was 25% at shot peening time of 6 min. While, the endurance limit of the second material decreased at shot peening times of 2, 4 and 6 min where the percentage of maximum reduction was 29 % at shot peenin

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Genetic And Environmental Resources Conservation
Examination the efficiency of NDVI index by comparing with STVI-4 index to recognize the vegetation cover
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 11 2018
Journal Name
دراسات تربوية
Understanding the nature of the scientific endeavor among chemistry teachers according to the Educational Reform Project 2061
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 18 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Circularization Technique for Strengthening of Plain Concrete Short Square Columns Subjected to a Uniaxial Compression Compressive Pressure
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This paper presents an experimental study for strengthening existing columns against axial compressive loads. The objective of this work is to study the behavior of concrete square columns strengthening with circulation technique. In Iraq, there are significantly more reinforced rectangular and square columns than reinforced circular columns in reinforced concrete buildings. Moreover, early research studies indicated that strengthening of rectangular or square columns using wraps of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) provided rather little enhancement to their load-carrying capacity. In this paper, shape modification technique was performed to modify the shape (cross section) of the columns from square columns into circular colu

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The technique of converting multi-choice mathematical programming into linear mathematical programming to find the optimal solution
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The study deals with the issue of multi-choice linear mathematical programming. The right side of the constraints will be multi-choice. However, the issue of multi-purpose mathematical programming can not be solved directly through linear or nonlinear techniques. The idea is to transform this matter into a normal linear problem and solve it In this research, a simple technique is introduced that enables us to deal with this issue as regular linear programming. The idea is to introduce a number of binary variables And its use to create a linear combination gives one parameter was used multiple. As well as the options of linear programming model to maximize profits to the General Company for Plastic Industries product irrigation sy

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