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Is it Time to Develop Government Communication Functions?
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Embracing digital technological advancements in media and communication has led government entities to adopt communication practices fully aligned with the digital and networked system in government communication. Traditional media practices within the government environment increasingly rely on the ability to utilize digital tools and systems for content creation, communication, evaluation, and the management of the entire communication process within an electronic and intelligent framework for government services. Naturally, this transformation has caught the attention of communication and public relations researchers worldwide, as the digital and networked aspects of government communication now form an intellectual and theoretical dimension that cannot be underestimated in studying government communication practices.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Is it possible to teach translation in the classroom?
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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
Is It Possible To Adopt A Budget Of Performance In The Iraqi Government Companies?
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Purpose: The study aims to investigate the extent to which material and non-material requirements are available in applying budgeting programs and performance in Iraqi governmental companies that are not aimed at achieving profits. whose activities are limited to providing services of public interest. This is done by studying the extent to which the requirements of each stage of preparing the programs and performance budget can be met.   Theoretical framework: The process of evaluating financial performance is the main objective of all economic units, whether they are governmental or private economic units. Budgets contribute to the evaluation process by analyzing deviations in the application. The study includes an analytical pres

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of a Training Program to Develop the Skill of Organizing Time for the Kindergarten Department Students
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The current research aims to identify the time-management skills based on the post-test of the experimental group as well as to examine the effect of a training program on developing the skills of managing time among the study sample. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher designed a scale of time management skill included (30) paragraphs. The research reached that the training program is significantly effective in managing and organizing time. There are statistically significant differences in pre-posttest between the experimental and control groups.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the performance of government units according to the government accounting system
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This study aims at clarifying the current performance appraisal system in government units and the extent to which they contribute to the development of the performance of these units by evaluating and measuring the performance of these units on an ongoing basis to subject their services to an assessment and measurement process in order to improve the efficiency of these units to reach their objectives efficiently and effectively. (Iraqi hospitals) by trying to determine the possibility of the government accounting system in the process of evaluating performance, through the comparison of financial performance for successive years and different hospitals using the financial and non-financial model of the evaluati

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Transparency of government performance to the state of iraq
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The most important recommendations of this research are:-

1.The benefit of the other countries experiences about the transparency of the government performance, without depending on the transparency that imitating the other experiences; that may not fit with the Iraqi government units.

2.The Ministry of Finance has to prepare the citizen guidebook about the government performance which is considered an essential document, it should be simple and available for all the parties of relation; and for not specialized citizen for the purpose of simplifying the understanding of government performance details.

3.The benefit of the government units websites of inte

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 27 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Special exercises to develop basketball jump shooting skill
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مستخلص البحث كان الهدف من البحث هو إعداد تمرينات خاصة لتطوير مهارة التصويب بالقفز بكرة السلة للشباب، إذ لوحظ ضعفاً ملموساً ولاسيما عند فئة الشباب في إحراز النقاط في مهارة التصويب بالقفز المحسوب بنقطتين وذلك لصعوبة أداءه إذ ان المدافعين أصبحوا متمكنين من قدراتهم فضلاً عن عامل الوقت عند الأداء يكاد يكون قليل جداً عند اتخاذ القرار. وقد اعتمد الباحثان في إعداد التمرينات مبدأ التدرج من السهل إلى الصعب والتنوع في

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Communication in art Education
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The aim of this research is to find approaches between the communicative process and the teaching of art education. Postgraduate/Masters studies for the academic year 2022-2023.
In the light of this tool, the researcher reached a number of results, most notably: The art education teacher performs his communicative role correctly, as well as his ability to use verbal and non-verbal expressions and positive reinforcement clearly for the benefit of his students, and stimulates the largest number of their senses

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Communication and Outreach and their Relation to Industrial Product Circulation: حنان غازي صالح
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  With the increase of the huge developments that the world witnesses day after day, the contemporary designer tried to reveal his abilities in development and coping with transitions in all types of design discourses such as the functional and technical discourses, and the numerous means of communications included in these discourses and their influence over the recipient, because they carry perceptible, tangible or implicit vocabulary that influences the recipient's relation with the circulation of the industrial product through the effectiveness of numerous means of communication contained in the design products represented by the functional, formal, aesthetic, and technical communication. In order to highlight the importance of

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the government accounting system in preparing performance reports for government units
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The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of government units (Iraqi hospitals) by trying to determine the possibility of the current governmental accounting system to provide information on the performance reports of government units. In order to improve the efficiency of hospital resources management, the services provided by the hospital should be subject to performance measurement and evaluation The importance of the health sector in the provision of services, in order to raise the efficiency of the performance of services provided by government units has reached the researcher a set of conclusions, the most important

  1. The financial reports produced by the accounting s

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Interactive Communication and its Reflection on Social Capital
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The Internet makes the world like a small village. It has the ability to make groups of the same ideas, thoughts, and identity close to each other by gathering them in one place. It is a way to communicate and share information and opinion; shaping and sharing of comprising individuals with common interests and the participation of individuals in a fruitful dialogue results in achieving a set of goals promote ideas and mobilizing people about issues and events of common interests.

To address the relationship of the internet via interactive communication and its ability to achieve social capital and discuss issues and various social events, the study sees that the problem of the study could be formulated as follows:


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