The widespread house sparrow Passer domesticus biblicus has a close association with humans and inhabits almost all ecosystems near human settlements in Iraq. It is exposed to different kinds of parasites in its habitats. Examining of house sparrow for the cestode parasites revealed that 25 specimens of 56 were infected with Raillietina echinobothrida. Intensity among infected male and female hosts with this cestode and its description is provided and discussed. The present finding constitutes the first record for this parasite in house sparrow in Iraq.
Acuaria skrjabini Ozerskaya, 1926 and Dispharynx nasuta (Rudolphi, 1819) Stiles and Hassall, 1920, were found embedded in the mucosa of the gizzards of 26.97% of house sparrows, Passer domesticus biblicus collected in Baghdad City. Their morphometric and meristic features were expressed and compared with that reported in other studies.
The parasite tapeworm (Raillietina echinobothrida) belonges to the class Cestoda, it is responsible for nodular tapeworm disease in poultry .The aim of this study was to determine tapeworm parasites infections in Columba livia from two markets in the province of Baghdad for the period from May to December 2014. From a total of thirty five sample of Columba livia were randomly selected and then examined the elementary canal of these samples. The present study showed that the collected rock pigeon were found six infected with the cestode Raillietina echinobothrida with infection rate (17.14%). The statistical analysis for the characters of the cestode showed significant differences in all recipes, but there were no significant difference
... Show MoreThis study showed that liver of Passer domesticus bilobed the right lobe is cardiac shape while the left is elliptical and the liver colour is brown. It is occupying most of anterior and middle parts of abdominal cavity. The liver is surrounded by Glison capsule which is represented by a thin layer of connective tissue with septum extend peripherally in liver tissue. The liver tissue is formed from polyhedral hepatocyte arrange as irregular hepatic cord surrounded the central vein. Each cell contains one or two nucleus with one or more nucleolus. The blood sinusoid appeared between the liver cells .The hepatic cord arranged radially around the central vein. The portal area is clear and surrounded by connective tissue. Gallbladder is almost
... Show MoreA total of 30 specimens of house sparrow Passer domesticus biblicus Hartert, 1904 (15 females and 15 males) were collected from gardens of some houses in Baghdad city; all birds were dissected to identify the parasites in vesicle, gizzard, intestine, gall bladder and caecum. One species of trematodes Brachydistomum microscelis (Yamaguti, 1933) was found in the gall bladder and two species of cestodes Anonchotaenia globata (von Linstow, 1879) and Raillietina tetragona (Molin, 1858) were found in the small intestine of house sparrow. Morphologic and morphometric measurements were considered.
The genus Brachydistomum Travassos, 1944 is being recorded for the first time in Iraq in the gall bladder of house sparr
... Show MoreDuring the period from September 2013 till the end of July 2014, a total of 340 birds Passer domesticus were collected . The study revealed in exam the sectional tissue of intestine in infected birds which showed a high effect compared with the uninfected birds . These effects were summarized by the destruction in most of intestinal villi and atrophy of others which appeared as webby filaments with each other and their cells have cubidal form  
... Show MoreDuring the period from September 2013 till the end of July 2014 ,a total of 340 birds Passer domesticus were collected from Tikrit city . The study revealed the infection of birds with seven species of cestoda helminthes , belonging to the genus Raillietin . These species included R. tetragona , R. echinobothrida , R. cesticellus and R. ransomi with prevalence infection of 36.1% , 30.1% . 15.0 % and 1.8 % respectively . And the genus Choanotaenia . These species included C. infundibulum and C. passerine with pervatence infection of 15.0% and 0.6% respectively . And the genus Anonchotuenia . The species included A.globate with prevantence infection 1.2% .
... Show MoreTwenty-two of the Starling Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758 were collected in Baghdad city during the period from January to September, 2014, and examined for endoparasites. Ten (45.45%) were found infected with either the cestode Passerilepis crenata (Goeze, 1782) (31.81%) or the nematode Dispharynx nasuta (Rudolphi, 1819) (13.63 %). Morphometric and meristic features for these worms were expressed. D. nasuta is recorded here for the first time from S. vulgaris for Iraq.