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Wettability of nano-treated calcite/CO2 /brine systems: Implication for enhanced CO2 storage potential
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Nanofluids are proven to be efficient agents for wettability alteration in subsurface applications including enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Nanofluids can also be used for CO2-storage applications where the CO2-wet rocks can be rendered strongly water-wet, however no attention has been given to this aspect in the past. Thus in this work we presents contact angle (θ) measurements for CO2/brine/calcite system as function of pressure (0.1 MPa, 5 MPa, 10 MPa, 15 MPa, and 20 MPa), temperature (23 °C, 50 °C and 70 °C), and salinity (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% NaCl) before and after nano-treatment to address the wettability alteration efficiency. Moreover, the effect of treatment pressure and temperature, treatment fluid concentration (SiO2 wt%) and the period of nano-treatment on the wettability of calcite is examined. We find that nano-treatment alters the wettability significantly i.e. intermediate-wet calcite turns strongly water-wet after treatment (e.g. at 20 MPa and 50 °C, θ = 64° for intermediate-wet calcite, and θ = 28° for nano-treated calcite). Consequently, pre-injection of nanofluids will significantly enhanced the storage potential. It was also found that the permanent shift in wettability after nano-treatment is a function of treatment conditions including temperature, pressure, and treatment duration time and that surfaces treated under high pressure and low temperature yield better wettability alteration efficiency. We point out that the change in wettability is attributed to the changes in surface properties of the nano-treated sample. The results of the study thus depict that nanoparticles can significantly enhance storage potential and de-risk storage projects.

Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The reasons for the failure of Bishara CO2 compressor belonging to Southern Fertilizer Company
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In this research study failed Annunciation No. 10 for the fourth phase of the pressure of carbon dioxide of the company for Southern Fertilizers and repeated the failures more than once for the same gospel was a detailed study of the gospel included a series tests for properties Mechanical and Structural addition to the tests microscopic and scanning electron microscope shows m This study parameters and a failure Elal well as the existence of an old internal cracks in the metal of the Annunciation

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study the Performance of Nanozeolite NaA on CO2 Gas Uptake
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The adsorption isotherms and kinetic uptakes of CO2 were measured. Adsorption isotherms were measured at two temperatures 309 K and 333 K and over a pressure range of 1 to 7 bar. Experimental data of CO2 adsorption isotherms were modeled using Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin. Based on coefficient of correlation it was found that Langmuir isotherm model was well suited with the experimental data of CO2 adsorption isotherms.  In addition, Adsorption kinetic of CO2 mixture with N2 containing 10 % by volume CO2 and 90 % by volume N2 were determined in a temperature 36 °C and under the atmospheric pressure .When the flow rate was increased from

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Cutting of Fiber-Reinforced Plastics by a CW CO2 Laser
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In this work, a CW CO2 laser was used for cutting samples of the fiber-reinforced
plastics (FRP) of three different types of reinforcing material; aramide, glass and carbon.
Cutting process was investigated throughout the variation of some parameters of cutting
process and their effects on cutting quality as well as the effect of an inert gas exist in the
interaction region and finally using a mechanical chopper in order to enhance the cutting
quality. Results obtained explained the possibility to perform laser cutting with high
quality in these materials by good control of the parameters and conditions of the process.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Obstacles Avoidance for Mobile Robot Using Enhanced Artificial Potential Field
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In this paper, an enhanced artificial potential field (EAPF) planner is introduced. This planner is proposed to rapidly find online solutions for the mobile robot path planning problems, when the underlying environment contains obstacles with unknown locations and sizes. The classical artificial potential field represents both the repulsive force due to the detected obstacle and the attractive force due to the target. These forces can be considered as the primary directional indicator for the mobile robot. However, the classical artificial potential field has many drawbacks. So, we suggest two secondary forces which are called the midpoint

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Producing CePowders By (LICVD)Process and Using TEA-Co2 Laser
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In this research , Aprocess ( LICVD) was used for producing silicon nitride powders with chemical compositon Si3N4 ,by using TEA-Co2 Laser to induc reaction in the gas phase,  NH3 was used as on additive to SiH4. Reactant gases that were vibrationaly heated by absorbing energy emitted from TEA-Co2 Laser decomposes throug coillsion assisted multiple photon dissociation causing Si3N4 powders. By the dependence of the LICVD process  on  varios parameters such as Laser intensity , total gas pressure, partial pressures of SiH4 and NH3 were investigated. Dissociation rate as a function of Laser intensity and pressure was investigated. The powders obtained exhibit various colors from brown which  is rich in Si to white.This

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 22 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment Using Vaginal Fractional CO2 Laser (10600nm)
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Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is involuntary urine leakage during activities that increase abdominal pressure such as coughing, sneezing and lifting of heavy weights. This is a very common disorder among women with history of multiple vaginal deliveries with an obstructed labor. SUI is considered one of the most distressing problems, especially for younger women, with severe quality of life implications, it caused by the loss of urethral support, usually as a consequence of the supporting structural muscles in the pelvis.

Objective: To prove and demonstrate the effect of a fractional CO2 micro-ablative laser (10600nm) in intra vaginal therapy for treating SUI and achieve a clinical improvement of t

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Treatment of Skin Scar Using CO2 Laser with or Without Corticosteroid
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CO2 Laser (10600nm) is the recent method in the management of challenging skin scar resulting from trauma, burn and surgical wound. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy & safety of fractional CO2 laser (10600nm) in treatment of skin scar. Materials and Methods:Twenty patients with different types of scars treated with fractional CO2 (10600nm) laser, (10 patients) were given additional intralesional Triamcinolone. Results: All of the twenty patients included in this study showed some sort of improvements in scar texture, height and pliability and all of the ten patients who received intralesional Triamcinolone after laser show complete satisfaction. Conclusion:Fractional CO2 (10600nm) laser can be used as alternative, ef

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment of Mild Periorbital Wrinkles in Iraqi Patients
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Background and Objective: Public demand for procedures to rejuvenate photodamaged facial skin have stimulated the use of fractional CO2 laser as a precise and predictable treatment modality. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of fractional CO2 laser system for reducing periorbital rhytids.

Materials and Methods: twenty seven subjects with mild periocular wrinkles, and photoaged skin of the face were prospectively treated two to three times (according to clinical response) in the periorbital area with a fractional CO2 laser device equipped with a scanning hand piece. Improvements in eyelid wrinkles was evaluated clinically and photographically. Subjects also scored satisfaction and

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Immiscible CO2-Assisted Gravity Drainage Process for Enhancing Oil Recovery in Bottom Water Drive reservoir
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The CO2-Assisted Gravity Drainage process (GAGD) has been introduced to become one of the mostinfluential process to enhance oil recovery (EOR) methods in both secondary and tertiary recovery through immiscibleand miscible mode. Its advantages came from the ability of this process to provide gravity-stable oil displacement forenhancing oil recovery. Vertical injectors for CO2 gas have been placed at the crest of the pay zone to form a gas capwhich drain the oil towards the horizontal producing oil wells located above the oil-water-contact. The advantage ofhorizontal well is to provide big drainage area and small pressure drawdown due to the long penetration. Manysimulation and physical models of CO2-AGD process have been implemented

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Efficacy of fractional CO2 laser in management of surgical wound scars
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Background: Atrophic postoperative and traumatic scarring are common cosmetic problems for patients. Combining CO2 laser ablation with a fractional photothermolysis system in a treatment known as ablative fractional resurfacing fulfilling the new demands for a lesser risk of side effects and minimal or no downtime.Objective: To assess the safety and efficacy of ablation fractional CO2 laser treatments for surgical scarring .methods: Twenty one patient ( 14 women, and 7 men ) with various skin types , I to IV , aged 3 to 48 years , presents with 24 scars between June and December 2012 , four patients excluded from study because they are not continued in follow up , the remaining 17 patient completed all 3 treatments & 6 months follow

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