The aim of this paper is to generate topological structure on the power set of vertices of digraphs using new definition which is Gm-closure operator on out-linked of digraphs. Properties of this topological structure are studied and several examples are given. Also we give some new generalizations of some definitions in digraphs to the some known definitions in topology which are Ropen subgraph, α-open subgraph, pre-open subgraph, and β-open subgraph. Furthermore, we define and study the accuracy of these new generalizations on subgraps and paths.
In this paper, new concepts of maximal and minimal regular s are introduced and discussed. Some basic properties are obtained. The relation between maximal and minimal regular s and some other types of open sets such as regular open sets and -open sets are investigated.
In this thesis, we study the topological structure in graph theory and various related results. Chapter one, contains fundamental concept of topology and basic definitions about near open sets and give an account of uncertainty rough sets theories also, we introduce the concepts of graph theory. Chapter two, deals with main concepts concerning topological structures using mixed degree systems in graph theory, which is M-space by using the mixed degree systems. In addition, the m-derived graphs, m-open graphs, m-closed graphs, m-interior operators, m-closure operators and M-subspace are defined and studied. In chapter three we study supra-approximation spaces using mixed degree systems and primary object in this chapter are two topological
... Show MoreThe purpose of this paper is to study a new class of fuzzy covering dimension functions, called fuzzy
In this paper, the concept of semi-?-open set will be used to define a new kind of strongly connectedness on a topological subspace namely "semi-?-connectedness". Moreover, we prove that semi-?-connectedness property is a topological property and give an example to show that semi-?-connectedness property is not a hereditary property. Also, we prove thate semi-?-irresolute image of a semi-?-connected space is a semi-?-connected space.
The concept of strong soft pre-open set was initiated by Biswas and Parsanann.We utilize this notion to study several characterizations and properties of this set. We investigate the relationships between this set and other types of soft open sets. Moreover, the properties of the strong soft pre-interior and closure are discussed. Furthermore, we define a new concept by using strong soft pre-closed that we denote as locally strong soft pre-closed, in which several results are obtained. We establish a new type of soft pre-open set, namely soft pre-open. Also, we continue to study pre- soft open set and discuss the relationships among all these sets. Some counter examples are given to show some relations
... Show MoreThe main focus of this article is to introduce the notion of rough pentapartitioned neutrosophic set and rough pentapartitioned neutrosophic topology by using rough pentapartitioned neutrosophic lower approximation, rough pentapartitioned neutrosophic upper approximation, and rough pentapartitioned neutrosophic boundary region. Then, we provide some basic properties, namely operations on rough pentapartitioned neutrosophic set and rough pentapartitioned neutrosophic topology. By defining rough pentapartitioned neutrosophic set and topology, we formulate some results in the form of theorems, propositions, etc. Further, we give some examples to justify the definitions introduced in this article.
The paper starts with the main properties of the class of soft somewhere dense open functions and follows their connections with other types of soft open functions. Then preimages of soft sets with Baire property and images of soft Baire spaces under certain classes of soft functions are discussed. Some examples are presented that support the obtained results. Further properties of somewhere dense open functions related to different types of soft functions are found under some soft topological properties.
This paper deals with the F-compact operator defined on probabilistic Hilbert space and gives some of its main properties.
In this paper, we introduce and study the concept of a new class of generalized closed set which is called generalized b*-closed set in topological spaces ( briefly .g b*-closed) we study also. some of its basic properties and investigate the relations between the associated topology.
In this paper we introduce a new class of sets called -generalized b- closed (briefly gb closed) sets. We study some of its basic properties. This class of sets is strictly placed between the class of gp- closed sets and the class of gsp- closed sets. Further the notion of b- space is introduced and studied.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54A05