In the present study, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with outside diameters of< 8 nm and 20−30 nm were covalently functionalized with β-Alanine using a novel synthesis procedure. The functionalization process was proved successful using Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, and TEM. Utilizing the two-step method with ultrasonication, the MWCNTs treated with β-Alanine (Ala-MWCNTs) with weight concentrations of 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.075%, and 0.1% were dispersed in distilled water to prepare water-based nanofluids. The aqueous colloidal dispersions of pristine MWCNTs were unstable. While for Ala-MWCNTs and after> 50 days from preparation, higher colloidal stability was obtained up to relative concentration of 0.955 and 0.939 for the 0.075-wt% samples of Ala-MWCNTs < 8 nm and Ala-MWCNTs 20−30 nm, respectively. The measured values of thermal conductivity were in very good agreement with the model of Nan, Birringer, Clarke and Gleiter and increased as temperature, specific surface area (SSA), and weight concentration increased, up to 14.74% for Ala- MWCNTs < 8 nm and 12.29% for Ala-MWCNTs 20−30 nm. The viscosity increased as weight concentration increased, up 25.69% for 0.1-wt% Ala-MWCNTs 20−30 nm, and decreased with the increase in temperature. Since the matching between the measured values of viscosity and the classical models of Batchelor, Brinkman, and Einstein was bad, a correlation was developed and revealed good agreement. The density and specific heat decreased as temperature increased. As weight concentration increased, the density slightly increased up to 0.065% for Ala-MWCNT < 8 nm while the specific heat decreased down to 0.95% for Ala-MWCNTs 20−30 nm, in comparison with water. The equations of (Pak and Cho) and (Xuan and Roetzel) were in good agreement with the measured values of density and specific heat, respectively. The aqueous colloidal dispersions of Ala-MWCNTs that were prepared in this work displayed robust candidature as successful substitutes for the conventional heat transfer fluids in different engineering applications for enhanced thermal performance.
In this research two algorithms are applied, the first is Fuzzy C Means (FCM) algorithm and the second is hard K means (HKM) algorithm to know which of them is better than the others these two algorithms are applied on a set of data collected from the Ministry of Planning on the water turbidity of five areas in Baghdad to know which of these areas are less turbid in clear water to see which months during the year are less turbid in clear water in the specified area.
The present study was conducted as atrial to treat secondary hydatidosis in white mice of species Mus musculus. (Balb/c strain), experimentally infected with secondary hydatid cysts of sheep origin. The immunization process was carried by using CF/PS antigen which consist hydatid cyst fluid (CF) antigen, and protoscolices (PS) antigen mixed together and by using two concentrations 7.5, 15 mg/ml. Then derivatives of Benzimidazole, Mebendazole (M) and drugs Albendazole (A) were used 10 and 40 μm/gm body weight respectively. The mixture of drugs was used one week after challenged dose. Criteria taken into consideration to define the activity of the immunization and chemotherapy in this study were reduction in the numeral of cysts, the coeffic
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Sentiment analysis refers to the task of identifying polarity of positive and negative for particular text that yield an opinion. Arabic language has been expanded dramatically in the last decade especially with the emergence of social websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Several studies addressed sentiment analysis for Arabic language using various techniques. The most efficient techniques according to the literature were the machine learning due to their capabilities to build a training model. Yet, there is still issues facing the Arabic sentiment analysis using machine learning techniques. Such issues are related to employing robust features that have the ability to discrimina
... Show MoreCipher security is becoming an important step when transmitting important information through networks. The algorithms of cryptography play major roles in providing security and avoiding hacker attacks. In this work two hybrid cryptosystems have been proposed, that combine a modification of the symmetric cryptosystem Playfair cipher called the modified Playfair cipher and two modifications of the asymmetric cryptosystem RSA called the square of RSA technique and the square RSA with Chinese remainder theorem technique. The proposed hybrid cryptosystems have two layers of encryption and decryption. In the first layer the plaintext is encrypted using modified Playfair to get the cipher text, this cipher text will be encrypted using squared
... Show MoreThe Capparis spinosa L. is a species has a great interest in the field of traditional medicine for its pharmacological properties with many bioactive compounds. Our study is aiming at the recovery of this species through a phytochemical analysis and an evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant activities of leaves of Capparis spinosa L. collected from natural habitats within the region of Al-Jadriya, Baghdad, Iraq. Phytochemical investigation demonstrated the presence of flavonoids, phenols, alkaloids, tannins, and glycosides in the methanolic extract of leaves. The quantitative analysis of total phenolic contents is being performed by Folin-Ciocalteau method and expressed in terms of gallic acid equivalents. C. spinosa exhibited progress
... Show MoreThe research aims to monitor and analyze the visual and symbolic features, derived from the Omani heritage, and inspired by the concept of local identity, for a selection of contemporary Omani graphic art works, which represent a mixed, multi-category of research sample, comprising three levels: the works of professional Omani artists, and the works of young artists and specialized students, as well as the work of a number of active academics in the field of graphic theorizing and teaching. The sample is also divided - in terms of technical classification - into a category of works executed using traditional engraving and printing media, and a category of works executed using modern and digital graphic printing media.
Through the da